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Level 4 Male

 75 yrs old
Registered Jun 13 2016
Released Jun 14 2016

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Aug 7 2023 12:21PM
     I'm going to build a Monarch butterfly habitat.
Milkweed plants are the Monarch butterfly favorite food. I bought a bag of Milkweed seeds from Amazon. My plants are about 10" tall and I already have Monarch catapillas. Once the plants are mature I will build the habitat and transfer the catapillas to the habitat to protect them from predators and release then as butterflys.

I've been following and getting ideas from a guy with an entire room as a habitat. He releases thousands of butterflys.


Jun 10 2023 03:38PM
     FLAMIn' HOT
Eva Longoria's directorial debut. I watched the movie last night on HULU.

A janitor at Frito Lay came up with the idea for flamin' hot Cheetos.

I found it to be a very inspiring movie to the point I'm going to buy a bag of flamin' hot cheetos to see if they are really that good.


May 11 2023 07:43AM
     Peloton recalls more than 2 million bikes over fall hazard.
Bike Model PL01, also known as the original Peloton bike, is the one being recalled. Users are told to immediately stop using the bike and call Peloton for a free replacement bike seat post.

There have been 35 reports of people falling off their bikes with 13 injuries, according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission.
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Mar 22 2023 01:02PM
     Nobody talking about the tornado in Montebello?
Watching the news. They got messed up.


Mar 20 2023 01:14AM
     One Man's Story of Sabotaging President Carter's Re-election
The term "October surprise" was originally used by the Reagan camp to describe its fears that Mr. Carter would manipulate the hostage crisis to effect a release just before the election.

To forestall such a scenario, Mr. Casey was alleged to have met with representatives of Iran in July and August 1980 in Madrid leading to a deal supposedly finalized in Paris in October in which a future Reagan administration would ship arms to Tehran through Israel in exchange for the hostages being held until after the election.
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Mar 1 2023 08:51PM
     Pomona swapmeet & car show.
Pomona swapmeet & car show Sunday March 5th.

Event Hours:
5 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Event Location:
1101 W McKinley Avenue,
Pomona, CA 91768
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Feb 24 2023 09:28PM
     Ponder this

Click link. I don't know why but I couldn't get video to play.
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Jan 27 2023 10:53PM
     Calif. flushed 95% of incoming Delta water to Pacific Ocean during Monday's massive storm.
Calif. flushed 95% of incoming Delta water to Pacific Ocean during Monday's massive storm
The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta is filled to the brim, but Valley farmers and southern California won't get access to much of it. Here's why. After several years of severe drought, the intense storms over the last week would seemingly be a godsend to California and go a long way toward fixing the state's water problems.

But the opposite is happening as the state is flushing out the vast majority of the incoming water into the ocean.

The big picture: Monday's unrelenting rainfall resulted in 101,433 cubic feet per second of water inflow into the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, according to data provided by the Bureau of Reclamation. The rainy first week of the year averaged around 85,000 cubic feet per second of water inflow.

The latest available data recorded Tuesday's inflow total 117,603 cubic feet per second.
Yet on Monday, 95,980 cubic feet per second of water was flushed out of the delta into the Pacific Ocean, leaving a net of five percent of the incoming water to remain in the delta to be pumped and exported throughout the state.

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Jan 24 2023 10:27PM
     These days are you more aware of your surroundings?
Lately I find myself a bit paranoid being out in public. At lunch today I'm sitting facing the entrance of the restaurant and profiling everyone coming in. I also scanned for emergency exits. I find myself being aware in any facility I'm in or walking where there are people I'm scanning everyone that I can.


Jan 1 2023 10:14PM
     01/01/23 California ban diesel trucks with engines 2009 and older.
Beginning Jan. 1, 2023, if you're one of an estimated 76,000 owners who lives or operates in California with a pre-2010 emissions-spec engine, your ability to operate in the state will be in jeopardy.

Nearly 10 years ago, the California Air Resources Board's Truck and Bus Regulation banned the use of all trucks powered by 2006 and older emissions-spec engines, with some narrow exceptions, and beginning in 2023, the rule, along with the similar Drayage Rule for dray operators, takes vehicle bans a step further. If the deadline stands as currently written in the rule, use of all 2007-2009-emissions-spec engines will be prohibited.


Sep 5 2022 05:42PM
     How 1,500 Nuclear-Powered Water Desalination Plants Could Save The World.
Several countries have implemented nuclear desalination, including India, Japan and Kazakhstan. The latter operated a 750-megawatt thermal power plant for over 25 years. This plant not only generated desalinated water but also produced heat and electricity.

How 1,500 Nuclear-Powered Water Desalination Plants Could Save The World From Desertification.

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Jun 14 2022 06:09PM
     Uganda Announces Discovery of Huge Gold Deposits Estimated at 12.8 $Trillion


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