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 65 yrs old
Inland Cities, LA, CA
Registered Mar 30 2016
Released Jun 7 2016

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Feb 27 2018 04:09PM
     Trump the Hero?
Ok, Trump supporters, don’t you ever feel embarrassed that you voted for this man? A lying reality show star? It is amazing to hear the crap he spews out on a daily basis and his base eats it up as if he is really something that is important! Now he claims that he is bulletproof and that he would’ve saved everyone in the school if HE went in! My God, my head was hurting for 2 days after hearing that BS! Especially coming from Joe Deferment - 5x at that! Sad!


Feb 15 2018 09:23PM
     Trump signed HJ Resolution 40!
Donald Trump spoke to the nation via teleprompter in a totally emotional-less speech stating that the problem is mental illness and not guns. How hypocritical, when he signed a resolution last February 2017 allowing mentally ill people to buy guns! It was authored by Rep. Chuck Grassley (who today gave his prayers and thoughts) and it was quietly signed by DT! Now, he gets on TV and lies with false promises to protect all Americans from mentally ill people. Sad!


Feb 6 2018 06:28PM
     Trump’s Military Parade
It is amazing that a 5 times draft dodger wants a big and expensive military parade down Pennsylvania Avenue, tanks and all! He wants to look like a dictator like Hitler, Mussolini, Little Rocket Man, etc overseeing the military might of their country. RePubicans are supposed to be fiscally conservative, so to have this parade would blow a hole in the US budget along with the idiotic wall that Mexico was supposed to pay for! We can use this money to help the homeless veterans across the country. As an Air Force veteran who served my country honorably, I find this very disgusting especially from a silver-spoon sucking draft dodger who is trying to start a war with North Korea! Sad!


Feb 2 2018 09:06PM
     Nunes/GOP/Trump Memo is a F-ing Dud!
After all of the hype by the Repubicans and Nunes about the memo clearing Trump and his lying bunch of cohorts from collusion with da Russians! The doctored memo ain’t s__t! Being that Carter Page was dealing with Russia since 2013, how can you honestly back these treasonous people? As Americans, we are letting Russia control our democracy because Trump is in their pocket. Whatever happened to Country First! Ronald Reagan is rolling in his grave! New movie: All of the Idiot’s Men!
Sad! Most of them never read the FISA reports including Nunes! The Democrats’ rebuttal will make them look even more like stupid idiots! Imagine politizing our National Security! No scruples!


Jan 30 2018 06:20PM
     Trump and A Catastrophic Event in the USA!
Trump says that the only way that we as Americans can come together in unity, is if there is a major catastrophe! How negative can he get before his State of the UNIOM Address! Unlike President Obama who gave us hope and encouragement every time he gave a S of U address, Trump’s address will be one of divisiveness and hopelessness for the future of our country! It sounds like he is planning to go to war! Sad! Resist and Stay Woke!


Jan 2 2018 08:17PM
     Big Fat Old Man and Little Fat Rocket Man! Who has the Bigger Button?
Drumpf is going to start WW3, just to prove his masculinity or lack thereof! For all of you who voted for him, get ready to send your offsprings to war! As in the past, old white men always start s_ _t, but expect the young to fight and lose their lives! That is how Bush and his cronies made $, by starting a war! Sad ass RePubicans have no balls to impeach him! Drumpf is insane!


Dec 12 2017 10:29PM
     “F_ _ _ You and the Horse You Rode On”
Roy Moore, Drumpf and Itchy Face Bannon lost in Alabama’s Senate Race! Thank God for the good people of Alabama, especially the minorities that came out to vote. The older Black voters remembered George Wallace and saw him in Roy Moore, so they did everything they could to get the vote out! Drumpf is next!


Dec 1 2017 03:44PM
     “Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up”
I love it! Kharma has a way of coming back and biting you in the ass. Mike Flynn will have them all locked up including Drumpf, so that he does not try to pardon anyone. Sad that the WH is saying that he was a rogue official! They are still lying and will be charged with conspiracy and obstruction of justice a la Watergate.


Nov 29 2017 12:13PM
     Trump and People of Color!
Regardless of what Trump and his Trump’s supporters might say, he is a stone cold Racist! Pure and simple! No two ways to spin it. Yes, there are more important things that privileged white people say is more important, but we all have to get along! All Trump wants to do is divide the country and try to make us all accept his racist views. His behavior is not normal! Sad!


Nov 9 2017 07:09PM
     Roy Moore - Lustful Evangelical Sinner!
He reminds me of Jimmy Swaggart! Cursing those that he deem sinful but doing the dirty himself!
There goes his candidacy and life as he knows it. I did not hear a peek out of Bannon who supported him against Drumpf's candidate who Drumpf disavowed after he lost! Sad!


Oct 4 2017 07:40PM
     Hypocrite Tim Murphy - Pro-Life? NOT!
WTF! Re-Pubican Tim Murphy knocks up his MISTRESS then tells her to go get rid of it!
The same Tim Murphy who is supposed to be a holier-than-thou conservative who crusades against abortions! She told on him and now he is resigning after a meeting with spineless Paul Ryan! Sad!


Sep 23 2017 11:39AM
     Drumpf and the 1st Amendment!
Ok, so Drumpf gets in front of his 99% white Alabaman base and goes after Black NBA and NFL players expressing their 1st Amendment rights! He wants his white NFL owner friends to fire them!
Here he is though exercising his 1st amendment rights as always by saying whatever the F___ he wants to say! White privilege and double standards! He talks rougher & tougher to the Black players than his butt-buddy Putin! Can you say Collusion! He will never unify this country because he is a RACIST and a WHITE SUPREMACIST! At the rally, he told his white base that if Hillary would've won, she would've taken away their 2nd Amendment rights! What's more important, your 1st Amendment Right or your 2nd Amendment Right? We will continue to resist this foul administration and their racist tactics!


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