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 65 yrs old
Inland Cities, LA, CA
Registered Mar 30 2016
Released Jun 7 2016

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Jul 16 2018 05:28PM
     MLB Home Run Derby Tonight
Javier Baez will win it! Too bad Judge and Stanton are not in it, or one of them would surely be the winner.


Jul 1 2018 04:34PM
     Cabaret - The Trump Administrationâ��s Playbook
I just watched one of my favorite movies of all time: Cabaret with Liza Minnelli and Joel Grey. It tells of the uprising of the Nazi party in 1930s Germany. All of the same methods and madness was used to bring Trump to power! The vilification and suppression of minorities, the destruction of democracy and use of propaganda to defeat the press, the fear-mongering of anyone who is not white (the Master Race), the overt nationalism being spread by Hitler (Trump) and his cronies, and finally the complicity of the government in not doing anything to prevent the genocide of a race and other minorities! Trump is NEITHER a conservative or a Republican, but he has hijacked the party in his own image. Remember history always repeats itself! Now Trump wants to detain all immigrants in detention centers as long as possible and not let them file for amnesty!


Jun 19 2018 02:08PM
     Spanky and Trudeau - The Wall #2?
Now that Spanky and Trudeau are no longer friends and Canada is no longer an ally; will Spanky build a wall on the northern border? Of course NOT, because there are mostly white people in Canada unlike Mexico! Spanky is a bigot and a racist! He is still spewing that same racist rhetoric that got him elected and his base loves it! He is blaming all of the crime in the US on the Latin immigrants, but when Timmy and Becky does something, he is quiet as a church mouse! He is scaring all you white folks with his smugglers, MS-13, etc. Sad!


Jun 15 2018 10:20PM
     Salmonella Outbreaks throughout the US!
Damn, It seems like every week there is a major salmonella outbreak in the US! Whether it is a fruit, vegetable, cereal, meat contamination. It is a mult-state problem because of distribution centers for the major grocery stores and big box companies. Be careful what you eat!


May 28 2018 08:50PM
     President Bone Spur and the GOP Memorial Day Sale!
As an Air Force veteran who served my country honorably, I am appalled that GOP and Spanky are having a 25% off sale on Trump merchandise with the discount code: Remember! WTF! All he is doing is enriching himself and his family! In his speech, he said that the dead veterans would be happy that he is helping the economy and “Happy Memorial Day”! He will go down as the WORST President ever!


May 20 2018 07:49PM
     Spanky Making Up S__t!
Spanky keeps saying that the Russian investigation is a witch hunt, but look at all of the evidence that points to a conspiracy to affect our democracy by undermining our elections. All of the people that have been indicted and all of meetings that Spanky's campaign members had with Russians! He and his Jim Jones-like followers are continually making up BS to divert attention from the facts. He is scared and just grabbing for whatever lies that he can tell his Kool-Aid drinking base to keep supporting him! Spanky and his organizations are owned by Daddy Putin and his cronies! If you support Spanky, you support Putin! Cowards and Traitors to the American flag and Democracy! SAD!


Apr 30 2018 09:51AM
     Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Spanky!
WTF! President Moon of South Korea thinks that Spanky should get the Nobel Peace Prize for getting both Korean nations talking and possible nuclear disarmament. Even though, the US and South Korea have not verified what NK has in nuclear weapons and whether NK will actually disarm and stop their nuclear program! You award a Nobel Peace Prize when something has been done, not with an expectation! Also South Korea is the only nation that has been exempt from any tariffs that Spanky has imposed and they are not even our closest ally! Sounds like Pay for Play! Sad!


Apr 20 2018 04:35PM
     North Korea Suspending Nuclear Testing!
All of sudden Rocket Man says that he will suspend nuclear and missile testing! Now that we know that Pompeo flew to NK and secretly had talks with Rocket Man over the Easter break. What did Pompeo promise for him to suspend their programs! Less sanctions and/or monetary aid? What?


Apr 2 2018 10:15AM
     Russian Flag over the White House!
Spanky invited Vladimir Putin to the White House in a telephone call last month. He wants Vladi to come see his new office in the West Wing where he can control Spanky more closely! It is sad that Russian media had to tell us about the call! His buddies at Faux (Fox) News did not know as well! Sad!


Mar 30 2018 11:06PM
     Giants beat Dodgers 1-0 Twice!
Seems that the Dodgers' offense is not good in both opening day and night games. They cannot seem to score any runs in both games. Both Kershaw and Jensen giving up home runs to the same batter, Joe Panik. Two more games left in the opening series; hopefully a sweep by the Giants!


Mar 27 2018 10:14AM
     Drumpf’s New Nickname
Drumpf is famous for giving his foes nicknames! His new nickname in the political world after the Stormy Daniels’ CNN interview is SPANKY! Stormy spanked dat ass when they had their sexual rendezvous! I can’t wait for the 2020 elections when his Re-Pubican opposition call him SPANKY!


Mar 19 2018 11:45AM
     Trump Administration, Congress and Your Pensions!
The AG (Leprechaun Sessions) fired the former deputy FBI Director McCabe over the weekend on some political BS. He was told by Drumpf to fire him 2 days away from his retirement so that he will lose his pension. With the reversal of Frank-Dodd banking regulations this past week by Congress, it is clear that Drumpf and his cronies are very pro-business. Therefore, the next shoe to drop will be them going after the pensions of hard-working average Americans to prop up all of these failing businesses and government entities across the country! Beware Drumpf supporters, you f-up by voting for him! Sad!


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