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 51 yrs old
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Mar 22 2021 04:04PM
     Active shooter in Boulder Colorado
“Authorities in Colorado responded to what they said was an active shooter at a supermarket Monday.

Federal law enforcement sources told ABC News there are multiple victims, but it's not immediately clear if they were referring to fatalities or injuries.

A law enforcement source told ABC News that a suspect opened fire on officers responding to a report of someone shot in the parking area. The suspect was allegedly armed with a long gun.“

Developing story.
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Pew pew pew


Mar 20 2021 10:00PM
     Miami used to be the place to be
Talk about spoiling the party. 8pm curfew?

If only Florida had found a way to pace themselves instead of going all out.
Goes to show.

“The City of Miami Beach is enforcing a slew of safety measures, including a nightly curfew and highway shutdowns, for at least 72 hours in an attempt to control the spring break crowds that police say have been particularly rowdy this season.

"I love that this is a beautiful place, that people come here to gather and enjoy our weather and our beaches," Miami Beach Mayor Dan Gelber said at a press conference Saturday when the measures were announced. "But right now, it has become too challenging in the tourism industry to continue that way."

“Dim-wits from across the nation come here and spoil everything because they have pent up needs and can’t wank off at home. To all of you who plan on coming here for bacchanalia - stay at home, we don’t want or need any more of you here. Your turning our home to a cesspool when you pull your crane_ops. Stay at home.”
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Bitches be gone


Mar 20 2021 03:59AM
     Today in Gloom - Japan has a 7.0 earthquake
And has announced tidal wave alerts

Carry on
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Just in time for Kong vs Godzilla


Mar 19 2021 06:27PM
     Falcon and Winter Soldier
That Marvel espionage feeling is back.

Very good. Went by faster than expected.


Mar 17 2021 09:35PM
     Today in science - the clonus horror
Heard this on the way back to the office.

Attack of the clones, here we come

1. Scientists say they've peeked into the 'black box' of early human development

Human cells used to make structures that mimic the earliest stages of development could pave the way for more research without running afoul of restrictions on using real embryos.

2. Scientists Grow Mouse Embryos in a Mechanical Womb

Biologists have long held that a fetus needs a living uterus to develop. Maybe not anymore.

Put these two together and we may be able to see people grown in vats.
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How to make a person - the blueprint
Artificial uterus


Mar 17 2021 06:29AM
     Covid-19 update. California edition
Yup, the Golden State has not one but two highly contagious variants.

California coronavirus mutant escalates to CDC's 'variant of concern'
Early research suggests the strain is about 20% more transmissible compared to original strain.

Two lineages of a coronavirus variant first detected in California have been classified as "variant[s] of concern" (VOC) at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, with the agency citing an estimated 20% increased transmissibility over the wild-type strain.

The variant, dubbed B.1.427/B.1.429 or 20C/L452R, comes in addition to three other already-classified VOCs first identified in South Africa, Brazil and the U.K. An update to the CDC's webpage cites preliminary research published ahead of peer review from researchers affiliated with the University of California San Francisco, including Dr. Charles Chiu.


"I am worried, concerned but not panicking about this," Chiu had said. "This is something that needs to be further investigated and I really think that at this point we don’t know enough to recommend any changes to the standard public health measures that we use to prevent infection.”

“We have been suffering through the recent pandemic with idiots who listened to Trump. That level of stupidity was more contagious and fatal than covid ever will be. Trumptards just getting eliminated is nature thinning the herd and Darwin’s principles at best.”
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New covid on the block


Mar 17 2021 02:20AM
     Atlanta spa shootings
Ok, all kidding aside, are we going to talk about stuff like this?

“ At least eight people were killed and several others injured in a series of shootings at three spas in the Atlanta metro region Tuesday. The suspect, a man from Woodstock, Ga., has been taken into custody in connection with all three incidents, according to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.”

To the people in the community, are you taking care of yourselves against rising hate attacks?
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Hate crimes against Asian Americans


Mar 16 2021 06:30AM
     The earth is shaking and I can’t sleep.
No, that’s not because of trembles here along the west coast, but along Iceland, as volcanoes will soon explode, and it’s affecting the Icelanders.

The source of the past weeks’ earthquakes is a large body of molten rock, known as magma, moving roughly one kilometre (0.6 mile) beneath the peninsula, as it tries to push its way to the surface.

“We’ve never seen so much seismic activity,” Sara Barsotti, volcanic hazards coordinator at the Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO) told Reuters.

Some of those quakes clocked in at magnitudes as high as 5.7.

“Everyone here is so tired,” Gudmundsdottir, a 5th grade school teacher, said. “When I go to bed at night, all I think about is: Am I going to get any sleep tonight?”

Sounds like people need to get laid.

And a sign of things to come for California


Mar 13 2021 10:04PM
     Stocks part 5
Bitcoin approaching $70k,

Disney making deal with NHL

Lucid electric cars is still an early and great opportunity.

And Coupang is said to be better than Amazon


Mar 9 2021 09:04PM
     What the hell happened to discretion
For the person who is trying to reach me and is not being discrete, please:

A) stop fucking fishing on the phone. That shows up on a log with my IT people at my office and that is going to require explaining I do not need to waste time with.

get the girls in the background to shut the fuck up, as I (and the other people in my sales office) can hear you all loud and clear.


Mar 9 2021 07:45AM
     Today in science
• Scientists have been able to duplicate the “Real Genius” experiment by being able to freeze plasma in temporary suspended state.

• A strange object was heard deafening the skies over Vermont on Sunday. So. Right it was seen in daylight.

Space invaders?

• a sea slug was able to CUT IT’S OWN HEAD OFF and survive and regrow a new healthy body.
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Tall hard one
It’s a bird. It’s a plane. It’s ...


Mar 8 2021 10:55AM
     CDC knows something you don’t
New guidelines for operations were just released by the CDC on Saturday.

It includes guides for ladies who are “grabbed by the pussy” by what-passes-for-a-man with little hands.

It also includes Zombie survival.
I shit you not.

“What began as a “tongue-in-cheek campaign” turned into a pretty useful guide for surviving the undead. Like any other emergency, the CDC suggests one create an emergency kit that could last a few days. This kit should include essential items like a gallon of water, nonperishable foods, medications, bedding, hygiene products, first aid supplies, etc.

Next, you should pick a place to evacuate. You and your friends and family (who aren’t zombies) need to agree on a place to regroup in case the creatures start to storm your house. This evacuation plan should also include protection measures to stop the zombies from trying to devour your brain. “

It’s a joke right? Or is it?

The CDC is using the popularity of zombies 🧟‍♂️ to help get people to download survival guides, and using humor to get it done.

I myself am I type of zombie. An exclusive pussy water. Yum.


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