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 61 yrs old
Orange, OC, CA
Registered Mar 19 2006
Released Mar 20 2008

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Mar 4 2019 01:49AM
It's painful how trump fucked up his retirement. He's the prototypical G Man protecting the Constitution.
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McCabe at bookstore


Feb 19 2019 08:34PM
After watching McCabe the last few days I think he and his family have been slandered and defamed by trump and Republican politicians. It seems anyone who defends trump is either ignorant or a liar. The lies are coming from one direction. Regarding Andrew McCab. Any government official who writes a book has to have it vetted by the justice department. When McCabe briefed the gang of eight of opening a counter intelligence investigation on Trump not one Republican questioned his evidence or authority to do so. Not even Devan Nunez. McCabe said one of the guys that had given trump his PDB told McCabe
Trump didnt believe that the DPRK had the capability to hit the USA with a nuclear missile. Trump told the briefer he didn't believe his intelligence. The briefer asked trump where he got his intelligence. Trump fucking told the briefer Puitn said the DPRK couldn't do that yet. How the hell can McCabe NOT open an investigation on trump after what was happening.? All the contact the trump campaign had with Russians then lying about it. Now we're hearing about Flynn trying to sell nuclear reactors to the fucking Saudis with out clearance. By the way, trump is trying to take away 950million that the dept of transportation has marked for California Highspeed Rail Bakersfield to Modesto phase.


Jan 27 2019 03:15PM
     Build that Fn wall !
Declare national emergency along southern border. Takes private property under declaring boarder a :war zone. Begins building wall.


Jan 15 2019 02:11PM
     Now what.? Pt.2
I wrote this on 1/17/17.

" I hope I'm not alone. Trump is comprised. If I'm out of line tell me . I really want to know if I'm being delusional and making a fool out of myself. He hasn't even taken the oath. So technically he hasn't sworn to "protect and defend" the constitution. He should have never gotten to this point. You republicans that sold your souls and back this puppet own this mess. All i can say to you is.. being loud and obnoxious does not make you right.

mbc2000 "

Yeah a hole, obviously "compromised ". Now what.? Its worse than I imagined 2 years ago. The scale of an operation that results in the POTUS is a Russian asset. This is what we know up to this point. We haven't even heard about the money laundering Russians did through trump. Or the computer in Pennsylvania talking to the Deutsche bank computer. This is getting hard to imagine how BIG this Russian attack is after the realization that trump is a Russian puppet. Most of you are still saying the wall will be built and paid for by Mexico. I used to laugh at you. Now you just disgust me.


Dec 13 2018 03:02PM
     Trump = Toast
So Flynn gets to walk. He must have been aware of everything the trump organization was doing. Cohen pleads guilty to breaking campaign finance laws and says trump was in the room. They haven't even looked at Cohen's real estate deals yet. Now the trump inaugural committee is being looked at. All the Russian money that paid for inaugural balls. All this may end with trump resigning or impeachment. What a mess. And it keeps getting worse by the hour.


May 8 2018 06:43PM
     Stupid Wars
This is probably the most cynical political move I've ever seen. This is trump playing pay to play with Netanyahu and Neo-cons. But i cant give trump this much credit for even thinking this deep. Great. Whos cynical now.. ? I know if iran wants to make agreements with individual nations and stay with the JCPOA everything will stay the same. If iran is on a suicide mission it can walk away and restart its nuclear weapons program. Despite trump lying about iran violating the agreement already. I'll believe the IAEA before trump or Netanyahu. This is the Republican party giving all power to trump. All the pieces of the GOP have to go through trump now to do anything. It seems the old power structure has had their nuts whacked clean off. This looks more like a power structure criminal organization.Imagine that. This is tony montana doing lines on the resolute desk. Thanks again for thinking trump would make a great president.


Mar 6 2018 04:12PM
     It's that bad
I actually read the steel report. When a foreign power sponsors a politician and that politician becomes POTUS. That is how you over throw the united states of America. It was more than just trump. Infiltration of the far right. From neo nazi groups to the NRA. All working towards one goal. Elect trump. Trump being the most loyal to Putin. I think republicans need to look at what brought us all to this moment. I know where i stand. This is where we stand together. Or fall divided. I can't believe what i just wrote.



Dec 31 2017 01:34PM
     Coffee boy..?
Coffee boy eh..?
I concider myself good at reading people. I see trump as a man walking a tight rope. I think trump is in big trouble. Papadopoulos is no coffee boy. This guy was arranging meetings russians. And getting drunk with Australian diplomats. Then telling the Aussie the russians have Hillary's and the DNC's emails. The Aussie went to the fbi. Wow someone did the right thing. Thats when the fbi opened an investigation. So right after don jr. met with russians Trump said "“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Mr. Trump said during a news conference here in an apparent reference to Mrs. Clinton’s deleted emails. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.” trump said he was joking. Yeah real funny now. Then there's putin that POS. Just listening to trump talk about the complement putin gave him for the "great job on the economy". Coming from an ex commie thats really fucking funny. Trump is putins bitch. Putin had the nerve to offer to "help" broker peace between USA and south korea." Putin knows how to use trump. Embarrassing. Then there's jared kushner. A month before last years election jared got a 285 million dollar loan from  Deutsche Bank. Deutsche bank who was caught laundering money for guess who..? Russians. These fuckers are in everything. Thats right. Fixing elections too. You know the trump campaign used emails stolen from the DNC by Russians  to attack Hillary. That looks like collusion to me. Why is it always Republicans committing crimes. And look its the same douche that called the obama administration most corrupt  ever. Im starting to think its genetic. Once again thanks a lot you trump people.



Dec 6 2017 06:23PM
     The possibilities
Flynn may have gotten the best deal the feds are going to give in this republican cluster F. I cant believe these guys doing business on cell phones and email thinking no one is watching. If flynn can give evidence to show trump knew or gave direction to represent him in business deals with russians its game over. Wasn't starting a war with iraq enough to show republicans can't be trusted to do the right thing..? Ths first thing to look at is all the gerrymandered districts in red states. Thats one reason trump was able to win the electoral college and lose the popular vote. Oh and of course the Russians online political operation to push the trump base into one large heard. What an ironic analogy.



Jan 17 2017 07:36PM
     Now what ?
I hope I'm not alone. Trump is comprised. If I'm out of line tell me . I really want to know if I'm being delusional and making a fool out of myself. He hasn't even taken the oath. So technically he hasn't sworn to "protect and defend" the constitution. He should have never gotten to this point. You republicans that sold your souls and back this puppet own this mess. All i can say to you is.. being loud and obnoxious does not make you right.



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