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 51 yrs old
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Mar 7 2021 05:57PM
     Communicating through alternate means
Question for the ladies: are you ok being reached out to on other DM systems rather than here, if you already shared the info?

Some of you respond better and faster to DM outside here than to PMs, and some of you do not say your preferred (and safe) manner of contact.


Mar 6 2021 06:16PM
     If they want to use me, they gotta pay
What happened to the joys of free publicity?

Guess “Orange Bad Man” doesn’t like it when his faithful use his name... without compensation.

“Lawyers for former President Donald Trump have demanded the Republican National Committee and other GOP entities stop using his name and likeness on fundraising emails and merchandise without his permission, said a person familiar with the move.“
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Only when it serves me


Mar 6 2021 11:48AM
     A hurricane. in space.
More fascinating space stuff.

Auroral vortexes.

“Scientists have identified a “space hurricane” ― an approximately 620-mile-wide whirling mass of plasma in the upper atmosphere above the magnetic North Pole.

The hurricane occurred in August 2014, but scientists didn’t know it had happened until more recently, when an international team of researchers noticed the phenomenon while studying satellite observations from that time period. The discovery, the first of its kind, was published last month in the journal Nature Communications.”

And of course this killed someone.
I would not post it if it didn’t.
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New phenomenon

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Mar 5 2021 04:26PM
     Engage warp drive, Number 1
Well, keeping up with the theme, it looks like FTL travel is possible.

“ ....

This brings us to the new study, which scientists in the Advanced Propulsion Laboratory (APL) at Applied Physics just published in the peer-reviewed journal Classical and Quantum Gravity. In the report, the APL team unveils the world’s first model for a physical warp drive—one that doesn’t require negative energy.

The physical model uses almost none of the negative energy and capitalizes on the idea that spacetime bubbles can behave almost however they like. And, the APL scientists say, this isn’t even the only other way warp speed could work. Making a model that’s at least physically comprehensible is a big step.”
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A working concept of FTL drive
The physics video explanation


Mar 4 2021 09:03PM
     Black hole created in a lab. Here are the results.
More science.

Can you imagine with at we are creating an analog of black holes?

“Researchers at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology did just that. They created a black hole analog out of a few thousand atoms. They were trying to confirm two of Hawking's most important predictions, that Hawking radiation arises from nothing and that it does not change in intensity over time, meaning it's stationary.

"A black hole is supposed to radiate like a black body, which is essentially a warm object that emits a constant infrared radiation," study co-author Jeff Steinhauer, an associate professor of physics at Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, told "Hawking suggested that black holes are just like regular stars, which radiate a certain type of radiation all the time, constantly. That's what we wanted to confirm in our study, and we did."

Mind out of the gutter.

“Analog” means simulation, not an anal log that comes out (or goes in) you butt.

And speaking of “mind blown”, need some stress relief.
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Not everything gets sucked in


Mar 4 2021 05:29PM
     New theory about dark matter
Let’s stimulate some brain cells..... with astrophysics.

“ Astrophysicists have an idea that could help to solve two mysteries: the reason for the bizarre abundance of super-high-energy radiation shooting from the center of our galaxy and the identity of invisible stuff called dark matter that has perplexed the world since its discovery some 50 years ago.

And the idea has a super-cool name: gravity portals. The idea goes, when two dark matter particles (whatever they are) get sucked into one of these portals, they obliterate each other and spit out shockingly strong gamma rays.”

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The universe is full of discoveries


Mar 3 2021 07:04PM
     Crane_op forgot to invite me
Dammit, dem der rebels were at it again.

They were about to storm the Capitol again, and Incoukd have been there first hand to get names and claim bounties.

From the article:

“Capitol Police say they have uncovered intelligence of a “possible plot” by a militia group to breach the U.S. Capitol on Thursday, nearly two months after a mob of supporters of then-President Donald Trump stormed the iconic building to try to stop Congress from certifying now-President Joe Biden’s victory.

The threat appears to be connected to a far-right conspiracy theory, mainly promoted by supporters of QAnon, that Trump will rise again to power on March 4. That was the original presidential inauguration day until 1933, when it was moved to Jan. 20.
Online chatter identified by authorities included discussions among members of the Three Percenters, an anti-government militia group, concerning possible plots against the Capitol on Thursday, according to two law enforcement officials who were not authorized to speak publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity. Members of the Three Percenters were among the extremists who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6.“

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Mar 2 2021 02:53PM
     Beware the Rise of the Machines
Chinese AI, to be exact.

From the article:

“ U.S. is ‘not prepared to defend or compete in the A.I. era,’ says expert group chaired by Eric Schmidt”

The National Security Commission on AI warned in a 756-page report on Monday that China could soon replace the U.S. as the world's "AI superpower" and said there are serious military implications to consider.
"America is not prepared to defend or compete in the AI era," wrote Schmidt and vice chair Bob Work, who was previously deputy U.S. secretary of Defense. "This is the tough reality we must face."


Thousands of AI researchers and computer scientists signed an open letter that was published in 2015 and calls for a ban on offensive autonomous weapons.
"AI technology has reached a point where the deployment of such systems is — practically if not legally — feasible within years, not decades, and the stakes are high: autonomous weapons have been described as the third revolution in warfare, after gunpowder and nuclear arms," reads the letter, which was also signed by Tesla CEO Elon Musk, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and the late scientist Stephen Hawking.
Toby Walsh, a professor of AI at the University of Sydney, told CNBC the dangers have only "become nearer and more serious" since the letter was published. "Autonomous weapons must be regulated," he said.
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My smart gun is smarter than yours


Mar 2 2021 04:04AM
     Mars attacks
Well, we all knew this was bound to happen. 2020 continues...

After the successful landing of the new NASA Mars rover, the red planet has retaliated.

UK citizens have been treated to a special light show on Sunday night as a bright meteor was seen on March 1st heralding the arrival of the Martians invading force.

It begins.
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Something in the sky


Mar 1 2021 10:18AM
     CPAC happened this weekend
Most notable takeaway from the event.

People were more passionate for “revenge” against those that they have scores to settle rather than produce a winning alternative to the current direction of the nation.

Big mistake. You plot revenge after you win, not before, or it shows how small and petty you are.
Like Don “Little Hands fumbled the big chair” Trump.


Feb 28 2021 03:06PM
     The Golden Calf has arrived
The pagan symbol has come to CPAC.

No, not a golden calf representing the lunar Bill of the ancient Israelites, but a spray painted fake gold photo piece that is meant to resemble Trump.

And the best part? It was made in Mexico.
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Thou shall not worship false idols


Feb 23 2021 11:55AM
     2021 celebrity dead pool
Who had Tiger Woods for February?

He is in BAD shape after his roll over today.

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Tiger Woods shanked


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