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 51 yrs old
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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May 31 2021 07:30PM
     Today in gloom - Memorial Day bbq fiascos
How was your bbq?

Mine started off great until a guest brought his girlfriend, and she brought her dog.

Was it a little pooch that tiles and bites at you?
Nope. Bitch brought a puppy she was training (she’s law enforcement K-9 unit).

Fun at first, most you g dogs are, then the dog jumped in the pool, and then hopped out and before ya know it the mutt “ dried” herself off right by the banquet table/grill.
$450 worth of shrimp, seafood, steak and roasted veggies all covered in chlorine and dog hair.
Worse yet, she got into a shouting match with another guest, who also happens to be “a badge”. Then my invitee had to step in and he got shut down by his girl because “alpha type personality” reasons.

Waiting for pizza to arrive while cleaning up this mess.

I need stronger booze and to get laid.


May 29 2021 10:59PM
     Today in Gloom
New covid-19 variant detected!

Hybrid Indian and UK.

Contagious by air!

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May 29 2021 05:53PM
     Are we heading into the summer of sex?
From the BBC (not big black cock, perverts. The British media).

“On a flight in April, one Twitter user overheard a fellow flyer utter a sentence he’s likely never heard before: “Vaxxed and waxed, baby, I'm ready for some action on this trip.”

After more than a year of social isolation during the pandemic, the sentiment may perfectly encapsulate the purported vibe of the coming months – a period in which people are swapping masks for a different kind of protection. Welcome to summer 2021: the summer of sex.

Along with news headlines trumpeting a so-called 'hot vax summer’, some dating-app users have also adopted a not-so-subtle note in their bios that they're “vaXXXed”. This racy prediction for the summer is so widely held that some experts are even worried in a possible STI spike.

But, amid all of this hype, is a summer of sex actually going to happen? After all, in much of the world, Covid-19 is still running rampant, and during the pandemic, sexual desire dropped in both singles and couples. The answer may not be a question of people exclusively running towards sexual fulfilment; rather, sex experts say that as more people get vaccinated and lockdowns lift, it's more likely people will re-enter society and seek any kind of deep bond – not just sexual ones.”

Now that summer is here, are we ready for the fun flings we have been craving for the past year?
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Roaring 20s


May 21 2021 10:37AM
     It continues in AZ (part 4)
Well, as usual, Trumptards are shown to be incompetent and worse than useless - they help make other stuff useless. Like their dicks.

“ Arizona’s secretary of state informed Maricopa County officials Thursday that hundreds of the state’s vote-tabulating machines should no longer be used because of their handling by the inept, partisan company hired by Senate Republicans to recount ballots cast in November’s presidential election.

The machines should not be used again because there is no way of knowing whether they were tampered with while out of the county’s custody and under the control of Senate Republicans and the controversial Cyber Ninjas company conducting the recount, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security told Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, she said in a letter to the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors.


It’s the latest astonishing snafu in a circus recount of 2.1 million Maricopa County votes by a company that has no experience with ballots or elections and that is run by a right-wing conspiracy theorist who was convinced months ago that any audit would turn up hundreds of thousands of votes for Donald Trump. The Ninjas are subjecting ballots to ultraviolet light in a crackpot hunt for bamboo fibers, which they are convinced would be evidence of tampering by China.


The list of missteps by Cyber Ninjas is driving a wedge between Republicans in the state. State GOP Sen. Paul Boyer said earlier this month that he regrets initially supporting the recount. “It makes us look like idiots,” he said of the vote audit launched by Senate Republicans. “I didn’t think it would be this ridiculous. It’s embarrassing to be a state senator at this point.”

Congrats, ya crackpot dumbasses.

You have proven yourselves to be incompetent and impotent.

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Stupid is as stupid does


May 19 2021 06:53AM
     Crypto currency taking a beating today
Damn, the plunge is on!
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May 18 2021 07:49PM
     Pursuing criminal charges
Do you Trumptards needs any diapers, for the aftermath of the ass fucking that you are about to get?

“ The New York Attorney General's office is now conducting a criminal probe into the Trump Organization, a spokesperson told CNN on Tuesday.

"We have informed the Trump Organization that our investigation into the Organization is no longer purely civil in nature," spokesperson Fabien Levy told the outlet. "We are now actively investigating the Trump Organization in a criminal capacity, along with the Manhattan DA."

The news comes weeks after it was revealed that Michael Cohen, former President Donald Trump's one-time personal attorney, had been interviewed multiple times by Manhattan's district attorney. The DA's criminal inquiry has focused on whether the Trump Organization — an umbrella company for the former president's business interests — engaged in tax and insurance fraud, among other crimes.”
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Criminal charges


May 18 2021 07:32PM
     Today in science - solid state lithium batteries are almost here
From the article:

- A new paper presents a stable lithium-metal battery design for the first time.
- Lithium-ion batteries have flaws that lithium-metal batteries could fix.
- This new battery adds a self-healing technology that will close cracks where dendrites form.
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For you Chemistry nerds


May 16 2021 07:36PM
     This is dedicated

To the lovely lady who made dreams and creams come true.


May 16 2021 07:34PM
     One night stands
Over heard today on a hike up the hills.

Two young ladies were discussing summer plans, and whether or not they would stick with the people they hooked up with over the weekend. Turns out they both banged the same guy this weekend. One girl on Friday, the other on Saturday (last night).

Everyone is so confused about the new etiquette over casual sex.

What has been your experience?


May 14 2021 10:47AM
     DeSantis to step in when police arrest Trump?
Palm Beach officials have contingent plans when Trump is hauled off for prison?

Why would an “innocent man” need such plans in pla-, oh. He’s not innocent and they know it.

“ Governor Ron DeSantis could potentially block Donald Trump’s extradition to New York if he’s indicted by Manhattan’s district attorney, according to a new report by Politico.

Under a little-known clause in Florida law, the governor of the state has the authority to investigate whether a “person ought to be surrendered” to another state over an indictment. Mr DeSantis has long been a fiercely loyal ally of Mr Trump.”


“ Palm Beach officials have recently been scrambling to draw up contingency plans in case Mr Trump is indicted while he’s still in Florida. The former president has been living at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, but plans to spend the summer at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey. According to one report, by the Daily Mail, he’s already moved.”

Good thing he is in Jersey and the hammer is coming down.
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Indictment coming. Flight risk?


May 11 2021 08:20PM
     Soon you are going to need more cock
Like Angler says, “he needs more cock in his mouth.”

white meat, dark meat with special sauce in his mouth, he needs it all.

One of the items that is in short supply right now is ….


“ The pandemic prompted poultry plants to reduce staff, and in turn, the need for comfort food when Americans stayed home had increased demand.

"We didn't have optimal chicken distribution. Some chicken was in some parts of the world that needed to be in other parts of the world. We just couldn't move it around," said Ben Kaplan, the CEO of TOP Agency, a network of marketing agencies.

Bad weather and power outages in major poultry-producing states like Texas and Arkansas only worsened the problem, according to the National Chicken Council.

Some experts say the surging demand for chicken started pre-pandemic.

Fast-food chains like McDonald's, known for its beefy Big Macs, reported that chicken is selling "beyond expectations."
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Supply runs low
Roosters sexually performing, like jackrabbit


May 10 2021 01:56PM
     Today in gloom - holy land on fire
Looks like history is repeating itself.

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Jerusalem conflict


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