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Level 0 Male

 61 yrs old
Orange, OC, CA
Registered Mar 19 2006
Released Mar 20 2008

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Nov 6 2023 05:15AM
     HRC showed clarity

I'd say if Hillary was POTUS and not hamas loving trump Oct 7 may not have happened.
She had it right with the right amount of urgency. And that was 7 years ago. It doesn't help that Netanyahu
has been busy trying to get rid of judicial review while attempting to stay out of jail.

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Jun 8 2023 06:45PM
     Trump Fucks Himself and Blames Others

Trump is in deep deep shit. Taking classified documents, then lying about it. Then lying about classified documents he hid from the FBI. Trump did what he's always done. Throw a lawyer under the bus. Not one, but two lawyers this time. It could've been three but Giuliani got his, "get your ass thrown under the bus card" taken away.

All that orange jackass had to do was give back ALL of the classified documents he stole from the government. They gave him every chance to get out this mess of his own making.

He admitted to taking "his" documents on TV..!!! He was tape recorded by Washington post reporters that millie stopped him from bombing iran by lying about an intelligence report. Then, on the recording you hear trump waving papers around saying to the reporters, I've got the proof right here but you can't see it because it's classified. That violates the espionage act. On tape..!!!

He's going to jail. I think I predicted trump will end up flying to Russia or Saudis and ask for political asylum. The twice impeached, soon to be three time divorced, sexual predator, slandere of old ladies and Ex-president of the United States.


Mar 15 2023 04:27AM

A great way to understand inflation, Egg-Flation and efficiency of markets.

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Jan 6 2023 01:52PM
     Dog catches car moment
The "dog catches car" moment is about to happen and I'm totally intrigued. It looks to me the dog obviously gets in the car and drives the fuck off. Holy shit.!!! They get in fucking car and drive OFF.!!! This reminds me when I got in a car with a guy that was as F'd up as I was.

The perfect occupation for Republicans.???
Directing Gay porn. Telling one man how to fuck the other guy in the ass.

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Kevin Mccarthy


Aug 5 2022 04:22AM

Dick actually got me to cry... WTF

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Jun 21 2022 07:36PM
     The Cheese Stands Alone

It's not looking good for trump. Witnesses with first hand knowledge of trump asking them to commit voter fraud. Rusty bowers arizona speaker told trump "I do not want to be a winner by cheating.” and “I will not play with laws I swore allegiance to,” when trump asked him to switch electors. Rusty asked for evidence of dead and noncitizens voting. They never sent the evidence.

“We’ve got lots of theories, but we don’t have the evidence,” Giuliani ultimately admitted.


Jun 20 2022 12:47AM
     Luttig tells all

I like this guy. A lot . He is what used to be a republican. A really smart, tough guy. He's disgusted with Republicans as am I. Enjoy.

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Jun 17 2022 02:41PM
     Ginni Thomas

Ginni Thomas, or Mrs. Clarence Thomas has been invited to testify before the Jan 6th committee. It seems she was texting mark meadows, Jared kushner, various republican Congressman, and John Eastman. She was also in contact with Arizona republicans talking about "alternate electors ". This is not the worst part.

Ginni thomas in the 80's was involved with "Lifespring". Lifespring was considered a cult because of the way they " deprogrammed" members. If you need to know more I put a link to a story about her subsequent involvement in rescuing people trapped in cults. Ironically her "rescuing " got her in trouble for kidnapping. I digress.

And SUPRISE.!!! She is full blown Qannon. She is hard-core pizzagate. Just like some you nuts here. Ginni thomas is going to appear before the Jan 6th committee and hurl all the conspiracy bullshit. She, like the rest of you deluded morons will appear insane and out of touch with reality.
Then there's the whole insurrection thing. Poor Clarence. Can you say recuse.?
All the time and effort to spew hate and ingest other people's insecurities. All the useless information leading to nowhere. Was it worth the isolation and ridicule.?

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Jun 13 2022 03:38PM
     Reagan: Traitors, liars and cowards

It's nice to hear from Ronnie. And now a word from our sponsors.

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May 29 2022 07:55PM
     Gun shot wounds 9mm vs AR-15

Some information on the mass murderers weapon of choice.

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May 4 2022 02:29AM
     Pro life you bet

Republican politics will be long remembered for their bi polar approach to policy. Like the dog chasing cars inevitably they finally do catch one. this one has eluded them since the days of old. Finally, a victory for LIFE.!!! Saving the innocent. Doing God's will.

Oh, the bi polar part. This means the poor (dark people) catholics (mexicans) and immigrants (everybody else) will be fruitful and multiply. This will make Republicans (white people) become a very small minority very quickly. Once again Republicans do what is against their self interest.


Mar 4 2022 11:22PM
     Secretary of Transportation

Mayor Pete Buttigeig has got his shit together as Transportation Secretary. The senate environment and public works committee hearings sounds boring. But if you want to watch a politician better than bill clinton or smarter than obama. Its mayor pete. The senators ❤️ mayor pete. Dems AND republicans. Mayor pete is really really good. He's got to have a photographic memory. I cant wait for mayor pete to be President pete. He's testifying on CSPAN.


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