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Level 1 Male

 52 yrs old
Beverly Hills, LA, CA
Registered Apr 15 2006
Released Mar 20 2008

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Jun 5 2019 10:05PM
     fucking a post op vagina without being informed.
I just saw a girl... .. not from hx...
Very pretty and tall.
But I sensed a masculine engergy.
I made her pull her pamties off.... cuz I wanted to make she wasnt trans....and had a penis.
She didnt.... there was a pussy there, but it looked off.
It was molded to look perfect.
a sensitive clit on top... but the hole was not in the correct location... it was kinda low in relation to the whole vagina.

I didnt kiss this person, and at first I just jacked off.... She rubbed her clit, so I put a finger inside...felt pretty real.... So I said.... fuck it. slipped on a cover and went for it.

We both came. I could feel contractions on my cock.

Was I just tripping?

Was that pussy god given or surgically done?

This girl was very sweet, nice, beautiful. I didnt want to cause a scene or hurt her feelings.... cuz she was very nice and sexy...

BUT.... Dont you think she should tell me she was Post Op vagina??

I didnt want to ask... cuz if she was born a woman with woman parts I guess that would be rude. But Im sure.... that pussy was not typically what Ive seen. And Ive seen a lot of pussies.

It looked like a pocket pussy from the hustler store... too perfect and again the hole location...

Does anyone have experience with this??
Is it right for her to NOT disclose this to me? or am I just a bigot? Should I downrate her when she joins hx?


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