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Level 2 Male

 53 yrs old
Orange, OC, CA
Registered Oct 17 2006
Released Mar 20 2008

6 blogs/55 comments
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Apr 7 2020 02:25PM
     Advice v 2.0 to people who still meet up.
In thanks to the site for the years of service to the community, I thought I would post my thoughts on COVID19 and meeting new people. Remember, this is IMHO and YMMV with this advice.

The best thing to do for yourself and the broader community is not meet up. That is simple and obvious.

But lets say you still want to meet up or need to meet up, how can you do that safely?

First, ask yourself if you (not your profile age) are under 40 and have no other underlying illnesses. Ideally the younger you are the less likely you are to get seriously ill from COVID19.

Second, are you meeting someone that is under 40 who have no other underlying health problems? Again, if you have a mild case, you are less likely to injure your new friend if they are younger and healthy.

Third, given that you are likely closing interacting with HX people, are you severely limiting your interactions with everyone else? At the very least this means

- wearing a mask at all times when you go outside your home
- minimize going out of home at all, get delivery when possible
- no extra activities, no parties, no group meetings

And all the above strict quarantine measures apply to all members of your household.

Good luck!


Jun 28 2018 03:50PM
     Don't tell Fubar.
His sister joined the site....

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