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 65 yrs old
Inland Cities, LA, CA
Registered Mar 30 2016
Released Jun 7 2016

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Sep 27 2022 08:14PM
     Hurricane Ian
Hurricane Ian is getting to dump a whole bunch of rain and over 120 mph winds on Southwest Florida! Governor DeSantis and his Republican cronies have been shipping immigrants to Democratic cities and demeaning President Biden! However, guess what will happen? DeSantis who has spent taxpayer money to politicize immigrants is going to beg President Biden for federal relief for his state!!
He should have saved that money for situations like this instead of mean-spiritedly using immigrants’ lives for his political gain! He is the worst kind of politician today! Karma is a MF!!


Sep 8 2022 09:39AM
     Steve Bannon
What is it with people that hang out with Trump? They commit crimes and they do not expect to get caught and indicted! They then act like victims and then pronounce to their followers that they are innocent and that the police are coming after them too. Why is there always lies and conspiracy theories attached to why they cheated and defrauded people?

It seems that there is this new playbook that they all use to defend themselves even though they are obviously guilty! He and others stole money from donors on a make-believe border wall scam!
When will MFs take responsibility for the crap they do and admit it? No one is above the law, so all of these crooks and former president 45 need to be held accountable! Period!


Aug 30 2022 03:01PM
     Lindsey Graham and the Rule of Law
Okay so let me get this straight: The RePubecan Party say that they are the party of Law and Order but when it comes to a former president, a weak ass senator, and other MAGA cronies; they are ABOVE the LAW? Butt-licker Graham goes on Faux News and states that if the twice-impeached, grifter, habitual liar, con man, 3x divorced, bone-spur former president is indicted, their will be riots in the streets! I don't understand Graham when on January 6th, he said that he would no longer support the OrangeMan! He and other MAGA sheeples are going to start a civil war over someone who does not care an iota about them, only about himself.

We all know that Trump took those classified documents so that he could sell them or use them as leverage in some sinister way. Yet, MAGA world and senior RePubecans are condemning the FBI for what was their duty to protect our country. To hear and see the rethoric and hypocrisy from the RePubecan Party is dangerous and another January 6th type of event will happen again very soon in the future.


Jun 25 2022 07:50AM
     Happy Birthday June Moon!!🎂👸🏽🍾
June, Wishing you a happy birthday full of fun and laughter as you celebrate today and always!🤩🎊🎉🎈🥰


Jun 23 2022 09:42PM
     The GOP Pardon Posse!
I love it! GOP Reps. Man-Face MGT, Bullet Vest Mo, Jeffrey Epstein Gaetz, Liar Perry, Gomer Pyle Gohmert, and Fake AZ Electors Biggs all wanted pardons from their Daddy Orange-Man Trump for spreading lies about the 2020 election being stolen. Mo came out against Trump the other day because he did not get a pardon! He said that Trump only cared about his ego and his wallet! Ron Johnson of Wisconsin is a total idiot and lying about not knowing about the fake electors that he tried to give Fly on his White Hair Pence on January 6th! His explanation was so stupid and ignorant of his supposed intelligence!

I have my Double Good popcorn ready because they will start to snitch on each other to try and stay in power! The DOJ better hold Trump and his band of deplorable idiots accountable for their action in their attempt to overturn our government by a coup! If the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers can be hit with sedition charges, so should they as well!

Trump is a con man and he conned his supporters who are still supporting him (WTF!!) both emotionally, financially, and politically. Damn sheeples! Stop drinking the Kool-Aid made with piss!

Stop supporting Trump because he will not support you but I understand! White people will support other white people even if they cause an insurrection, lie and cheat, steal money from their supporters, and attempt a coup of the government!! Sad!


Jun 13 2022 11:19AM
     The Big Ripoff!
Growing up I was taught to use common sense and take responsibility for my actions! Common sense told me that Donald Trump and his fellow grifters were pushing the Big Lie after he fairly lost the 2020 election to pocket money from his sheeples! It was clear and evident that was their plan to use small donors’s money to line their pockets instead of proving that the election was stolen!
Even minority Speaker Kevin McCarthy was part of the grift and he stated in private that Trump lost the election fairly!

All of his supporters HXers included who rant daily about President Biden’s failings on the economy could have used the money that they donated to Trump’s grift to help them now! Total victims of a con man who they knew was lying! Imagine $25 million dollars used for his and his fellow grifters’ personal expenses! Stop drinking the Kool-Aid and use your common sense. Stop supporting the grift and the grifter!

Trump and his cohorts have to be held accountable and responsible for their conspiratorial behavior and crimes to overturn our democracy by a COUP! We only hear about coups in third world countries and not America! Yeah, right!

Imagine a sitting president of the US not listening to Team Normal but Team Conspiracy Theory led by a drunk Rudy Giuliani who was once a distinguished mayor of NYC! Sad! I guess everyone does not have common sense no matter their position in life, whether poor or rich!!


Jun 9 2022 03:34PM
     Supreme Court Protection Law
It is amazing how hypocritical the Republican Party is at this moment. Old Man Crow McConnell is blasting the Democratic leadership for not immediately implementing the law to protect SCOTUS and their family members from violence but won't sign laws to protect the American people from weapons of mass destruction! Hearing the pediatrician speak about the damage that these weapons can cause was terrible to hear especially when the victims were so young!

Is it because the majority of the sitting court are Republicans? Eighty eight percent of Americans want background checks including Republican voters. We are being held hostage by a minority of Senators who only care about their next election race and not the American people. When will this madness end?


May 15 2022 01:34PM
     America is a RACIST country and will always be a RACIST country!
For those who say to the contrary, you have NEVER experienced racism in any form. From the first presidents who had slaves, even during Reconstruction after the Civil War which was fought because the Confederacy did not want slavery to end, the Trail of Tears where the Native Americans were decimated, to the Chinese Exclusion Act showing hatred against the Asian populous, to Jim Crow during the Civil Rights movement where dogs and water cannons were used on Black folks who just wanted equal rights and to vote.

Fast forward to America now and you have conservatives and Republicans trying to prevent minorities from voting by gerrymandering, lack of ballot drop-offs and voting polls, etc. You still have banks like Wells Fargo redlining to prevent minorities from purchasing home by not giving them home loans and also devaluating their homes with low ball appraisals! You have crazy conspiracy theories like the Great Replacement or demonizing Critical Race Theory which is actually American History! It is amazing that the White majority can indoctrinate kids like myself by saying that Columbus discovered America (LIE) but won't allow schools to admit that Slavery was bad and that it harmed Black race generationally!

The White majority will always change the rules for its own benefit, i.e. nomination of Supreme Court Justices (When they can be nominated), Tax Laws to benefit the 1% rich people and corporations, Eminent Domain by taking over land that does not belong to them. By the changing the rules at their whim, it keeps them in power. The gaslighting and culture wars are the new way that those in power try to keep us in a subordinate position. As a minority, the more that you are educated in the truth that America is racist country, you will be able to survive in the USA!


Jan 7 2022 08:08PM
     Ted Cruz and the Truth
Wow, finally a Trump-butt licking Senator who told the truth about the violent insurrection on January 6th that so many of them have downplayed over the last year! Wait, what he is backtracking on his comments after No-Chin Tucker Carlson called him out on Faux News! Weak ass Cruz letting Carlson punk him! The Republicans cannot win the midterms because they are a bunch of sniveling cowards! They are no good for our democracy to let a fake journalist and fake network tell them what to do.
I knew Cruz was a coward when he let the Orange-Man call his wife ugly and that his father was part of the JFK conspiracy! I feel sorry for the people of his district to be represented by a coward!


Jan 5 2022 12:30PM
     AG Merrick Garland and the DOJ
AG Merrick Garland just gave a press conference stating that the DOJ will prosecute all those persons no matter who they accountable for the January 6th insurrectionist. Everyone needs to be held accountable even Trump and those Republicans who conspired to overthrow our democracy and government. It is amazing to hear that Trump and his supporters are still saying that the election was stolen. We need to have a federal intervention in voting rights and all all election-related activities.
Americans must be able to vote without their votes being taken away from them by partisan shenanigans.

All of the insurrectionists were Trump supporters and Republicans. Not Democrats, Antifa or BLM protesters. Wake up Sheeples! Trump is using you!

We can debate about politics but no one should die over their choice of political party!!


Dec 13 2021 06:11PM
     Don Jr. and The Faux Network
Well, well so Don Jr. and the Faux Network hosts were calling Mark Meadows on January 6th telling him to tell the OrangeMan to call off his sheeples as they were destroying the Capitol! What is so sad about this was at the time Faux Network hosts were trying to pin the insurrection violence on Antifa and BLM dressed up as Trump sheeples! Meadows also wanted the National Guard to protect the Trump supporters! Imagine IF it was Antifa or BLM, it would have been a bloodbath but instead they let them run wild because Trump did not want them hurt.

Trump and his cronies need to be held accountable for trying to destroy our democracy just to keep him in power. They even had a PowerPoint presentation on how they were going to proceed with their coup on January 6th! They think that they will get away by ignoring subpoenas or pleading the 5th but they will be held accountable. Meadows and Navarro both wrote books about their time in the Trump administration but now they are trying to claim executive privilege! IDIOTS!!

Thank God for Mike Pence who did not want to go for the BS when he knew that he was only in a ceremonial role and was not able to participate in their conspiracy to overthrow our democracy!!


Nov 23 2021 08:34AM
     “Where the White Pastors At”
I was watching the movie Blazing Saddles over the weekend and one of Cleavon Little’s (the Black Sheriff) famous lines was “Where the White Women At” when he got two KKK to chase him and Gene Wilder behind some rocks to beat them up and to steal their robes! That was a comedy!

In real life in the Ahmaud Arbery trial, the defense attorney wanted the court to ban BLACK PASTORS from the court’s gallery because he felt their presence would intimidate the jurors. After making said incendiary remarks, over 100+ Black Pastors from around the country showed up to support the family!

My question is, “Where the White Pastors At” to support the three defendants? If the white pastors showed up would the defense attorney have made those racist remarks? In my opinion, I feel that the white pastors have not showed up because morally they cannot support what these defendants have done!

The defense keeps trying to call a mistrial for every BS reason including too many Black Pastors in the gallery! America is a racist country! They need to be held accountable for their crimes against that young man.


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