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Level 2 Male

 50 yrs old
Encino, SFV, LA, CA
Registered Apr 10 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

76 blogs/455 comments
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Jul 9 2022 07:40AM
How do we get the girls on here to be more conscientious about their hygiene? Should taking a shower together become a thing. Maybe a dueling toothbrush and mouthwash experience.

I meant some really great women on here that don't take care of their hygiene the way they would want a visitor to be clean. They where very sweet and kind people, but they really needed to wash.

It is very really important that both parties wash up prior to the encounter. Maybe you just encountered somebody else and you think you don't need to shower, you really do. Don't chance it. Be courteous to the people you are socializing with on here.

May I suggest to everybody. Try gargling and rinsing their mouth out with hydrogen peroxide 3%. Of course don't swallow it and rinse your mouth out with water after.
It has done wonders for me. I was getting that old man breath and I asked a bunch of different people and luckily somebody told me about that. It ended it. And also it helps to dislodges any food particles that I has stuck in my teeth if I hadn't flossed yet.

Remember to wash your feet.

And always take the great relationial advice of the late great Redd Foxx...

#oralhyigene #analhyigene #testiclehyigene #soapandwater
Attached Links
Redd Foxx Wash your


Jun 16 2022 09:37PM
     Gift Card FX purchase advice
When getting a gift card to exchange for FX points, make sure it is from a store that you would actually use the card at. I got a TJ Maxx card and the system is giving me a message of "T.J. Maxx servers are experiencing a temporary network error. Please try again in 1 hour." it been a couple of days. I'm probably going to be stuck with this card from a store I don't shop at.

Moral of the story is if your going to buy a gift card to get FX points, buy it from a store you could use it at if you aren't able to use it here.


Dec 20 2021 07:34PM
     If you could interview a HX member, who would it be and why?

why? please


May 18 2021 09:29PM
What is your impression of girls that have SNOW in their names?


Mar 20 2021 11:20AM
     March 20 World Wide Rally for Freedom
It is happening today world wide. Huntington Beach is having one at the pier at 1pm. Does anybody know if Los Angeles has a location?
Attached Links
Facebook event page link


Jan 19 2021 08:14PM
     Words of Wisdom from the Church Lady!
Not much blood makes it up to our little brain when our tingly, naughty parts are engorged!
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church lady says

No comments yet

Nov 29 2020 11:09AM
     Recall Newsome - It's Happening
Over 800,000 signatures have already been collected in smaller counties. L.A., Orange and San Berdo has not yet collected it's 12%.

This is easy to do.

You can download from the website an 8-1/2" x 11" petition for printing
It has room for five registered California voters.

Make sure the voters are all registered in the same county for that sheet.

Print another petition page for different counties.

Please read the instruction before signing and circulating. Go over the instructions with each person who signs. Video and written instructions are provided toward the bottom of the petition page.

Make sure the name and address is the same as how you wrote it when you registered and sign it the same way.

If you registered "John Winston Smith". Please write it that way. Writing "John Smith" or "John W. Smith" may invalidate all five signatures on that page.

Must be signed in blue or black ink.

We have until March to collect the signatures. There is a list on the website of place to turn in the signatures. Click on the "county info" link to find places to turn in petition or sign petition Please do early because they must be reviewed for validity and turned in to each county registrar's office to be validate. This takes time and effort.

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Nov 12 2020 08:39PM
     Finally something that nails what my politics are really about.
This song describes my politics and and my personality

If you voted for Trump or Biden

If you support BLM or back the blue.

If you think global warming is real is the earth is flat.

This describes you too.
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1 comment

Nov 11 2020 01:26PM
I have found this site to be more balanced than others.

They have a balance of stories linked on the home page for the presidential election.

I have never trusted the mainstream media that calls elections before they are settled.

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Sep 22 2020 08:05PM
     Supreme Cunt
Since we have "Supreme Court" and "Best Cunt" threads, I think we should have a Supreme Cunt thread.

The supreme court has an opening and we all hope the best cunt gets the appointment.


Aug 16 2020 01:51PM
     HX Points via US Mail
was real easy and quick. About three days after I dropped in the mail the points appeared

Money Order extra buck and a quarter

Support HX Support USPS

1 comment

Aug 1 2020 12:39PM
     Girls having a personality crisis on HX?
Lets hear you stories? (please don't cry)


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