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Level 3 Male

 59 yrs old
San Luis Obispo, Central Coast, CA
Registered Jul 26 2009
Released Mar 20 2008

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Dec 13 2017 12:15PM
     Moore,trump, god
go into a powwow and get fucked! So trumpy pushed for the guy that Moore beat in the primaries, then he all but kissed his ass to get Moore elected, robo calls, meetings, kellyanncunt promoting him , and still Moore loses, even though he said it would be god getting him the win? And now trumpy says he knew Moore would lose? Can't make this stuff up that this imbecile says? So he promoted the hell out of him knowing he would lose, yea right. Serious delusions of grandeur and inability to take any responsibility for his own actions when he has so many yes men, and huckabee suck ups around.


Oct 24 2017 02:51PM
     Environment Protection Agency
Yea who needs them? China has shut down about 40% of their factories because pollution is so bad. So now they will check them out to update with pollution controls. But trumpy puts chemical and oil industry suck ups in power for EPA.


Aug 31 2017 11:07AM
     Texas Secede
Not too late to get your bumper sticker and support them going their own way. Oh but first their Rep Gov wants about 120 BILLION federal dollars to bail them out.
Texas Secede bumper stickers are available again! (here)
Help others to recognize Secession as a legitimate political choice! "When a government has ceased to protect the lives, liberty and property of the people, from whom its legitimate powers are derived...[it is] the inherent and inalienable right of the people to...abolish such government, and create another in its stead..."
— Texas Declaration of Independence (1836) Gotta love those tough Texans. No one wants laws or governments, until they need them.


Aug 29 2017 08:41AM
Possibly why trumpy dislikes the Muslims and their religion, Islam: Iran has sentenced a msytic leader to death for sodomy and other charges. Since trumpy loves to screw people over he would not like to see sodomy get the death penalty in America!

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Aug 24 2017 12:13PM
     4,000 rabbis vs Trump
No presidential conference call for the orange creep! How about that Jewish son in law and daughter must be stressing out. Since trumpy said only the fake news groups and hateful people were against him I can't wait for his tweets about those damn jews! Of course he will say he canceled the event because he had to get in a coupe rounds of golf.


Aug 23 2017 12:44PM
So the orange nitwit says he will shut down the US Gov if we don't start building his wall murals for Mexico. Ok ditto heads why doesn't your hero get Mexico to pay for their own fence as he said they would?


Aug 21 2017 09:48AM
     Commander in chief/navy
So under this prez we have had 2 major Navy ship impacts with approx 17 lost US soldiers. If this happened under Obama not only trumpy would be calling him a failure as Commander In Chief but all his ditto heads and Breitbart would also be all over him.


Jul 31 2017 12:11PM
Trump is more than obviously a complete lunatic! Kelley says Mooch goes.


May 18 2017 01:49PM
     Criminal Inv vs witch hunt?
Conservative republican Lindsey Graham stated after reviewing specifics of special prosecutor investigation : This should be classified as a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION. Can't remember which media organization Graham works for though.


Apr 19 2017 11:54AM
     O'Reilly/Fox grabbin the pussy!
NO MORE....he is out! Now there is an opening at Fox there should be many misogynist/racist/alternative fact goons on hx to apply for the spot!


Apr 13 2017 10:31AM
     Mother of all Bombs...
And it wasn't N. Korea that dropped it littlemommymaz! Even Ann Coulter has ripped trumpy a new one : "What will we get for bombing Syria besides more debt and a possible long term conflict? Obama needs Congressional approval.
— Aug. 31, 2013:
Be prepared, there is a small chance that our horrendous leadership could unknowingly lead us into World War III.
— Sept. 1, 2013:
If the U.S. attacks Syria and hits the wrong targets, killing civilians, there will be worldwide hell to pay. Stay away and fix broken U.S." Of course trumpy said all this while Obama was president. Major hypocrite, Big, Major, Great!

Read more: A Major conservative site!!


Apr 7 2017 06:25AM
     Trumpy Confused
What part of his campaign promise to keep us out of other countries conflicts did he forget? One imbecil posted we don't have a small pussy for prez anymore, absolutely we have a Ginormous Pussy as president now. Sitting behind a desk and firing rockets doesn't make someone tough. He is probably hiding in a bunker playing golf.


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