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Level 2 Male

 80 yrs old
Santa Monica, LA, CA
Registered Oct 1 2009
Released Mar 20 2008

8 blogs/106 comments
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Jan 29 2024 04:10PM
     Which is worse in a customer? fat or old ?
Although I segregate whites from colors in the laundry, my only prejudice is against fat people. Since covid, I have developed a beer-gut making me a fat person. Deserved to get it much younger based on consumption.

I've been old for quite a few years now. In the 'real world' that is a deal-breaker with attractive women all by itself (I'm not rich enough to compensate). Good conversation comes easily, but I don't get laid. So I have been on this site for a while. Age alone doesn't seem to be a problem for many of the ladies.

Due to old, fat, and emphysema I have felt too disgusting to participate for a few months now.

My question for the ladies is "Just what limit do you have before you are unwilling to enjoy doing the job?"


May 29 2023 08:20PM
     Ukraine war
Both sides of the political spectrum here might enjoy the coverage by TVP (Poland). It is easily available on YouTube. They feature infantry level helmet cams and drone footage of Ukrainian army personnel. Also cogent analyses.
Attached Links


May 15 2023 12:45AM
     Have we learned nothing?
70 years ago, when I began to study sex, those women who could/would speak out complained that men couldn’t find a clitoris. Let alone manipulate it to their pleasure. According to blogs, “Holly Randall Unfiltered” and standup comediennes, that is still true.


Apr 7 2021 01:44AM
     Ken Burns
Ken Burns has been featured in zoom interviews from his home several times recently.
In the background is a sofa that is partially covered by what appears to be an American Flag.

But it isn't. The section with stars is rotated 90° relative to the stripes.
Has anyone else noticed?


Mar 10 2021 08:49PM
     opinion poll
Ladies, I don't remember hearing YOUR opinion.

Do you prefer 'man-scaping,' trimmed, or natural?
"Don't give a damn" is also a valid choice.

500 Hxp for most creative response. I am sole judge.


Nov 26 2020 12:24AM
     Steven Miller's last stand ??
A few nights ago there was a story on the news about people occupying state owned residences as squatters. The story was quite sympathetic to their situation and praised the transit authority.

Tonight there was a show with the Highway Patrol (of all state agencies) violently dragging people from those same residences. When does a cop or Highway Patrolman just say " I won't do that?"

Back in my day men had guts.


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