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 65 yrs old
Inland Cities, LA, CA
Registered Mar 30 2016
Released Jun 7 2016

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Sep 5 2017 06:46PM
     Who Is An Illegal Alien/Immigrant?
So Drumpf is kicking out the DACA recipients, because he said that President Obama unilaterally allowed them to stay. President Obama tried to get Congress to do their damn job, but they cock-blocked and filibustered to kill his attempts! He tried, but the Republicans/ White People are so hateful! They want to blame everything on immigrants and they are the largest group of IMMIGRANTS in the USA! Hypocrites! It is all about white privilege! They don't want anyone else to have what they have, so they marginalized all other ethnic groups! We need to deport all of the white people in 6 months!


Aug 25 2017 12:29PM
     A Face in the Crowd - Trump's Demise!
As a lover of classic movies, this movie is about a bumpkin (Andy Griffith) that was discovered by a reporter (Patricia Neal) and she made him famous nationally because of his homespun wisdom and boyish charm! Somewhat like a Will Rogers-type person who appealed to the everyday man or woman until he was recorded on a microphone calling his followers sheep and other terrible names! He got too big for his britches and thought that he could treat everyone like CRAP! He went down in flames with his followers and even his Black servants left him! LOL!

This film reminds me of Drumpf, because eventually he is going to say something bad about his band of Deporables, other than he loves uneducated people and that New Hampshire is a druggie state. He is constantly communicating by Twitter and one day, he is going to F-Up and tweet the wrong thing about his base and he will go down in flames like Griffith's character Lonesome Rhodes! He is the WORST President ever in history! He is even tearing the Republican Party apart and he is not even a true Conservative! They got what they deserve though for voting him in! Sad!


Jul 27 2017 07:22PM
     House Republicans calling for a Special Counsel Investigation of Hillary, Comey, and Lynch!
Since Drumpf could not make the Keebler Elf investigate Hillary, etal, the kiss butt House Republicans wants to do it for him. Being that Nunez colluded with the White House to derail the House Republican's investigation of Russian meddling in the election, they decided to appease Drumpf by calling for a investigation of Drumpf's political rival, etal. A waste of my M.F. taxpayer money! Tic for Tac BS! Another diversion of epic proportions! Sad!


Jul 26 2017 07:51AM
     Drump's Boy Scout Speech and Banning Transgenders from the Military
When is Drump going to stop lying and talking about his winning the presidency? He is so insecure and evil! Why talk about red maps when addressing the Boy Scouts making it a political speech! He should talk to them about serving their community and their country! Now he is banning transgenders from the military. At least, they wanted to serve our country unlike Drumpf who cowardly avoided serving 5 times! Sad! 😞


Jul 21 2017 09:36AM
     Spicey is Gone: Another One Bites the Dust!
The arrogant and bumbling mouthpiece for Drumpf is gone! Hopefully, Igor (Sara Huckabee) and the Kraken (Kelly Anne) is next! Nothing but deceit, lies, and drama in this WH! Sounds like a reality TV show! Sad! Double Sad!


Jul 1 2017 09:25AM
     When Trump Met Putin - The Love Story
The Trump-Putin bromance will happen next week at the G20 meeting. What do you think will happen when they meet? A tongue 👅 kiss betwixt them, a butt lick by 45, a hard stare or a WWE handshake? President Obama gave the short MF a hard stare, so I know Trump won't do that. He might do a schoolgirl giggle though!


Jun 14 2017 11:12AM
     Alex Jones and the Republicans
I wonder if Alex Jones will tell Megyn Kelley that the shooting at the baseball field and of the Republican Whip & others was a hoax like he said about Sandy Hook? It was amazing to hear first hand how scared and terrified the Republicans were of the situation that they were in! Let see how they vote when it comes time to put restrictions on assault rifles and the NRA lobbyists! Now that it has happened to them, let's see how they respond! This was the quickest press conference that Drumpf ever gave of sympathy due to a national tragedy. I don't think that he said anything about the anniversary of the Orlando shooting last week! Sad!


Jun 9 2017 10:40AM
     Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!
I can not believe that Sarah Huckabee Sanders could actually say with her deformed straight face that President Drumpf is NOT A LIAR! Please, Drumpf lies about everything from crowd and hand size, to illegal immigrants cheering in NJ, and how he is smarter than the generals! What BS and hypocrisy! The Republican House is backing a pure habitual liar! For Paul Ryan to say that he is new at being in government and use that as a pass for his nefarious, blatant obstruction of justice by telling Comey to stop the Flynn investigation is condescending to all American people, except for his base! Give me a break! Why would he even try to become the President and not understand that he can not direct the FBI director do something totally illegal like what he asked him to do. Republicans get a backbone cuz Drumpf is going to lead our country to ruin! Sad! Very, very bad President! I am sure there is Dummy for President 101 book out there that he could read or maybe the Constitution! You think! He should have Spicey, Kelly or Bannon read it to him at night! Comey is telling the truth! Period!


May 11 2017 12:11AM
     Russian Photographers allowed in the Oval Office, but NOT American Photographers!
DontheCon/Drumpf allowed Russian photographers into the Oval Office to take photos of his meeting with the Russian ambassadors/spies, but would not allow the White House Press Corps in to document the meeting! WTF! Can you say bug the Oval Office! Russian media sent out the photos to show Drumpf smiling while shaking their hands. The Russians and Chinese own Drumpf, they gave him money for his failing casinos and other enterprises! That is why he will not release his taxes!
As a photographer and an Air Force veteran, I am pissed that he allowed them into the Oval Office and not the American press corps. Sad! He made a BIGLY mistake!


Mar 15 2017 11:53AM
     Snoop Dog's Lavender Video
Snoop Dog is being vilified by 45 and his lawyer after he assassinated a clown-like figure looking like 45 in his new video. I remember during 45's campaign when he said that he could stand on 5th Avenue in New York and shoot someone and he would still win the presidency of the US. Hypocrite, big league, so the 1st amendment only applies to him whenever he decides to say or do something outrageous! Like accusing President Obama of wire-tapping his phones at his hotel.
He realized that he made a mistake when he accused President Obama without evidence and he went underground for 10 days until his band of merry men/women made up some ridiculous claims in quotation marks! Sad! He needs to apologize to President Obama, but he won't because that is above his sense of morality and fair play!


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