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Level 4 Male

 51 yrs old
Pasadena, SGV, LA, CA
Registered Oct 18 2011
Released Apr 5 2013

43 blogs/441 comments
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magichands73's Blog Blogs about magichands73 18 people have subscriptions!
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Nov 1 2022 02:03PM
     Dungeons and Dragons
ESPN recently released a video showing professional football players actually playing Dungeons and Dragons. I am actually curious if any of the women here actually play or are interested in playing. I am not looking for a group to play, just merely curious if it's acceptance into the mainstream has even pervaded HX.

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Oct 10 2019 10:47AM
     Sick of the Dodgers losing
I love watching the Dodgers, but this is the third year in a row they have broken our hearts. Clayton Kershaw is one of the greatest regular season pitchers in history but becomes a mental midget during the playoffs. Our big free agent bullpen signing loads the bases and gives up a grand slam. Robert's has one lefty used to to get out Juan Soto and doesn't use him. Doesn't seem to make proper choices at times. And the great Dodgers offense just kept chasing and missing for the majority of the series. Ok rant over! - a disgusted Dodgers fan.


Nov 8 2018 09:15AM
     Thousand Oaks and gun control.
I have never posted a political blog before usually favoring blogs about good eats. However I would like a different tact. I would like to hear from those that own guns on how they feel we can tackle the problem of these mass shootings. I feel our current gun control system is flawed, but I don't think taking away all guns is the answer. So I would like to hear how gun owners would suggest we address this problem.


Sep 15 2017 09:23AM
     Happy Birthday MILFTroublex2!
I hope you have a wonderful birthday! Have an amazing day!


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