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 55 yrs old
Registered Mar 6 2007
Released Mar 20 2008

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Oct 25 2020 06:47PM
     Trump Accomplishments vs Biden Accomplishments
Donald Trump Accomplishments -

Platinum Plan (Plan for Black Communities that includes labeling KKK a terrorist organization, making lynching a federal hate crime, making Juneteenth a federal holiday and putting $500 billion into the black community)
Historic peace agreements between Israel and UAE, Bahrain and Sudan (should also be noted that he did not send $150 billion to a terrorist state in order to achieve this)
Ended US involvement in Syria
Sent weapons to Ukraine
Approved a timeline to remove all troops from Afghanistan
Demanded all NATO countries contribute at least 2% of their GDP
Increased military Base pay
Signed VA accountability Act
Reformed VA healthcare benefits and online access
Repealed the individual mandate in Obamacare
Stopped H-1B replacement of American workers with cheap foreign labor
Tripled the number of federal human trafficking arrests
Killed Iranian General Soleimani (he was responsible for thousands of American deaths)
Signed First Step Act
Acquired record funds for HBCUs
Implemented skill based hiring rather than hiring by degrees
Advocate for School district waivers
Started Police reform
Created Hispanic Prosperity Initiative
Cracked down on Big Pharma making medicine exponentially more affordable
Added over 4 million SUSTAINABLE (take note Obama) jobs
Reformed Medicare to stop hospitals from overcharging low income seniors
Secured $6 billion in new funding to fight opioid epidemic
Created Space Force
Increased net exports by up to $59 billion
Signed Right To Try Act
Deported and arrested thousands of MS-13 gang members
Removed shackles and constraints for pregnant inmates giving birth
Ended family separation at the border
Reunited 95+% of separated kids with their families
Got over 4 million Americans off Food stamps
Acquired the highest median household income in American history
Started and completed 300 miles of new Wall along Mexican border
Negotiated the release of all American prisoners from N Korea (didnt cost anything)

The purpose of this blog is to compare the accomplishments of Trump vs Biden.

Please add to the above list if I forgot to mention a Trump accomplishment Or list a Joe Bidens accomplishment


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