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Level 3 Male

 52 yrs old
Ventura, Central Coast, CA
Registered Aug 18 2010
Released Aug 18 2010

2 blogs/42 comments
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Oct 27 2021 05:09PM
     Is there any point?
To having a Gold Coast or central coast region?
No one visits, and acts like a trip to Mars would be easier.
I get that gas is expensive, trust me…GMC 2500HD with a 40 gallon tank.
However, seeing all of the “please help_____” or “no one wants to hang out, so bored” posts
it would seem that a 30 to 40 min drive to make some new regular friends is not “crazy talk.”
But of those that even consider, I have had 3 flake and others with some way out ideas. Does anyone actually hang out anymore or has it just become a political forum?


Jul 21 2020 02:23PM
     Who is it?
With all of the COVID talk/worries, political battles, societal upset- just the shit storm that is 2020. Who is it- who is the one?

The one that you would risk meeting in real life, over the "baby baby I am safe- I don't see anyone, you are my only contact other than my quarantined household."

Is there one THAT cool- that you would say, all the words are probably BS; but take your chances anyway, grabbing a beverage and hanging with?

Or , doesn't matter if she has the body of a swimsuit model, the face of a celebrity, the brains of Neal Degrasse Tyson and the humor of Kevin James...not going to meet NOBODY...until this shit is under control?


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