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 59 yrs old
San Luis Obispo, Central Coast, CA
Registered Jul 26 2009
Released Mar 20 2008

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Nov 27 2018 01:53PM
     Gov can save money
So trumpy and his spokeslut suckabee say they don't believe the Administrations own climate report? She said it is not based on FACTS? So what do they need to do wait another 50 years and if any intelligent people left they can look back and state the FACTS?? 13 Federal agencies and hundreds of people worked on this report, no it wasn't the Liberal media that wrote it. So trumpy says he knows more than his Generals, doesn't believe the FBI or CIA, or multiple other Federal agencies, so how about we just get rid of them all and let the orange imbecile run the country like the Dictator he thought he was going to be. Money problems solved!


May 9 2018 10:23AM
     Thanks dems/moonbeam!
You neo cons need to google California economy instead of using your alt facts to downplay the Dems and Brown handling of CA. We are now(again) the 5th biggest economy in the world. Texas is a Trillion down and #11. And now the repubfux want to get rid of the gas tax which has added billions toward our infrastructure repairs. Seems like the repubs and their leader trumpy love to tout infrastructure repairs, but they don't put up money for it. Poor gas guzzlers are hurting pumping their petrol or (clean) diesel? ahhhh.
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Apr 16 2018 04:12PM
     Confused Hannity
He said he never paid Cohen, or received a bill from him, but said anything they discussed is attorney/client privilege??? wtf, if he didn't pay him he wasn't his attorney! But of course Cohen said he gave away his own $130,000 to Stormy because he loves trumpy so much, so maybe he just works for all criminal assholes for free?


Apr 14 2018 11:04AM
     Liar and Leaker?
Pinnacle of trumpy hypocrisy.....the same time he pardons a CONVICTED Liar and Leaker, Libby, he tweets that Comey is a liar and a leaker? Gee, one of them convicted of this and the other just in trumpy's little brain. And one of them leaked info on a CIA agent, and the other facts about trumpy and his wrong doings. And he can't use the old line of he knows Libby is a good man and must be innocent, as he stated he doesn't even know him?


Mar 22 2018 11:54AM
     10th domino falls
The orange queen's personal attorney quits!!! Couldn't take all the alternative facts.


Mar 9 2018 04:58PM
     NRA and repubs
Gotta love it! The NRA files suit against a RED state with red gov to stop gun legislation. They again prove they could give a fuck about human life. I would have no problem with removing the age to buy, but the bump stock and other items should get passed el quicko!


Feb 28 2018 10:06AM
     Oh god, Oprah
Now she says if god gives her a clear sign she may run for president? We already have one person in WH that thinks he is god, and a VP that says Jesus talks to him. How about a prez that puts country first, not his business interests, or nutjob family, or needs god/jesus to tell him what to do?


Feb 27 2018 02:16PM
     Nothing to hide, no collusion...
So trumpy's fav adviser, Kushner, just had his access to info down graded. His trusted adviser, Hope Hicks, has declined to answer questions to House Intel Committee. The only insiders to his rants that are speaking have already plead guilty on fed charges. But trumpy keeps chanting he has nothing to hide and Russian Inquiry is a hoax. Sessions said he couldn't talk because trumpy might want to claim executive privilege? What a crock of shit! But of course the stocks are up, today anyway, and you might get a tax break if wealthy so nothing else is important. And oh, the head of the NSA has stated Trumpy has not given authorization to find ways to stop or punish Russian interference. And the suckabee Sanders put so much spin on this when asked about it, as usual she defected the direct question. And also said Obama should be at blame????


Feb 20 2018 08:56AM
     Trump #1 again...
Or so he would think after turning the standings upside down like he does with most facts!
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Feb 15 2018 07:20AM
     GOP Prays
GOD Bless them . At least 18 school shootings while trump under center. Those GOP, NRA members keep sending worthless thoughts and prayers. How about banning assault weapons and bump stocks to start. I do believe trumpy said no more carnage on his watch.


Feb 13 2018 12:04PM
     Kushner can't pass muster
15 months and this clown can't get full security clearance yet? And trumpy's fav adviser? Must be another witch hunt in looking into his background.


Dec 21 2017 12:22PM
Sure scared the UN! 128 countries told them to go fuck themselves! And Haley will take names? Guess she will have to get writing. Oh, but the strong countries backing US, powerhouses all...Togo, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, Marshall Islands, Guatemala and Honduras. And of course the countries getting big bucks from the US voted for them, Egypt, Iraq, and Afghanistan! So not only do the majority of sane Americans believe trumpy is an idiot, but so does the rest of the world.


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