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 57 yrs old
Seal/Sunset Beach, OC, CA
Registered May 6 2009
Released Jul 25 2017

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Apr 24 2024 03:07PM
     Has anyone TEMU??
when amazon started I was using before most had any idea what its all about.
now i read temu has taken a 15% market share from amazon/small retail/dollartree/99cent
I must admit, i have not tried temu

anyone have experience?


Mar 22 2024 01:03PM
     Terrorist attack at concert event in Moscow
40 dead reported and many wounded

american intelligence services has previously warned about an impending terrorist attack in moscow and warned americans to not attend public gatherings.


Mar 12 2024 10:00AM
     Jewish man refuse to sit next to a woman and thrown off the flight

A Jewish passenger is suing JetBlue claiming religious discrimination after he was thrown off a plane following his refusal to sit next to a woman.
Due his religion, he cannot sit next to a woman unless it is a blood relative or his wife.

i dont mind people have a religion, practice your religion your way, in your home or in your church.

if burning in hell because you sit next to the wrong person, perhaps you should consider to buy an extra seat, just to be safe.


Mar 11 2024 10:26AM
     male robot named Muhammed inappropriately touch female reporter
A 'male' humanoid robot was unveiled in Saudi Arabia. It then inappropriately touched a female reporter.

looks like it touched her backside.


Feb 19 2024 11:03AM
     Russian pilot who defected to Ukraine found dead in Spain
he and family were given new papers and money and relocated to spain
now found shot dead in his apartment in spain

on top of that

Russia threaten to nuke Berlin, London and Washington - if they are forced back to 1991 borders..


Europe leaders meet to discuss internal alliance as worries trump will leave NATO - and not optimistic about the situation.

and russia was able to take the town of Avdiivka, a big win in the current battle.

things are looking a little dim this rainy monday


Feb 14 2024 01:45PM
     Thursday white house brief of national security threat - related to Russia
said to be related to a russian military capability.


Oct 12 2023 09:56AM
     Trump says Bibi made a mistake and praise Hezbollah for being very smart.
Apparently it came out all wrong.
He was still po about bibi letting him down on the drone strike in 2020 - dude holds a grudge.


Oct 9 2023 11:42AM
     Bill Maher
his show is pretty good, sure he is left leaning and hates trump
but he is also hitting hard on NY and all the other immigrant friendly cities
look at NY, shit - all the shelters are full, tents up everywhere.

the only reason its getting the coverage is because Texas sent the busses.
otherwise it would have been just a Texas problem.


Sep 28 2023 01:42PM
     Safety shot
According to themselves, it can reduce your blood BAC by 50% in half an hour?
If that is correct, it will be a huge success.


Sep 6 2023 09:22AM
     cars and their drivers - if you drive a prius...
amazingly prius drivers think they are invincible and that no one can see them.

yes i drove a prius once, i confess. but it was when the yellow sticker opened up the 405 like a woman in heat.
and it was the most conspicuous ride ever, mine was even white.

i no longer drive a prius but have a def love/hate, ok mostly hate relationship with them prius and their drivers.
as matter of fact, i cant even think of any of my friends driving a prius.


Aug 23 2023 12:04PM
     Wagner leader Prigozhin dead?
Allegedly he was onboard a private plane from Moscow which crashed and all 10 pax died.

how convenient for Putin?


Jul 24 2023 02:08PM
     Pink Flamingos
apparently means something if you see them on a RV

The pink flamingo symbolizes the swinging lifestyle due to its uniqueness, standing out with its color and plumage.


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