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Level 3 Male

 59 yrs old
San Luis Obispo, Central Coast, CA
Registered Jul 26 2009
Released Mar 20 2008

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Oct 20 2022 12:13PM
     Bleached Blondes
Why so many with deer in the headlights looks are trumpers??


Sep 7 2019 02:38PM
     Antonio Brown
To Patriots! I hope he is paying them!


Jul 14 2019 01:20PM
     Trump country
You really can't make up how stupid this guy is. He tweeted that 3 Americans elected by the American public should go back to the country they came from? They were born in the US you pea brain!


Apr 22 2019 09:45AM
So America and Ukraine have more in common than battling Russia. Both have elected a CLOWN with no political experience as their President!


Feb 15 2019 12:32PM
     Kap wins
So burnsie you said he wouldn't get ten cents? NFL just settled with of course no comments from either side, also known as Trump non disclosure, for the collusion case. Want to bet it was a lot more than ten cents? Go kneelers!


Feb 15 2019 09:56AM
Now we know why so many southern whites follow him, they share Obesity! And of course all are super healthy like he is, or so his doc says. Maybe he should read medical journals relating to obesity and causes of death?


Feb 7 2019 02:20PM
     Trump vs Taxes vs Truth
During the campaign he frequently said he would release his taxes. Gets elected and now no reason to, he says no one cares, every poll shows the majority of Americans want them released. He continues to say there is nothing there so no need to release them. Now that Dems are going after them he is having a conniption. He just said the repubs didn't do this to Obama....geez Obama released his taxes you stupid shit! When the Dems took the 5th or refused to testify to Congress, trumpy said that was a sign of guilt. When most of his allies do the same he says they are being abused, now Whitaker says he won't testify if subpoenaed by Congress. How is the truth going to come out if he gets to enforce his non disclosure forms or threatens to sue all his ex staff that write books, that he says are lies? Waterboard time!


Jan 30 2019 09:25AM
     Bible vs Trump
He wants to push for the Bible to be taught in public schools? What a hypocrite he and the religious zealots are. Not many of the 10 Commandments this guy hasn't broken, and continues to break. 10 Commandments summary
You shall have no other gods before Me.

You shall not make idols.

You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.

Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.

Honor your father and your mother.

You shall not murder.

You shall not commit adultery.

You shall not steal.

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

You shall not covet.

And why the repubs/religious nut jobs always going after gays? There are many more posts about fornicators and adulterers than about homosexuals in the bible. Of course there would be at least 50% less people in churches if they kicked out the fornicators.


Jan 25 2019 12:17PM
     Trump loses Wall again
Boo Hoo trumpy. And his favorite adviser, Stone, arrested. His 2 biggest clients....Nixon and Trump! They will suffer the same fate!


Jan 24 2019 09:51AM
OK, how about one of the Trump brown nosers explain why Trumpy didn't get the Wall built while for 2YEARS the repubs controlled Congress? Now that it is split he is shutting down gov for his push?


Dec 27 2018 09:05AM
     If Trump lies to our troops...
while in Iraq he will lie to anyone! He tells them he got them a yuuuge raise of 10%! Too bad none of them checked while he was there to hold him to it. Their raise is 2.6% which is authorized by Congress. Dummy also told them they hadn't gotten a raise in 10 years, but military pay has risen every year for at least 30 years. I know if you google "idiot" it will direct you to Trump, won't be long till you google "liar" and trumpy will also pop up.


Nov 30 2018 06:32PM
     Kareem Hunt to Redskins?
Now that the Chiefs kicked the NFL rushing leader off their team for batting around a woman the Redskins can bring in another woman beater to go along with Reuben Foster! The GM of the Redskins said what Foster did was no big deal?


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