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Apr 17 2020 11:59AM
     Trump might be a shitty president, but...
...he's becoming a savvy politician.

He's telling governors to "call their own shots" so if the economy gets worse, he can claim he wants to ease restrictions, but governors aren't cooperating. If governors do ease restrictions and deaths spike, he can blame them for being premature. And if they ease restrictions and the economy improves without an increase in deaths, he can say I told you so and he was right all along.

Very savvy. Slimy, but savvy. Too bad he's looking to save his own ass instead of leading i.e. strong federal oversight so states, cities, federal agencies aren't bidding against each other for PPEs.

And please don't listen to TV "doctors." They're borderline dangerous/reckless with their claims.


Apr 3 2020 03:01PM
     Almost 2m firearms sold March 2020
While I'm all for people protecting themselves, probably shouldn't be panic buying guns.

Most of these firearms were purchased by first time buyers. Not sure if true, but I've read many were surprised how many hoops they had to jump through to get one, contrary to what they've been led to believe over the years.

New gun owners + inability to get training may equal a whole lot of NDs or the used gun market flooded with like new guns in several months, depending how long this lasts.


Apr 1 2020 07:07PM
     If you think spreading stupid conspiracy theories are harmless...
A train engineer just tried to ram his freight train into the USNS Mercy because he thought it was "suspicious" and didn't think it was there to provide relief to hospitals.

Maybe the engineer is just batshit crazy and he didn't read stupid shit on the internet, but dollars to donuts he probably spent time at the same sites Post Op copies & pastes shit from.

And the armed guy who drove to the pizza restaurant in D.C. only to find out it's just a pizza restaurant...after he fired his rifle inside the establishment.

People are fucking stupid. Please gather inside non-ventilated rooms and discuss all your conspiracies in person.
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Mar 17 2020 01:00PM
     Check in on older relatives
Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles...

Make sure they are okay and have the supplies they need, especially medicines.

Face to face contact probably isn't wise so have supplies delivered to them or maybe drop it off at their door.

And if you have older neighbors, probably wouldn't hurt to check on them either.

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Nov 14 2018 10:49AM
     Hooking up above your weight & young people having less sex?
New study came out claiming young people are having less sex than Gen X & Boomers at same ages.

1 theory is that on hook up apps, people are trying to match with people above their league i.e. a male 5 tries to match with a female 7 who is trying to match with a male 9 and so on. People are becoming demoralized when they're not successful. I guess the only ones "matching" are pretty people.

And people are finding it simpler to use porn to rub one out rather than not getting anywhere on those apps...even though they spend an average of 1.5 hours per day on them.

Thoughts? I've been out of the dating scene for years so this is opposite of what I believed. I thought with the prevalence of dating apps people were "matching" like rabbits.


Sep 18 2018 09:55AM
     Trump's Toad

Apparently Trump's penis is shaped like a mushroom

He should've just admitted he banged her and others. As always, it's the lie that gets you, not whether you did the deed or not. See Martha Stewart.

At least he's able to get hotter women than Clinton. That turd would fuck anything that moved.


Aug 24 2018 04:31PM
     Did Duncan Hunter throw his wife under the bus?
The old I'm-not-home-5-days-a-week-so-I-didn't-know-what-was-happening excuse.

He apparently logged $37,000 in overdraft fees over the past 7 years, which breaks down to about 3x per week.

He probably wouldn't have had to use campaign finance funds to pay his bills if he would've lived within his means.



Apr 12 2018 08:09AM
     Can't be both tall and petite
Can be one or the other, but can't be both.

Just pointing out the obvious for those not aware.


Jan 8 2018 11:04AM
     Executive Time
Apparently, Trump starts his day around 11am, has a couple meetings, then most of his day is blocked out for "executive time."

So much for being the President of the United States the toughest job I'm the world.


Nov 9 2017 08:34AM
     Kevin Spacey cut from All the Money in the World
All his scenes are going to be reshot with Christopher Plummer. I've never heard of a finished movie removing an actor and reshooting all of the actor's scenes with another one.

Perhaps HX's resident showbiz experts can weigh in.


Jul 14 2017 07:40AM
     So this is a real thing
I thought it was another social media fake story, but apparently this is real.

So when do Republicans finally admit there's something to this whole Russian election tampering/ collusion/ whatever you want to label it?

Reagan must be rolling over in his grave
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