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 65 yrs old
Inland Cities, LA, CA
Registered Mar 30 2016
Released Jun 7 2016

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Nov 26 2020 09:47PM
     $2.5 Million Dollars Giveaway!
A Trump donor gave $2.5 million dollars to a PAC called True the Vote that was supposed to use the money for the election fraud defense. The donor now wants his money back after Trump’s legal team could not detail one evidence of mass election fraud! He has filed a lawsuit after numerous attempts to get his money back! Trump is a con man and he is conning 74 million supporters! Sad that people still believe in him!


Nov 19 2020 05:03PM
     Uncle Rudy and Black Dye Hair Drip!
Crane_Op, WTF is up with your Uncle Rudy and the rest of his Fraud Squad? Dude, you should make sure that he takes his crazy pill before he walks out the door! It is amazing how you Trump supporters cry fraud only because the OrangeMan lost! If the Presidential race was a fraud, then all of the down ballots where Republicans WON are fraudulent! Common sense you F-cking Idiots! Trump is a LOSER! 😜😂


Nov 13 2020 12:22PM
     306 Electoral Votes and Popular Vote over 5 Million!
Donald Trump got his ass kicked in both the electoral and popular votes! He has been bragging about how he beat HC when he got 306 in 2016. DT45 is a LOSER and he is a lame duck president and he is not even trying to help the country in the COVID19 fight. His Republican enablers are weak and are butt-lickers! Sad for country right now! He does not know how to be gracious in defeat.

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Nov 10 2020 08:26PM
     Trump’s Recount Campaign Fundraiser
It seems that Don the Con is scamming his 70 million lemmings by asking for money to fight Joe Biden’s presidential win! Portions of the money is going towards paying off his campaign debts and for future campaigns. He knows that he has no chance of winning, so he is finding a way to fleece his supporters besides them buying all of that expensive MAGA crap before he moves to Russia with all of their money! I feel sorry for these people who drank the Jim Jones kool-aid and still following this con man! Fleece them like Trump University, Trump Casino, Trump Steaks, Trump Airlines, all businesses that folded via bankruptcy! How does that make him a GOOD BUSINESSMAN? He is a con man and reality TV host, that’s it.

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Jul 29 2020 06:42PM
     Demon Sperm!
Have any of you HXers meet a incubus or succubus while sleeping? Imagine the Trump affirming the idiotic doctor who espouses this crazy non-sense and he won’t listen to health officials who are telling him what needs to be done to stop COVID19! Sad!


Jun 15 2020 08:41PM
     Upcoming Trump Rallies!
Hey HX Trump supporters,
Your Orange Daddy wants you to attend his upcoming rallies but you have to sign an NDA, in case COVID19 gets you! He wants you to attend with NO MASKS and be huddled close together singing the MAGA song, We Are The Idiots”! Guess what? The very rich Trump supporters will be able to wear masks and social distance in the back eating caviar and drinking champagne while you guys are out front screaming and yelling that you love your Daddy! Don’t forget your Confederate flags! Losers! Looking forward to seeing you all on the upper right side of the CNN screen!


Jun 1 2020 11:24PM
     Brazil and COVID-19 Pandemic
As we have seen over the last week and 1/2, the COVID19 virus has hit South America hard especially Brazil and Peru. Even though the CDC and other health professionals state that the Hydroxychloroquine can be a deadly medicine to use to combat the virus, the US sent Brazil a shitload of it to give out to first responders and front line workers! WTF! Are they trying to use the Brazilian people as guinea pigs! SMFH!


May 26 2020 08:20PM
     Race Issues in America!
For those of you white people on HX who think that race is not a problem in America, please watch the video of the Minneapolis officer killing the Black man by pressing his knee in the nape of his neck! Total disregard for this man’s life especially when he is saying that he CANNOT BREATHE! That cop would not treat a white man or white woman like that! What if he did that to one of your family members how would you feel?
We see it all of time how the white police officers treat Black people as opposed to White people during arrests! It is total hypocrisy! In New York City, they beat Black people for not social distancing and wearing masks but give white people warnings and FREE MASKS! WTF is that about!
Race is why Trump is in the White House, because he promised the white majority that he was going to do something about the immigration of brown people from South America to the US and they bought it!

Until we as Americans understand that RACE is the root of all problems that discriminate against people of color, we are still in the Jim Crown era and in slavery. The life of a Black and Brown person are equally worth the life of other races on this earth!


Apr 25 2020 04:50PM
     Lonesome Rhodes
Just watching the movie, A Face In the Crowd with Andy Griffith playing a HillBilly who becomes a media sensation via radio and television! He changed his homespun humor to dark arrogance as he becomes too big and talks crap about his viewers on an open microphone. Reminds me of DT45, how he acts as if he cares about the American people and he only cares about himself! He is no leader in this time of crisis! He gives insane and dangerous information and then backpedals when confronted. He takes responsibility for nothing but has a base of people who will defend him even though they know he is wrong! He can never give a straight answer without the words maybe or might in it. Sad!

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Mar 23 2020 11:44AM
     Trump’s Leadership Skills and Lack Thereof!
I hope those that voted for Trump can see that he does not care about the average American! He only cares about himself, money, and being re-elected. He is confusing everyone with his inane and insane advice via tweets about how we should deal with COVID-19. All he is worried about is getting re-elected, so he is giving information that is not true and can cause more harm to all.
Here we go again with the bailouts to corporations using taxpayers’ money and the CEOs walkout with bonuses and other riches! The Republicans are trying to push through COVID-19 legislation like before where there is no accountability. We can not afford to keep paying for these corporate welfare
bailouts and the average American gets NO HELP!


Jan 21 2020 12:52PM
     Adam Schiff for President!
Adam Schiff ate the Republicans’ asses for lunch! He is a great House Manager, prosecutor, loyal American, and Congressman! Go Adam! Kick their punk asses all three (3) days!


Aug 30 2019 12:18PM
     Hurricane Dorian and Trump
So Donald Trump is cancelling his trip to Poland and sending his butt-buddy Pence instead due to the possibility of Hurricane Dorian hitting Florida. We all know that he does not care about the people of Florida. He only cares about his property in Florida. Just like he bad-mouthed and lied about the aid given to the people of Puerto Rico when the hurricane was upon them. He sounded more like a pimp than the president about how he was the best thing to happen to Puerto Rico! We will vote this corrupt liar out of the White House in 2020. He will go down as the worst President ever in American History and those that votes for this con man; Shame on you!


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