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 65 yrs old
Inland Cities, LA, CA
Registered Mar 30 2016
Released Jun 7 2016

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Aug 3 2023 09:23AM
     Republicans Polled on 2020 Election
There is recent polling showing that 70% of Republican voters still think that the 2020 election was fraudulent! Even with NO proof of endemic voter fraud in any state that had multiple recounts or where Trump and his minions filed lawsuits to prove voter fraud!
The continued lies that Trump, Republican lawmakers, and right wing media outlets tell his supporters are ingrained in their wanting this crook to become president again.

Trump emerged on the scene telling his supporters with his MAGA narrative that those people (minorities and elites) are destroying OUR country! We ( white people) need to take it back in order for us to be the dominant race forever! This method was used in the Nazi Germany with Hitler’s rise.and the persecution of Jews, gays, and minorities.

Americans always boast that America is the greatest country in the world but we all know that is not true! America has become more polarized since Trump took office because he used Hitler’s guidelines by blaming others and playing the victim card! No white person in America should play the victim card when the system is skewed in their favor in every aspect of life in America!

DeSantis and others want to whitewash American history by making slavery and On The Job learning process saying that slaves benefited from slavery by gaining job skills! Racist and stupid at the same time! America is a racist country and will always be until minorities have equal footing on all levels of society per the Constitution! Even though the framers of the Constitution all had slaves! Hypocrisy all the way around.

I think Trump’s base is overrated because he needed to cheat bigly in order to win the 2020 election!
White Americans who support him need to stop being delusional and use common sense! Why would they want a CROOK in the Oval House?


Jun 23 2023 07:57PM
     Trump's Impeachment Expunged?
We have a lot of stupid Republican politicians who want to expunge Trump's double impeachments! McCarthy is listening to MTG and Stefanik about expunging them. Once a politician is impeached, they are impeached, you CANNOT expunge it! Instead of doing their job by governing for their constituents, they are wasting their time on pleasing the worst former president in US History! We need educated people running our country, not idiots.

This is the same logic that Trump and his lemmings used to say that President Obama was not an American citizen! Any US citizen with a basic civic class in grade school knows that you have to be born in the US to be president. Even Arnold Schwarznegger knew that but he figured if he married a Kennedy, he would qualify to run for president.

Trump even admitted at one of his rallies that he LOVES uneducated people! Anyone who gives money to a person who has a private plane and plays golf all day is the definition of a Moron! Also MTG just said that as well, that she did not want to have staff members who are EDUCATED!

Trump said in an interview that he has hit 7 hole-in ones while playing golf! Why does have to LIE all the f@cking time!!


Jun 8 2023 06:21PM
     Trump Indicted Again!
Hopefully, there is a charge for espionage and treason for stealing and trying to use classified documents to probably bribe a foreign government! Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up!! He is a crook! Good things come in threes! Come on Georgia!🤣😂


Apr 11 2023 11:29AM
     Defund the FBI and DOJ!
Donald Trump the indicted con man and crook wants to defund the FBI and the DOJ! Now that he is finally being held accountable for one of his many crimes, he wants to defund our top law enforcement agencies. I remember all of the pushback and criticism when BLM and progressive Democrats were calling to defund the Police, in order to put that money into health and housing resources that could help the community other than paying for police brutality!

I am not hearing anything from the conservatives and RePubicans decrying what the Orange Man is saying because they are hypocrites and are afraid of the MAGA base of deplorables! Donald Trump will continue to play the VICTIM role until he can get enough of his supporters to overthrow democracy, so he can be Dear Leader of a fascist, Nazi white supremacist country.

I still can't get over his supporters sending him money every time he plays the victim role for something he KNEW was ILLEGAL! He is suppose to be a billionaire, right? He spends his money on buying hotels, golf courses, airplanes, yachts, and old white people on fixed income still send him money! Sad! MAGA = Make America White Again!! It ain't going to happen! Democracy will win over every time!


Mar 21 2023 02:52PM
     Willis Reed - The NYC Icon - RIP😢
Growing up in NYC, Willis Reed was a legend! He was the symbol of an athlete playing through pain way before Jordan or Kobe! He brought two championships to the City and was the best captain of the Knicks. I am still a diehard Knicks fan regardless of where I live!
I had the pleasure of meeting Clyde Frazier, another one of my Knick idols several years back. He was on the Knicks broadcasting team when they played the Lakers. I got a signed jersey by him.
He was the coolest athlete ever back in the day wearing fur coats and tailored suits! Willis set the standard for the tough big man like Moses Malone and Charles Oakley!

RIP Willis, you will be missed!


Mar 18 2023 11:17AM
     Trump and his Call for Protest!
Donald Trump needs to be held accountable for his many crimes against the American people and the Constitution! He started an insurrection because he lost the 2020 election fair and square with his continuous lies and conspiracy theories! Over 1,000 of his followers have been put in jail or now have criminal records due to him telling them to Fight Like Hell on January 6th!

Now he wants his followers to protest and riot in the streets to cover his despicable crimes like paying a porn actress hush money prior to the 2016 elections, calling elected officials to overturn his loss in 2020, stealing confidential documents that he probably planned to blackmail people with, fraudulently submitting loan applications with false tax paperwork to scam banks, etc.
Donald Trump only thinks of himself and he thinks that he is a dictator in our democratic society!
I hope his followers are not stupid again to follow his lead because he is guilty for each and crime he has committed. Just like he did not pardon the insurrectionists, he won’t do anything for anyone but himself!

The first thing I taught my kids was to have common sense, book sense will only get you so far! We will see if his followers will do what Dear Leader ask them to do! They know that he is a crook and deserves to be placed in prison so that he cannot run for the 2024 presidency. It is clear to everyone, that Trump is an abuser and an user and he won’t stop until he destroys our democracy and our country! He is NOT a VICTIM of the Democrats, the FBI, or anyone else. He did the crimes, so he must do the TIME!


Mar 11 2023 05:22PM
     Luther: The Fallen Sun on Netflix
I just finished watching this new Luther movie and it is great! Especially ties in with today’s problem of hackers blackmailing companies for money via malware! Luther is a bad MF! He should be the next James Bond!


Jan 3 2023 01:44PM
     Speaker of the House Vote - Three Times!!!
Well, well so the weak ass GOP can’t and won’t nominate Trump-loving Kevin McCarthy! Instead they are trying to nominate weird ass Jim Jordan, another Trump butt-licker! America sees how disorganized and in total disarray the GOP/KKK is in! How are they going to govern when they can not even nominate their leaders!

Whereas, the Democrats who have been passing laws for the benefit of the American people nominated Hakeem Jeffries who is a great leader and speaker! The Democrats are United in their vote unlike the Grand Ole P@ssy party!

Total Chaos in the GOP!!!


Dec 15 2022 03:17PM
Ok, so DT45 said that he had a major announcement today that he wanted his faithful followers to know about! You would think that it would be something bigger than his weak ass announcement that he was running for Prez in 2024! Noooo! Grifter Trump is selling NFTs with his likeness on the digital cards for $99! One shows him like Superman, eyes blazing while ripping open his shirt! I cannot believe 1/3 of Americans voted for this con man and grifter! What happen to people’s common sense and moral compass! I guess people like to give away their money for no good reason! Sad!


Nov 26 2022 05:04PM
     Irene Cara
Irene Cara, actress and singer passed today! Known internationally for her Oscar-winning songfrom the movies Flashdance and and Grammy-winning song and movie Fame! I had a crush on her when I was a young man! Very beautiful and talented! RIP Ms. Cara!🙏🏾✝️❤️😢


Nov 19 2022 09:26AM
     Donald Trump’s New Campaign Slogan
When I heard of IDT45 (I stands for Impeached) new campaign slogan, I thought of the Nazis in Germany! His new racist slogan is: MAGAGA - Make America Great and Glorious Again! Try saying that crap three times and you end up vomiting! Sounds like what the high-stepping Nazis would pronounce as they marched around in circles praising their fearless leader, the short-mustachioed one!

We all know what MAGA meant which is make America White Again! The new slogan means that he wants all Americans to bow before him and his MAGA cronies like man-faced MTG, perv Gates, and fellow grifter Bannon! He is a wannabe dictator that if democracy holds, he will not be in the Oval Office again!


Nov 14 2022 04:44PM
     McConnell and Trump's Racist Attack on Elaine Chao!
Damn, how weak can a man be if he will not defend his wife against a bully that continually tries to demean his wife? What's up with the weak Republican men? This is the second time that Trump has used racist words against his former secretary of transportation Elaine Chao and McConnell or his wife won't clap back! Ted Cruz has the same weak ass spine when Trump publicly said that his wife was ugly and his father plotted to kill JFK! Trump would have had his ass whupped if he called a Black man's wife ugly and made racist remarks as well. He needs to be held accountable, both civilly and criminally! Hopefully, McConnell has something up his sleeves to get back at him because he is also blaming him for the poor midterm election by Republicans when we all know that it is Trump's fault.


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