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Level 4 Male

 75 yrs old
Registered Jun 13 2016
Released Jun 14 2016

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Nov 17 2019 01:32PM
     Women Getting 'Lash Lice' on Eyelash Extensions.
Optometrists say they're seeing an increase in cases of 'lash lice' or Demodex, as they're known medically, because women aren't washing their fake eyelashes. It might seem odd that women would risk having tiny little filthy bugs crawling all over their eyeballs but don't worry there's a good explanation. They're afraid that if they wash their eyes while they have eyelash extensions in the extensions will fall out. That is, apparently, a fate worse than having an eyeball infestation.


Nov 5 2019 07:29PM
     Upscale gentlemen, I see that a lot around here.
I've been trying to determine what is an upscale gentlemen? I Googled it with no results. I guess if I have to ask that excludes me. I'm an old scruffy biker.

So can any of you define upscale gentlemen? It would be greatly appreciated.


Oct 27 2019 10:07PM
     How does she move like that?
I've watched this video a dozen times and can't wrap my head around how she move her feet like that.
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Oct 21 2019 11:45AM
     Today is my 50th anniversary.
On this day fifty years ago I was sworn in to the USAF at the induction board downtown Los Angeles. About fifty of us was bused to LAX and flown by Continental airlines to Lackland AFB in Texas for basic training. Eleven days after my 19th birthday.


Oct 6 2019 06:12PM
     PodcastOne: Sex with Emily
Who listens to her podcast?

Discussing sex and relationships subjects.

Also podcasted on Iheartradio.
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Oct 5 2019 06:20PM
     I have a question.
This morning I was listening to a talk radio show. A guy called in about his home insurance. He lives in Crestline and because of all the fires his homeowners insurance is not being renewed. What's worse in the bank is going to foreclose on his loan because of no insurance. My question is what will the bank do with the property if it can't be insured?

I Googled "can a bank foreclose if you don't have homeowners insurance"? And Google said.

Without homeowners insurance, you're taking a terrific risk. If you have a mortgage on your home, your lender can foreclose on the property in an effort to protect their investment. ... If the insurance lapses, the bank could take the house.


Sep 30 2019 09:28AM
     Science Fiction movies
I love science fiction movies. Space travel, time travel, A.I. and quite a few of the animations are just a few of my favorite subjects but I can't find anything good I haven't seen. I would love some suggestions.

Some of my favorites.

Lucy / Scarlett Johansson

Avatar/Sigourney Weaver

Contact/Jodie Foster

The Arrival/ Charlie Sheen

Ex Machina/Alicia Vikander

All the Terminator movies/Arnold


Sep 14 2019 02:47PM
     Virgin Trains USA is on track Las Vegas to Victorville.
High-speed train to California back on track, construction set for 2020.

Las Vegas is one step closer to having a high-speed train between the Las Vegas Strip and Victorville California.
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Sep 11 2019 11:12AM
     Has anyone tried IFLY?
Indoor skydiving so you don't have to think about your parachute opening before you land.

If you have tried it could you tell me you thoughts about your experience?

I Googled it and there's one in Ontario through Group on, $60 for a training session.
Total experience lasts approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes, and includes:
Training class
Full instruction
Flights in the wind
Gear is included
Personalized progress feedback
Flight certificate
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Aug 30 2019 07:07PM
     Mercury insurance company fined 27 million dollars.
Tue, 05/07/2019 - 13:57 / Appellate Court Holds Mercury Insurance Accountable for Phony Premium Overcharges.

"After over a decade of battling against Mercury's aggressive litigation tactics seeking to evade accountability for its deceitful 'broker fee' overcharges, today justice has finally prevailed and the $27 million civil penalty Mercury must pay the state should send a strong message to Mercury and other insurers that they can't get around the law," said Pam Pressley, senior attorney at Consumer Watchdog.

Why is California keeping the 27 million dollars instead of returning it to the consumer? I've been with Mercury for 30 years, I want my money back.
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Aug 13 2019 09:14AM
     New insurance proposal.
San Jose Mayor Proposes Insurance Requirement For Gun Owners.

The measure would require firearm owners in the city to have liability insurance for their weapons - a first in the nation.

It's a slippery slope and this will spread to all of California.

Also another way to track gun ownership.

This will make it mandatory for the crazy mass murders to buy insurance to cover the damage they do. Now they will be insured to kill.
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Aug 2 2019 03:32PM
     Pig ears.
Consumers are being urged not to buy pig-ear dog treats nor feed them to their pets during an outbreak of salmonella that has expanded to 33 states and sickened 127 people, including 26 hospitalizations.

The warning issued Wednesday by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention comes amid an investigation that has prompted two separate recalls in recent days and weeks. The agencies also advised retailers to stop selling all pig-ear treats for now.
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