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 61 yrs old
Orange, OC, CA
Registered Mar 19 2006
Released Mar 20 2008

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Feb 5 2021 09:24PM
     2021 Dodgers

Wow.. that was a surprise. It seems trevor took less to come home. 3 year 102 mil.
2021@ 2022 @ 45. An opt out after each year. I think Justin Turner would settle for the 2 year deal the Dodgers offered instead of asking for a 4 year deal at 36. The Dodgers want to go all in for the fans. I think they really want the fans to be there in person. 3 cy young award winning pitchers in the same pitching rotation AND walker Buehler. Go blue..!!!


Jan 28 2021 04:41PM
     Now what ?
Really, trump fed the beast by giving them recognition. That's all it took. Trump, being the asshole he is knows this about the crazy white supremacists. All they want is love. Trump literally tells them just that. "We love you. " Right before they storm the Capitol. They were played by the con- man. He lied to them.. he told them he'd be with them. If trump gets his voice back he will lead the " revolution ".

So, how do you stop him from doing the worst thing possible.?


Jan 21 2021 02:38PM

He looks like a man unburdened. He literally looks younger. But thats trumps pettiness. He didn't allow Fauci any access to hair and makeup. Fauchi actually had color in his face today. Not the usual corpse like appearance. Trump is such a jackass...


Jan 14 2021 07:38PM

The Republicans are not backing off the lies. A freshman congresswoman from Georgia is going to file articles of impeachment against joe biden after he takes the oath.

The Arizona GOP wants to censure Cindy McCain for supporting gay marriage and Joe Biden. These assholes are out to settle scores.

The Republican party needs to wake the fuck up. Trying to subvert democracy is not political speech. You idiots are NOT patriots. There is nothing patriotic about waving a fucking Confederate battle flag in the US Capitol. The GOP cannot continue as a political party.

Even the name parler. You fucking idiots are saying parlor. Its par lay. Its a fucking French word.


Jan 3 2021 11:53AM
     The worst thing possible

I guess i should have been more specific. The worst thing possible for those who fall for
his bullshit. Trump has managed to take everybody who bought his bullshit and fly that fucking
plane into the ground. I'm here, standing beside that smoking hole in the ground and I'm laughing my ass off

Whats the word.? schadenfreude.. except not that much. We all lost something. Please learn the lesson. We've paid a very high price for this division. Go listen to the Beatles "All you need is love"


Jan 2 2021 05:28PM
     Now what ?

Lets just call it what they're doing. Its a coup attempt. These traitors and their seditious behavior can not be ignored. This lame attempt to overturn the 2020 Presidential election must be stopped now dead in its tracks. Each attempt has gotten worse in desperation and lawlessness. If this is allowed to grow and become more insane we may lose the ability to prevent all out anarchy. We are now experiencing a mass hysteria. The people enabling this are the POTUS, US Senators and US Congressman. We keep thinking this cant get any worse. I think we need to get ahead of trump. Because he will do the worst thing possible. He never fails. He will try to use the military. Or act like Noriega. The thing that wouldn't leave. I hope this fizzles out.


Dec 5 2020 09:26AM

Now it comes down to this. Anyone who can watch this and say NOTHING is not an american. Trump is tearing apart OUR government. Literally.  This is the worst thing possible. He has the abilty to hurt every single person, pet, business, Democrat, Republican, and you who do his bidding. Yeah you mother fuckers, are now enemy's of the state. I want to thank you personally.
     You offend me.


Nov 12 2020 06:31PM
     The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)

Here's the place to get facts from the heart of the deep state regarding election
security. Enjoy.
Attached Links


Oct 20 2020 05:01PM
     2020 MLB World Series

I was really doubtful the season would even finish. But to their credit MLB pulled it off.
I love this game. Not being able to play anymore is hard enough. Analytics a 60 game season
and the Dodgers making to their 3rd WS appearance in 4 years is something to brighten 2020.
Go blue..!!! Of course Dodgers in 6. Watch Bellinger.


Oct 20 2020 04:41PM
     Voices from the past

Just some words from the past to help us get to the future as a united people.
I must be an optimist at heart.

Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty.”
-Thomas Jefferson

“You will never know how much it has cost my generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make a good use of it.”
-John Adams

“Remember democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet, that did not commit suicide.”
-John Adams

“The preservation of the sacred fire of liberty, and the destiny of the Republican model of Government, are justly considered as deeply, perhaps as finally staked, on the experiment entrusted to the hands of the American people.”
-George Washington

“Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster, and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution, because if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world.”
-Daniel Webster

Yeah... we're not alone. They left us wisdom to help us keep their vision alive. We are at a crossroads.
For us to advance and get beyond the mediocrity we have settled into some old issues need to be
resolved. The legacy of slavery, equal rights, and income inequality have kept us apart. Not one nation under god with liberty and justice for all. The splinter of the republican party had isolated
the worst elements of the right wing. Now is the time for the never-trumpers to reclaim the GOP.
I know the sane part of the Republican party is suffering battered wife syndrome but we can get shìt
done without the trumpers.


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Sep 5 2020 02:17AM
Its impossible to have a discussion with people who do not respect anyone or anything. These trump-bots will NEVER acknowledge making a mistake, or ever being wrong. With one exception. Self-preservation. I call it the jimmy swaggart maneuver. Thats when the apologies and tears flow freely. They will get down on their chubby knees and BEG to be forgiven. They will make promises of change no matter how unrealistic.

      Trump-bots have no beliefs, no morality. Trump-bots only know that it is their world to rule. American exceptionalism. Everybody pays taxes, except them. Everybody has to follow the rule of law. Except them. They think laws are for fags and dems. Everybody has to wear masks. Except for them. When duity calls everybody needs to make sacrifices for the greater good. Except for them. To trump-bots sacrifice is something OTHER people do. Trump-bots will burn down the village to save it.

         Trump-bots will never accept responsibility but they will always take all of the credit. There is no trying to work with them or negotiate. It will always be their way or no way at all. No amount of precedence, tradition or even laws will prevent them from sabotaging the chain of command or disrupting the legislative process to ensure the appearance of ineffective government while placing blame directly on obama, biden, Hillary and the Chinese.

     We cant let this stupid, destructive, un-amarican trump-bot style of politics to take hold of political power ever again. The GOP must die. Republicans in power have turned their backs on the American people and the American way of life. To me Republicans are cowards. They stand for NOTHING. They will do ANYTHING to retain power. This is what Republicans accuse dems of doing. Now, we know its a diversion for trump-bots because they will believe ANYTHING trump says. The last person to know they've been duped. Is the dupe. (Trump-bot)


Aug 17 2020 01:17AM
     What a team!

The team with the best team Earned Run Average 2.49 is the team with the most Home Runs 43. Thats 43HR's in 23 games. THAT gives me a boner. They lead in RBI with 125. Runs scored 128.

Friedman has put together an organization that is the best at finding and developing talent. While lowering payroll. Genius. !!! The stream of players the Dodgers have is embarrassing. Kersh missed opening day. No problem let May start. He wasnt even supposed to be on the active roster. Every year dodger fans are screaming about more relief pitching. And every year Friedman gets more pitching. He gets treinen,
Graterol, and McGee.

Then there is mookie betts. I admit. I thought he was over rated. I thought he was too short. Betts is the real deal. Amazing pitch recognition. His bat control is the best ive seen. To see his eyes widen when he sees a fastball coming inside he gets his hands inside the ball so early i swear he's going to pull it right over deno ebels head foul. But he keeps that ball inside the left field line.

Dodger hero Joe Kelly, said mookie, and Austin barnes have been talking about hitting. Last week Barnes was hitting .143 since then he's hitting over .400 and raised his BA to .250

Go blue.!!!


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