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 65 yrs old
Inland Cities, LA, CA
Registered Mar 30 2016
Released Jun 7 2016

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May 7 2019 10:32AM
Here we go again with another Republican wanting to start a war in order to befuddle and distract the American people, also to eventually profit from it. Trump is doing everything in the last 18 months to try to win re-election. He is demonizing all nations, except Russia and is about to start a war. Old white men like Cadet Bone Spurs always start wars but don’t fight them. He is blocking the House of Representatives from doing their jobs unlike when Nunes provided cover for him the last 2 years! He is a prolific liar, racist, and a misogynist.


Feb 27 2019 02:41PM
     One Black Woman!
There needs to be a serious discussion about race in America especially when the Republicans/ Mark Meadows have one black woman that work for the Trump Organization speak for all Black people that Trump is not a racist! Clearly he is a racist and this was done to dispute Michael Cohen’s testimony today. One minority of a group does not speak for all of us as not one person of the white majority speak for them in most cases. This one black woman was used as a racist prop and it was called out as such and Meadows got offended claiming he was called racist. The majority will never understand how the minority feels unless they have empathy. I don’t mean having the White Savior Syndrome where they feel like they have to take care of us but understand that we are also human beings just like them.


Feb 8 2019 08:35AM
     Presidential Harrasment or Constitutional Oversight?
Now that the Democrats took over the house in a blue wave in November, they will finally put a check on DT45 and his corrupt administration. DT45 and his cronies are crying presidential harassment! Bitches like Nunes and his committee were not doing their job but cock-blocking for Drumpf! Nunes and his committee were “Political Hacks”. The Republicans forgot how they dogged and prevented President Obama from doing his job when they were in charge for 8 years! Drumpf and his family are crooks. Damn hypocrites. We have to see his taxes and I am sure he owes bigly to the Russians and the Saudis! He does not care about every day Americans, all he cares about is money and power!


Jan 24 2019 02:19PM
     Billionaire Wilbur Ross
I never understood what made rural folks vote for Trump who is a billionaire and they had no commonality with him other than being white! He never served in the military, never volunteered for anything or served office! When he needed $, he went to his Daddy KKK Fred Trump. Now we see with shutdown, that he does not give a f___k about the federal workers! Wilbur Ross who is nicknamed the King of Bankruptcy said that the federal workers should get a LOAN instead of going to a food bank. Here is the bankruptcy king saying get a loan, so that if it was him, he would file a bankruptcy to get out of paying back the loan. No empathy when you have a cabinet full of billionaires. Devos has 10 yachts and wants to privatize public schools so that she can make more $ for her billionaire friends, the Koch Brothers.


Jan 12 2019 12:04AM
     DT45 is a Russian Asset and Puppet!!
DT45 is a threat to America’s national security as being the first POTUS to be a asset and puppet of the Russian regime! We all knew Putin has some comprising information on him from day one! Both of his knucklehead sons boasted that Russia gives them a lot of money! They all lied about their contacts with Russian operatives! We have got to get this SOB outta of the Oval Office!! He is a traitor to the US and should be impeached ASAP!


Dec 8 2018 09:10PM
     Individual 1 - Presidential Felon
I am getting my popcorn ready to watch Invidual 1 go down in flames! He is a stone cold pathological liar and he will look good in an orange prison jumpsuit with the #1 on it! Sad! Let see what does weak azz Senate Republicans do! He needs to be impeached and removed from office! Lock him up! Lock him up!


Nov 26 2018 08:29PM
     Melania’s Red Christmas Trees!
From out of a scene in American Horror Story, Melania decides to decorate the White House with Red Christmas trees without any ornaments! What gruesome and creepy taste she has for the Christmas holiday! This is not Halloween Melania! Weird!


Sep 6 2018 02:03PM
     Nike Protest, part 2
Acting like a Victim! You people! If you only listen to me your lives will be better! Sounds like some BS to me. I have never acted or pretended to be a victim! I am looking at factual history! Whenever the majority, say “Why does it always have to do with race”; that tells me that you don’t care and you will never be able to walk a mile in my shoes! Have you ever been to a high-end store, dressed in a suit & tie, a clerk comes by and ask you, “What do you want?”,but ask a white person; “How may I help you” and that person is dressed raggedy! Or followed around the store like you are criminal! Or had multiple white women clutch their purses while walking down the street. I have had those experiences in one day and multiple times in my life. Have you? I would rather we discuss RACE than hearing a bullshit blanket statement every time.
BTW, I have lots of white friends! During speeches, I say “ Look at my Causian-American friend over
there”! LOL! I am going to the mall and buy me some Nike running shoes now!


Sep 4 2018 08:51PM
     Bob Woodward's Book about Trump's White House!
To hear the WH and Trump say that Woodward's book is a total fabrication is a lie in itself. We all know that Trump called Sessions the "R" word and mocked his Southern heritage because that is the type of person Trump is.Trump loves calling people names to make himself feel important! He will go down as the worse President ever in US History! All of his staffers that he picked thinks that he is a dangerous idiot, who might start WW3! Keep drinking the Kool-Aid, Trump supporters! It is poisonous!


Jul 26 2018 06:24PM
     Michael Cohen is the Man!
The FBI has seized over 100 tapes of Trump and Cohen interaction. The biggest bombshell is that Cohen said that LYING ASS Trump knew of the June 6th meeting with Vlad’s Russian team to give him dirt on HRC and he approved it! MF going down! Trump will end up at Ryker’s Island where the brothers, homies, and KKK will bone his orange ass for life!


Jul 21 2018 10:28AM
     Putin’s Veterans Day Parade in America?
Trump is inviting his butt buddy Vlad the Impaler to the US in the fall during the $12 million dollar
parade that Trump wants for Veterans Day! Being that Vlad owns Trump, does that mean Vlad will be overseeing his parade? Why would an American President allow a Russian KGB officer to see the US military’s troops and weapons? This is will be a sad day for all Americans! I can envision Vlad on the Capitol’s steps giving our troops the Russian salute while Trump is standing behind him!


Jul 17 2018 08:58PM
     Trump Said He Misspoke about Russia!
All of you diehard Trump supporters saw how he threw our intelligence agencies and America under the bus as he defended the KGB Putin and Russia yesterday! Today, he read the most ridiculous and idiotic reason for him defending Putin! I hope all of you saw that lame ass excuse that he gave and shook your heads and said why did I VOTE for this treasonous A-hole! Obviously, he is a pawn of Putin and you all know it. He will
bring our nation to ruins, but you won’t care because you will keep believing his lies and bullshit no matter what. WOULD or WOULDN’T you!

Do not write on my blog, if you going to pivot and talk about HRC or Obama or the Democrats! I am talking about Donald Trump, the president who is owned by Russia! Let us see those taxes!!


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