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 51 yrs old
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Feb 22 2021 06:42PM
     Machines that can get in your brain
We are getting closer to reading the brain.

From the article:

“ Advances in brain tech are coming quickly. They also span a variety of approaches. Some could lead to external headsets that may tell the difference between hunger and boredom. Electrodes implanted in the brain might help translate our intentions to speak into real words. Or bracelets may be on the horizon that use nerve impulses to type for you — no keyboard required.

Today, paralyzed people are already testing such technologies. Called brain-computer interfaces, they translate intentions into action. With brain signals alone, these people have been able to shop online, communicate — even use a prosthetic arm to sip from a cup. But the ability to hear brain chatter, understand it and perhaps even modify it has the potential to change and improve people’s lives. And this neural eavesdropping may help in ways that go well beyond medicine.”
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Science news


Feb 22 2021 10:34AM
     Trump gets ready for more butt hurt
The Supreme Court has said NY can access Trump’s tax returns.
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Ohhhhh yeeeaaaaaah


Feb 21 2021 08:39PM
     New malware, for Macs
Just a heads up, there has been a new malware and ransom ware detected.

It affects Macs.

New Macs.

“ We’ve found that many macOS threats are distributed through malicious advertisements as single, self-contained installers in PKG or DMG form, masquerading as a legitimate application—such as Adobe Flash Player—or as updates. In this case, however, the adversary distributed the malware in two distinct packages: updater.pkg and update.pkg. Both versions use the same techniques to execute, differing only in the compilation of the bystander binary."
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Silver sparrow


Feb 19 2021 04:50PM
     Just for the ladies.
Attention, ladies.

Kanye West is now single.
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Feb 19 2021 12:29PM
     2020 continues
January we had an insurrection, February has brought an ice age, and we have discovered unseen life at the bottom of Antarctica.
Wonder what March will bring?


Feb 19 2021 12:28PM
     Vaya con Dios, Ted Cruz,part 2
Oh oh.

Looks like mixed messages are making everyone look worse:

1. Fox News tried to spin the Cruz escape as a justified use of his time, until they were contradicted.... by Cruz himself.

2. Except his reason and length for going for his daughters is also a lie, as his wife’s messages asked more friend to join them on a week’s long vacation.

And fuck, $309 a night in Cancun at the Ritz?

Sign me up!

3. His GOP cronies are turning in him... for apologizing.

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Escape the cold


Feb 19 2021 10:53AM
     Hullo gorgeous
Wow, who is the new hottie, Adrianna Amor?

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Ayi caramba


Feb 18 2021 08:22PM
     Mark F. Pomerantz has entered the building
Ooooh boy.

I am rocking a big chubby.

You do not bring someone like Mr. Pomerantz into a criminal Investigation unless you are playing hard ball and want to win.

“The hiring of an outsider is a highly unusual move for a prosecutor’s office, but the two-and-a-half-year investigation of the former president and his family business is unusually complex. And Mr. Vance, whose office has had a few missteps in other white-collar cases, had already hired FTI, a large consulting company, to help analyze Mr. Trump’s financial records.“
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Bringing in the big dogs


Feb 18 2021 04:12PM
     Adios, Señor Cruz
Hey, how do you show you care and deserve to be re-elected as a leader of your state?

By sacrificing for your people?

Guess someone never saw the Lion King.

“ While others search for what they can take, a true king searches for what he can give.” – Mufasa

Yeah, Sen. Ted “not my job” Cruz went to mey-hi-ko for some R&R with his family while constituents in his state faced arctic conditions with no relief and solutions available.

Ah, the GOP at it’s finest.
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What happened to the Spirit of the Alamo?


Feb 12 2021 09:32AM
     Trump defense team is up to bat
Wow, fucking up in minute 3 of initial argument.
Do not antagonize the jury.


Feb 11 2021 04:29PM
     Rest In Peace, Chick
Well shit.

We lost Chick Corea.

There are people who made an impact on the world and arts, and for me, there was the world before chuck and the world after.

Even this late in life the guy was making amazing music. I got his last album for Christmas from an old friend and it was the only present that was worth a shit.
The guy could understand and talk and continue the “musical conversations” that Mozart, Gershwin, Monk, Scarlatti had started. the guy knew what the fuck he was talking about.

Rest In Peace, Chick. The world is a quieter place without you in it.
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A pioneer passes


Feb 11 2021 04:09AM
     So long, Gina

Gina Carson has been fired from the Mandalorian TV show.
She was also dropped by her management company for being too toxic.

Anyone want to set up the joke, be my guest.
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