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 65 yrs old
Inland Cities, LA, CA
Registered Mar 30 2016
Released Jun 7 2016

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Oct 11 2021 06:54PM
     Raiders Coach Jon Gruden Fired!
The current Raiders coach Jon Gruden aka Chucky has been fired for past EMAILS about racist,
anti-gay, and misogynistic comments. How can you be a leader of men of color in a team game and you are making racist comments about them. Yes, America is racist because you have a former President who has made such comments and you have 70 million Americans who don’t care about the character and integrity of their leader! Thank god, the Raiders’ owner care and terminated him.


Sep 14 2021 01:32PM
     Smarter than the Generals?
Draft-Dodger Trump boasted that he was smarter than his generals when making decisions! Thank God for General Milley and all of the other military officers who secretly met to make sure that the nuclear codes were safe from that war-mongering idiot! As an Air Force veteran, I appreciate their responsibility and patriotism to our country and not to a wannabe autocrat! Trump would have started a war with China in order to stay in power! With him owning the Repubican party, his cronies would have said nothing to prevent him from starting WW3! He is a dangerous to our democracy and has to held accountable for his treasonous plots including the insurrection on January 6th!


Sep 2 2021 07:10PM
     Kevin McCarthy is Bluffing, Part 2
Today, Marjorie Taylor Greene or Man-Face spouted the same crap that McCarthy was spewing about going after the telephone and social media companies if they gave out information. It seems that all of these Republicans do is say stupid shit to get on TV or post on social media! When do they work for their constituents? When do they legislate any meaningful laws for their communities that they represent? They all seem to be on Fox News every day and night saying stupid and conspiratorial BS like Jewish ray beams or reinstatement of a disgusting and disgraced former POTUS!


Sep 1 2021 03:34PM
     Kevin McCarthy is Bluffing!
Let me get this straight that Republican McCarthy is threatening telephone and social media companies if they cooperate by giving out information to the January 6th commission about who spoke to the Orange Man during a two month period! Donald Trump’s lap dog is bluffing because he is scared that the information will show that him, Jim Jordan and others were in on setting up of the insurrection. The Republican Party is supposed to be the party of law and order only when it fits their agenda. DT45 tried to overthrow the US government when he told the justice department to lie to the American people by saying that the 2020 election was corrupt! He said, “ Go ahead and say that the 2020 election was corrupt AND leave the rest to me AND my Republican lawmakers!” These whiny ass Republicans don’t want to be held accountable for anything. They have no morales, they are liars, and they will wreck our democracy if they come back into power! They do not care about the Constitution or the American people. All they care is about power and lying to their supporters!


Aug 9 2021 09:59AM
     Who are the Brown Shirts Today?
Well, it seems the Marjorie Taylor Greene got it all wrong when she likened the Biden’s administration push to get Americans vaccinated from the deadly Delta variant to the paramilitary brown-shirts that helped Hitler’s rise to power! With all of the new information coming out about Trump’s last ditch effort to overturn a just and free election, we now know who today’s brown-shirts are! Dictator Trump tried to get Acting Attorney General Rosen to say that the 2020 election was corrupt and he AND the Republican Congressmen and women will take it from there! The Brown-Shirts are today’s Republican Party that is assisting Trump in his vile overthrow of our democracy! Trump and his allies need to be held accountable for the continued election lies and the January insurrection!


Jul 7 2021 05:55PM
     Dumb and Dumber
The Trump boys are so stupid that they go on social media and confess that their grifter family business cheat on their taxes! WTF! They then go on and say that everyone does it as a way of explaining their actions. This is what happens when your kids can't speak for themselves and they rely on Daddy's money to get through life. Don Jr. even bragged that the Russians gave them money to get out of their financial hellhole when the Orange Man's casinos, airline, steak company, education scam all failed! That is why he licks Vladi's butthole because he owes the Russians money! A former president who lost an election, started an insurrection, impeached twice, cyber bully, habitual liar, and womanizer who is in the pocket of our greatest enemy Russia. Reagan is rolling over in his grave at how the RePubican Party is now the Donald Trump's in another reality skank ass Party. Donald Trump is the Worst President in US History!


Jun 30 2021 06:58PM
     Survey Says!
A survey taken by over 200 Americans ranking U.S. Presidents has Trump in the 41st place out of 45! Even George Bush had a better ranking than Ole OrangeFace! I thought that he would be 45 of 45 to be honest with you. He was in 45th place under the category of Moral Authority. I am sure! He cheated on 3 wives, slept with a porn star, cheated on his taxes, got impeached two times, and sparked an Insurrection! Also he is racist, period. He was ranked 32nd in Public Persuasion, meaning that he would LIE his ass off to the American people or anyone to get what he wanted.


Jun 1 2021 11:44AM
     Naomi Osaka and the Media's Response to Mental Health Issues
Tennis player Naomi Osaka decided to stop playing in the French Open after receiving a fine for not speaking with the media after her 1st match win. She claims that her mental health was in jeopardy due to the unnecessary and in case mean spirited questions that the media was asking her due to her last loss on clay court. One of the tennis broadcaster that vilified her was John McEnroe who called her a Brat! This was total hypocrisy on McEnroe's part! I love the game of tennis and played it semi-professionally when I was younger. McEnroe's on-court antics was horrible and disrespectful to the game and U.S.T.A. . He caused mental health issues for the judges, his fellow opponents, and for viewers. It was shameful to watch him act like a BRAT on national TV and it was every match that he acted that way. He should be the last person calling someone a BRAT! Naomi is a great player but as she said that she is not a public speaker and an introvert. If she feels that her mental health is at jeopardy, then she needs to do what is best for her.


May 9 2021 10:33PM
     Liz Cheney Ouster Vote
The RePubicans are going to ouster Liz Cheney from her leadership position this Wednesday as 3rd in charge because she spoke the truth about the fake despot and prolific liar Orange Trump and the weak Repubican party! Liz obviously has more balls than all the white men and one Oreo in her party put together! I say that because I just heard that she is going to be ousted by a SECRET BALLOT VOTE!!! How f**king weak can you be to get rid of someone by not letting that person know who voted for or against them? I lost all respect for the Repubican Party except for Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney, Charles Hogan, and Adam Kizinger! The rest are a bunch of weak weenies!


Feb 3 2021 07:11PM
     Mr. Big Turtle!
WTF! Marjorie Taylor Greene called Moscow Mitch “Mr. Big Turtle”! A freshman congresswoman talking smack against Moscow Mitch! She got a lot of balls for a UFO/ Solar Rays conspiracy theorist!
McCarthy is afraid of her because she is being pushed to the forefront by the Orange Man/Daddy Liar! RePubicans are weak ass punks that are afraid of their own shadows! She is right about her fellow RePubicans being WEAK!


Jan 18 2021 12:57PM
     WTF - Separate Bedrooms?
No wonder Trump is such a f@cked up President basically the worst in US History! He and Melania slept in separate bedrooms! He wasn’t tapping that ass at all! He was always angry about something. No wonder he was paying Stormy and the other chicks. He probably didn’t even get to smell it! I wonder if he was a cuckold and had BBCs taking care of her while he watched? At least her sorry ass Be Best cyber-bully campaign worked; Twitter banned the world’s biggest bully, her husband! The senate RePubicans need to do their job and convict him!


Dec 5 2020 10:09PM
     Uncle Rudy the Farter!
ErikHotLips and CraneOp, please go get your Uncle Rudy! He is shaming the 74 million delusional Trump supporters by going to court farting and dripping black dye all over his cheap suits! All Trump is doing is bleeding his supporters for money! He don’t give a F_ck about you all! All he cares about is power, money, and golfing which he sucks at! Poor form! He reminds me of Charles Barkley shanking his ass off! The District attorney in NY is going to get his ass on 1/21/2021! He is going to Ryker’s Island. He better not drop the soap! Hahahaha!


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