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 51 yrs old
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Aug 10 2024 06:52PM
     US Olympic basketball final game
Now THAT was gold medal match up, with a legendary performance by Stephen Curry!

1 comment

Aug 6 2024 09:49PM
     Sex by the pool
These heat has been tough to bear this past week.

Who enjoys sex by the pool side?

I know some ladies have issues with it, and some enjoy.


Aug 5 2024 06:59AM
     Stock market in an uproar
If you have wanted to own stock on some high price companies, the time may be soon to invest.

“Global stock markets tumbled on Monday, with the Japanese index suffering its worst day in 37 years, as investors fretted over the possibility of a US recession and dumped risky assets.

The Topix fell 12.2 per cent, the sharpest sell-off since “Black Monday” in October 1987 and more than erasing its gains for the year. On Wall Street, the tech-heavy Nasdaq composite index tumbled 6.3 per cent in early trade, putting it on course for its worst day since the early stages of the Covid-19 pandemic, while the S&P 500 lost 4.1 per cent.”
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Jul 27 2024 07:14PM
     Today in science - life on Mars
If you want to read some thing different, here’s an oldie but goodie change of pace- life on another planet.

“NASA's Perseverance Mars rover finds possible signs of ancient Red Planet life.”

“The rover has come across an intriguing, arrowhead-shaped rock that hosts chemical signatures and structures that could have been formed by microbial life billions of years ago, when Mars was significantly wetter than it is today. Inside the rock, which scientists have nicknamed "Cheyava Falls," Perseverance's instruments detected organic compounds, which are precursors to the chemistry of life as we know it. Wisping through the length of the rock are veins of calcium sulfate, which are mineral deposits that suggest water — also essential for life — once ran through the rock.”
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The search continues


Jul 25 2024 07:43PM
     Deadpool & Wolverine
Ok, that was MUCH better than it had any right to be.

Stupid fun going with coworkers and beers, and we are going again after another round of alcohol and dinner.


Jul 23 2024 12:30AM
     Today in Science - Dark Oxygen
Scientists have been wondering how on earth YellowB2 can have his head so far up his as.
Yellow can taste food before it literally becomes shit and still breathe.

Now they have an answer: dark oxygen.

"Scientists have discovered “dark oxygen” being produced in the deep ocean, apparently by lumps of metal on the seafloor.

About half the oxygen we breathe comes from the ocean. But, before this discovery, it was understood that it was made by marine plants photosynthesising - something that requires sunlight.

Here, at depths of 5km, where no sunlight can penetrate, the oxygen appears to be produced by naturally occurring metallic “nodules” which split seawater - H2O - into hydrogen and oxygen.


Prof. Andrew Sweetman, from the Scottish Association for Marine Science, and his colleagues carried out their research in an area of the deep sea between Hawaii and Mexico - part of a vast swathe of seafloor that is covered with these metal nodules. The nodules form when dissolved metals in seawater collect on fragments of shell - or other debris. It's a process that takes millions of years. And because these nodules contain metals like lithium, cobalt and copper - all of which are needed to make batteries - many mining companies are developing technology to collect them and bring them to the surface."

"We wondered how someone can eat shit, breathe out shit and still breathe with no where for the shit to go. YellowB2's unique biology gave us the clues, as the nodules of dung berries he ingests help release oxygen into his bloodstream and keep his organs going. Shitting and eating and breathing, all at the same time. It's the next step to prove that YellowB2 has shit for brains, and that the world may have found a new source of oxygen."

Attached Pictures
A sample of yellowb2's shit


Jul 15 2024 10:57AM
     RIP Dr. Ruth Weistheimer
Surprised so many here did not mention the passing and honour the woman who opened up people to positively thinking about sex during the 80's and 90's.

Besides being sex-positive before it became a trend (again), she was amazing due to her being so positive after survive many horrors that humans inflict on each other.


Jul 5 2024 09:39AM
     The Boys, season 4 episode sick, er, six
Saw this episode and immediately it made me think of several of the more boisterous men here.

Who saw it while recovering from a 4th of July hang over?


Jun 20 2024 11:42AM
     RIP Donald Sutherland
One of those great actors that got better performances as he got older


Jun 14 2024 11:47PM
     Today in science - sex zombies
Yea, it’s true , sex zombies are real and they are rising from the Earth.

No need to panic…. yet, These zombies are the insect kind. Specifically, the 13-17 year cicadas.

Some of the cicadas temporarily overtaking parts of the eastern and southern U.S. are turning into sex-crazed “zombies,” thanks to a fungus that tears off their genitals but drives them to keep mating nonetheless.

Those of you who are traveling across the country may run into them this year, especially if you are seeking out cicaida activity.
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It begins


May 27 2024 06:20PM
     Staying healthy
Question for the ladies: how do you stay healthy?
In mind, body and spirit?

As I mentioned before, I recently discovered that someone in my (distant) family tree is seeing people out in Europe. I just saw her start-of-the-summer social media post, and my god she looks like she aged 15-20 years.

What do you do to stay healthy?
And when ”the life” takes it’s toll, how do let yourself recover?


May 20 2024 09:00AM
     Hidden camera detector
The company I work with is expanding, and we went this morning to visit one of the potential places we may take over. Long story short, the agent who was showing us around was also showing us features, and how they had hidden cameras set up when the shady staff members of the placing we may be buying this place from would turn off the real cameras so shady shit could go down in the warehouse. To our agent's surprise, the hidden camera management had installed lit up (hidden in rubbish that always gets moved around, but aimed at known trouble areas) and his sensor picked up OTHER hidden cameras that were not brought in by the management company.

With all that said, I am planning on buying a few of these.

(Of course we did a hard pass on the property.)

I recommend you get one, just as additional safety.


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