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 51 yrs old
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Jan 29 2021 09:40AM
     QANon shaman wants to testify
Against Trump!!!

Uh oh.
Looks like he will not be the first...

From the article-

“The Shaman, real name Jacob Chansley, told the Associated Press, via his lawyer Albert S. Whatley, that he would be open to attending the trial and testify against the president.

Chansley, Whatley said, had been "horrendously smitten" with Trump, but now feels "like he was betrayed by the president" after the president failed to give him and other Capitol rioters pardons.

Chansley is among several Capitol rioters who asked Trump for a presidential pardon but did not receive one in the final days of the administration. Chansley argued that he'd come to the Capitol "at the request of the president that all 'patriots' come to DC on January 6."


“Michael Sherwin, US Attorney for the District of Columbia, told the BBC the FBI has identified around 400 suspects and arrested 135, several of whom have suggested that they believed they were following Trump's orders by taking part in the siege.”

They were following Trump’s orders...looks like if they testify, they may get reduced sentences.

I’m warming up the fresh popcorn.


Jan 29 2021 09:29AM
     South African Covid-19 strain is here
The deadlier, more contagious B. 1.351 version has been found in South Carolina. Will soon be knocking on your door.


Jan 29 2021 09:23AM
     Just a friendly reminder - Valentines Day
If you are planning to make dinner reservations with that special someone, do it now. The three places I had for my A, B, C choices are already booked up now that the lockdown has been lifted.


Jan 27 2021 04:47AM
     Stock tips 2021, part deux
Well, shit, how did I miss this one?

GameStop went from $20 to $150 in a fucking month. (Yeah, it’s gonna crash soon)

A $1000 investment at the beginning of the year is now almost $13K.



Jan 25 2021 04:18PM
     2nd Impeachment of Donald Trump begins
Conan, what is best in life?

" crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their Trumptard bitches...!"


Jan 23 2021 10:59AM
     Speaking of billions
Uh oh.

Even with the pays off and side money coming to him, Trump owes a billion dollars.

And no one wants to work with him anymore.

“ Businesses, banks, sponsors, politicians and even members of his own family have either tried to distance themselves or completely deserted him — not only hurting his fragile ego, but also his wallet as he struggles to cope with a looming $1 billion debt and business empire in crisis.

A man who’s been compared to a Mafia boss, for the importance he attaches to loyalty, has seen scores of friends and allies fall away in his darkest hour.

Even Mar-a-Lago — an eye-wateringly expensive private members’ club at a 118-room Jazz Age chateau that is now the principal Trump home — may not be such a welcoming sanctuary.”

Ah, the gift that keeps on giving.
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Bitch owes a billion


Jan 20 2021 03:41PM
     QAnon house of cards falls down
So funny to see cold hard reality hit the Trumptards.

“ Up until the final minute of Trump’s presidency, some QAnon adherents were cheering for Trump to do something spectacular, with one user instructing fellow followers Wednesday morning to “pray” because the next five hours would “determine the fate of the world.”

That optimism unraveled for some as the day wore on, with one user lamenting on Telegram that “it simply doesn’t make sense that we all got played.”

Others sought to move the goalposts, picking out messages from Trump’s farewell speech at Joint Base Andrews on Wednesday and Eric Trump’s post on Twitter as signs of hope.

By midday, a new spin to the conspiracy theory gripped the far right message boards: President Joe Biden was their savior all along, a twist multiple QAnon influencers threw their support behind. “

Their will be a civil war, but it’s among the Trumptards and their former loyal sycophants.
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Bullshit walks
Unsatisfied, like the limp dicks they are
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Fallout boy
The butt hurt is strong with QAnon


Jan 18 2021 09:32PM
     Parler is back, comrades
“Parler, a social media website and app popular with the American far right, has partially returned online with the help of a Russian-owned technology company.

Parler vanished from the internet when dropped by Amazon Inc’s hosting arm and other partners for poor moderation after its users called for violence and posted videos glorifying the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.
On Monday, Parler’s website was reachable again, though only with a message from its chief executive saying he was working to restore functionality.

The internet protocol address it used is owned by DDos-Guard, which is controlled by two Russian men.
DDoS-Guard has worked with other racist, rightist and conspiracy sites that have been used by mass murderers to share messages, including 8kun. It has also supported Russian government sites.

DDoS-Guard’s website lists an address in Scotland under the company name Cognitive Cloud LP, but that is owned by two men in Rostov-on-Don, Russia, Guilmette said. One of them told the Guardian recently that he was not aware of all of the content the company facilitates.“

Well, if we doubted the Russians are helping the Trumptards we now have more proof.
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So be it. Soviet


Jan 18 2021 04:34AM
     New Californian Covid variant
Well, it was bound to happen.

“As the total number of coronavirus infections in California approaches 3 million, health officials said Sunday that a new strain — different from a highly contagious variant first identified in the United Kingdom — is popping up more frequently across the state.

Researchers have identified the strain in a dozen counties and have linked it to several large outbreaks in Santa Clara County. The California Department of Public Health said it’s not yet clear whether the variant is highly contagious or is just being identified frequently as lab work becomes more sophisticated.“

And just a reminder:

February 26:

“This is a flu. This is like a flu,” the president said in a briefing. “It’s a little like a regular flu that we have flu shots for. And we’ll essentially have a flu shot for this in a fairly quick manner.”
Fucking idiot.
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California mutation


Jan 15 2021 05:35PM
That was actually fun to watch, especially with a lot of nods to classics of yesteryear.


Jan 14 2021 09:59AM
     Kingmakers are gutting the Capital insurgents
Well, here come the REAL consequences of supporting insurrectionists.

“We decide to support candidates based on their record and ability to lead on policy that will help people improve their lives,’’ said Americans for Prosperity CEO and Americans for Prosperity Action Senior Advisor Emily Seidel in a statement. “With that standard in mind, lawmakers’ actions leading up to and during last week’s insurrection will weigh heavy in our evaluation of future support. And we will continue to look for ways to support those policymakers who reject the politics of division and work together to move our country forward.”

The groups already had issued statements supporting the certification of President-elect Joe Biden's Electoral College win and condemned the political violence that erupted at the U.S. Capitol Wednesday. The decision adds to a growing list of deep-pocketed groups and companies who have halted giving in some form to Republicans in the wake of the riots."

-- WSJ

"Key GOP donors including the Ricketts family of Chicago, Home Depot co-founder Bernie Marcus and financier Ken Griffin declined to comment on their giving plans in the wake of the attack on the Capitol. While some are expected to continue backing candidates that are aligned with Trump — Chicago Cubs co-owner Todd Ricketts is the Republican National Committee finance chair — their unwillingness to defend the president and his supporters at a crucial moment could be a sign of their discomfort with the direction of the party.

“I would be incredibly concerned about this, if it was my lane,” said a Republican operative with experience fundraising for Senate races. “The problem is, if corporate PACs aren’t going to give money, corporate executives aren’t going to give money.”

-- Politico

Money talks.
Bullshit walks.

And the king makers are removing their funding and support from key supporters of the Pro-Trump agenda. It will be a decade before any of the "survivors' will be able to ask for money from them.

Yes, Trump has helped drain the swamp, as he is taking his sycophants down the toilet with him.
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Suck on that Koch
Abandon ship


Jan 12 2021 08:01PM
     Covid 19 South Africa mutation
Well, looks like we’re in it for a long summer.

The South African mutation is separate from the UK, is also more contagious and seems to have

“ Dr Simon Clarke, who is an expert in cell microbiology at the University of Reading, said: "The South African variant has a number of additional mutations including changes to some of the virus' spike protein which are concerning."

What is a spike protein?

- The spike protein is composed of a linear chain of 1,273 amino acids, neatly folded into a structure, which is studded with up to 23 sugar molecules. Spike proteins like to stick together and three separate spike molecules bind to each other to form a functional “trimeric” unit.

The spike can be subdivided into distinct functional units, known as domains, which fulfil different biochemical functions of the protein, such as binding to the target cell, fusing with the membrane, and allowing the spike to sit on the viral envelope.


One of the most concerning features of the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 is how it moves or changes over time during the evolution of the virus. Encoded within the viral genome, the protein can mutate and changes its biochemical properties as the virus evolves.

Most mutations will not be beneficial and either stop the spike protein from working or have no effect on its function. But some may cause changes that give the new version of the virus a selective advantage by making it more transmissible or infectious.
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Well, shit... hopefully we last til 2022


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