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Level 4 Male

 75 yrs old
Registered Jun 13 2016
Released Jun 14 2016

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May 11 2019 08:22PM
     Los Angeles County measure EE June 4th ballot.
Los Angeles voters will be able to cast ballots on a proposed property tax for schools, but the measure will face a hearing on its validity after the June 4 election.

If approved by two-thirds of voters, Measure EE would raise an estimated $500 million per year over 12 years to help fund traditional and charter schools within the boundaries of the Los Angeles Unified School District.

Unified is proposing a newly allowed per-square-foot formula. At 16 cents per square foot, the owner of a 1,500-square-foot house would pay $240 a year; the owner of a house twice that size would pay twice as much.

But single-family homes would account for only about 20% of the total revenue. Commercial, industrial and institutional landowners would pay the lion's share, which is a major reason various business organizations are vehemently against the measure. Landlords of apartment buildings also would be significant contributors and might pass that expense along to renters in non-rent-controlled buildings. The tax would sunset in 12 years.


Apr 25 2019 07:25PM
How do you know you've been vaccinated, how long is the vaccination valid? I'm sure I got one in 1969 basic training.

I don't remember getting the vaccine recently so I'm calling my doctor tomorrow for her opinion.


Apr 18 2019 02:03PM
     Big Bear Lake Live Eagle Cam.
24 hour live feed, these guys eat squirrels too.
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Apr 14 2019 05:35PM
Spring has sprung and all my seeds I planted in pots are sprouting. This year I'm only concentrating on watermelons and tomatoes. I have several trees that produce every season. Fruits, vegetables and flowers. What did you plant this season?

I'm sitting here in my back yard looking at all the green and loving it.


Apr 1 2019 01:18PM
     It's amazing how smart dogs are.
Some dog had been pooping on my lawn for months. About six weeks ago I moved one of my security cameras to cover the front lawn and it hasn't pooped on my lawn since it saw the camera. God bless technology.


Mar 26 2019 03:29AM
     Avocado listeria outbreak.
Henry Foods Voluntarily Recalled Whole Avocados After Samples Tested Positive For Listeria.
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Mar 6 2019 05:45PM
     North Korea Has Started Rebuilding Key Missile-Test Facilities.
March 5, 2019

North Korea has started rebuilding the facilities it uses to launch satellites into orbit and test engines and other technologies for its intercontinental ballistic missile program, according to American military analysts and South Korean intelligence officials.

The revelation comes days after the breakdown of the second summit meeting between the North's leader, Kim Jong-un, and President Trump last week in Hanoi, Vietnam. It could be a first sign that North Korea is preparing to end its moratorium on missile tests, which Mr. Trump has claimed as a major diplomatic achievement.
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Mar 4 2019 08:27AM
     From the movie Downsizing
She asked him "what kind of fuck you give me?" Love fuck, hate fuck, break-up fuck, make-up fuck,
sex only fuck, drunk fuck, buddy fuck or pity fuck?

Which of these have you had?

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Feb 22 2019 10:07PM
If Senate Bill 395 is passed, Californians would be allowed to legally eat roadkill. Under the law, certain wild animals that are killed on state roads could be salvaged and consumed.

The proposed bill states that over 20,000 deer alone are struck and killed by vehicles in California. According to the bill's authors, that meat could be used to feed those in need.


Feb 6 2019 01:03PM
     Carl's junior beyond burger vegan burger.
Me of non discerning taste tried a Beyond burger yesterday and liked it. To me the texture and taste is close enough to a burger patty that I would buy it over a meat patty sometimes. I'm nowhere near being a vegan, I had steak Saturday and chicken Monday.
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Feb 3 2019 02:01PM
     Proposal to change up to $10 to drive on San Francisco's Lombard street.
I have only driven it once and that was on my motorcycle around 1977. Have you been down Lombard street? Will you go if they start charging?

We spent a week in San Francisco about three years ago but didn't get to Lombard street. Finally got to ride a cable car, visit Alcatraz prison, lunch in China town and lunch on Fisherman's wharf. Stayed in Novato CA. and took the ferry across the bay each day we were there. I think I bugged the hell out of butthead texting and sending pictures about what I was seeing and doing every day.
Attached Links$10-drive-on-sfs-lombard-street/5106124/?amp_js_v=a2&_gsa=1&


Jan 31 2019 05:54PM
     Man seen on video punching 2 women in Los Angeles turns himself in.
According to a witness the ladies punched him first, jumped on his back and called him derogatory names prior to the start of the video.

Should he have just walked away after the women punched him jumped on his back and called him derogatory names? They hit him, he hit them back shouldn't we call it even? He turned himself in and posted bail. Why aren't there charges against the women?
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