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 51 yrs old
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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May 8 2021 10:55PM
     Dogecoin peaks?
Down 20%?


May 4 2021 01:38PM
     Billie Eilish - revisited in 2021
She’s trying to look like a pin-up model with some glamour and she cleans up very well.

I knew she hid a tasty bod under all that baggy clothes.

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Pink hues
Less dork, more dark


Apr 30 2021 08:10PM
     Thank you California
Just found a rattlesnake in my yard, called animal control, and met the loveliest of animal wranglers I have ever met.

Catches it with ease and I get her phone number and flirt a little. And she didn’t treat me like a dirty ol’ pervert.

Something possibly there, and I think about how can I get her back over here when tattle snake #2 comes along.

God works in mysterious ways.


Apr 30 2021 03:56AM
     Today in gloom - Yahweh says לא
Remember how we are supposed to be practicing some manner of social distancing?

What happens when we don’t?

This does.

“At least 44 people were crushed to death overnight on Friday at an overcrowded ultra-Orthodox religious festival in Israel with attendees describing scenes of chaos in which others died in front of their eyes.

More than 100 people were injured in the chaos where tens of thousands thronged to the Galilee tomb of 2nd-century sage Rabbi Shim Bar Yochai for annual Lag B'Omer commemorations that include all-night prayer, mystical songs and dance.

Witnesses said people were asphyxiated or trampled in a tightly packed passageway around three meters (yards) wide, some going unnoticed until the PA system sounded an appeal to disperse. Crowds packed the Mount Meron slope in defiance of warnings to maintain social distancing against the coronavirus.”
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I can’t breathe, part 2


Apr 28 2021 11:11AM
     Today in Gloom - panty raids
Who the fuck am I kidding, this isn’t gloomy at all. Just one more step closer to nailing the Trump family to the wall and letting their fortunes fall.


“ Federal investigators on Wednesday executed a search warrant at the Manhattan apartment of Rudolph Giuliani, the former New York City mayor and personal lawyer to former U.S. President Donald Trump, as they probe his business dealings with Ukraine.

A lawyer for Giuliani, Bob Costello, confirmed that a search warrant had been executed. Electronic devices were among the items seized, according to the New York Times. Giuliani, 76, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Federal prosecutors in Manhattan have been investigating Giuliani's dealings in Ukraine, which included an investigation before the 2020 election into now-President Joe Biden and his son Hunter's dealings in that country. The Bidens have denied wrongdoing.”


“ While the search warrant does not mean Giuliani committed a crime, it signals that investigators persuaded a judge they believed criminal conduct occurred and that executing the warrant might uncover relevant evidence.

"This is a seismic moment in the investigation," said Jessica Levinson, a professor at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles.

"It's a big deal to execute a search warrant concerning an attorney because of issues of attorney-client privilege," she added. "It's a bigger deal to execute a search warrant of an attorney who worked for the former president."

This is so good.

Meanwhile, Trump has scuttled his plans for the week for reelection as he prepares his anus for another fucking.

THIS is where it begins.
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The hot seat


Apr 27 2021 12:10PM
     It begins in AZ, part 2
This stinks to high heaven of shady shady shady. Like Trumptards with Trump’s limo fetid dick on their foreheads shady.

“ A contractor hired by Arizona’s state Senate to oversee the recount of 2.1 million ballots from November’s election in the county that includes the metro Phoenix area wants a judge to keep secret its methods for ensuring ballot privacy.

The request came in advance of a hearing set for Monday morning where a judge planned to review policies and procedures for ensuring voter privacy and ballot secrecy that the Senate and contractor Cyber Ninjas are using in the Maricopa County recount.

Cyber Ninjas filed the policies under seal Sunday afternoon and asked Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Christopher Coury to keep them sealed as trade secrets and because the Senate is immune as a separate branch of government. The company also wants the hearing closed to the media and the public.

Cyber Ninjas also prompted Coury to recuse himself from the case by adding an attorney to its team who previously worked as Coury’s intern. Another judge will now have to step in, and it wasn’t clear immediately whether Monday’s hearing would be held as scheduled. The court website showed no hearing on the calendar.

The Arizona Democratic Party and the lone Democrat on the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors sued the Senate and Cyber Ninjas on April 22. They wanted the recount of the 2020 presidential election won by President Joe Biden halted unless they were given guarantees that voter privacy and ballot secrecy would be ensured.

Cyber Ninjas started the weeks-long recount effort on April 23, but it is doing so with little transparency and refuses to allow media or the public to watch the recount being held at the state fairgrounds in Phoenix. Only observers who have had their backgrounds checked by the company are allowed in.

The Florida-based consultancy has no election experience and is run by a man who has shared unfounded conspiracy theories claiming the official 2020 presidential election results are illegitimate.

Maricopa County conducted numerous pre- and post-election reviews to check the accuracy of voting machines, including a hand count of a representative sample of ballots as required by state law.“
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Transparency my ass


Apr 25 2021 08:16PM
     Awards Season - Oscars 2021
It feels like a passing of the torch, as I see a lot of you get actors that have won many acclaims but I do not get excited about seeing their movies, and much of the old guard loosing to new genuine talent.


Apr 25 2021 04:25PM
     Awards season - the 2021 razzies
Rudy Giuliani and the MyPillow Guy among ‘winners’ in 41st Annual Razzie Awards for worst in cinema.

So much to love with that. Well earned razzies.
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Best of the worst


Apr 23 2021 06:51AM
     Today in Gloom - the new Crusades
Well, the holy land is all in a tizzy. Someone let the Four Horsemen out.

1. Arabs and Jews set up with skunk juice (I shit you not) in order to get them to stop escalating their battle.

“ After a night of violence in Jerusalem, Israeli police made over 50 arrests and Palestinian medics said 100 were injured during Ramadan clashes in the contested city at the core of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. read more

From late Thursday night into early Friday, police in riot gear and on horseback fought to keep apart two groups of protesters - Palestinian youth hurling firecrackers and setting fire to garbage bins, and ultra-nationalist Israelis chanting anti-Arab slogans.

Police deployed armoured vehicles spraying foul-smelling skunk water towards the two groups - Palestinians gathered around Jerusalem's historic Damascus Gate and hundreds of right-wing Israelis several hundred meters away.”

2. Ever wanted to see why masks are essential? Look at India.

People literally being treated and dying in their cars outside hospitals as the medical system is overwhelmed.

3. Cryptocurrency is getting ready for major losses as Biden prepares to tax the wealthy.

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Paying for it all


Apr 22 2021 03:24PM
     Today in Gloom - Earth Day edition
Anyone want to leave the roaches a note to take better care of the a earth than we have?

Looks like we are not going to be around for long, and they need to get out of our solar system before all lifetimes we know of die.

1. Israel vs. Irán: missiles are starting to fly between the two countries, via Iran’s proxy Syria.

2. Warm waters may hurt ability to absorb CO2.

3. There is a black hole/oblivion machine close to us


Apr 20 2021 02:16PM
Chauvin guilty on all three charges.

Let the fun begin.


Apr 19 2021 09:16AM
     Super League
I’ve had my soccer loving buddies all up in the pisser with the news that. Super League of the most expensive soccer clubs is forming and separating from the UEFA International soccer group.

Bad business, this.

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All about the $$$$$$


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