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Level 2 Male

 51 yrs old
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
Pomona, Inland Empire, CA Today!
Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Jan 28 2024 05:31PM
     So the middle east conflict has expanded
3 servicemen dead, 30 injured in drone attack.

Here we go.


Jan 27 2024 11:49AM
     The Caverns @ Pelham, TN.
Oh boy, I know this is not the usual forum to ask, but I have a feeling some of the more adventurous members have attended.

Has anyone been to the Caverns?

Not talking about deep inside yellow’s asshole, where one can ram anything so deep you can see it dent his skull, but the camping/concert venue in Pelham Tennessee

Met a sassy Southern girl who is. We to the west coast and I have been showing around, and she wants to take me there (translation: pay for her expenses while we play there), and she wants to fuck in the caves, the waterfalls, the yurts and the concert stage.

Yeah, she has some issues she wants to work out.

Anyways, has anyone been? It actually looks like a great fun place.

1 comment

Jan 26 2024 02:00PM
     $83.3 million
Trump lost the defamation case, and has to pay $83.3 million.

That’s right, MAGA, your donations are being well spent.
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Unanimous decision in less than 3 hours


Jan 26 2024 09:46AM
     Today in stocks: Tesla
The downward dog plunge begins, as 4th quarter call shows that the company is loosing money, market share and foreign car makers are gaining traction in the market for electric cars.

Might be a good time to buy for the rebound, but we don’t know how far down the rabbit hole this goes. Looks like it is rebounding at the time that I wrote this.

Expect Musk to say something stupid later on today.
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Loss of 8billion in valuation


Jan 24 2024 12:25AM
     Super Bowl in Las vegas
Who is going?

Ladies, this seems like a great opportunity to score


Jan 21 2024 12:12PM
     Then there were two
DeSantis has dropped out of the presidential race, due to lack of “winning”.

Can’t wait to see him grovel before the Orange Shitgibbon.
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Limp dick


Jan 17 2024 03:12PM
     Valentine’s Day reservations
If you have not made your reservations yet this is the last weekend before the scramble begins.

Treat your “preferitta”/ side chick to something nice.


Jan 15 2024 06:08PM
     New finding about the nature of Trump Base - part 2, electric bugaloo
Some of our foreign friends have begun to add amendments to their travel policy to restrict Trump voters from visiting their countries, as a follow up to a potential reelection of the Orange Shitgibbon.


Jan 12 2024 08:53AM
     Robert Kiyosaki
Owes $ US1.2 billion in debt.

He should have read his own book.
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Full of shit


Jan 11 2024 01:51PM
     Hello former Google employees
Hi there, I wanted to personally welcome you here and make sure your first experiences are rewarding.

I know that first rounds of cost cutting at Google has begun and most of you have more free time to get ill (do the cool kids still say that?). And I know that the old stereotype of what a female coder looks like is out the window.

You do yoga, workout with your pets, eat healthy, shit on Trumptards, and don’t look like you went to community college with Napoleon Dynamite.

We welcome you and hope to answer any questions and hope to spread your dreams in new directions.
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More free time


Jan 10 2024 05:01PM
     Chris Christie is out
Chris “big pussy pompasaro” Christie is out of the Presidential race.
He may be jockeying for a VP role with Haley; and i would vote for that.


Jan 5 2024 10:57AM
I thought I was having strong shots, but that was a proper quake.


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