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 51 yrs old
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Dec 29 2020 10:57AM
     Mitch stops $2k payment
There ya go.

Showdown looming between Mitch and Trump.
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McConnell blocks $2k addition


Dec 26 2020 11:25AM
     Best in Music 2020
Well, Christmas is over. That means it’s time for the end of year lists.

Let’s start with music: what got your attention this year in terms of music?

Me: waxahatchee - fire.

Not my usual cup of tea, but this came on a playlist (after some intimacy with a civi) and it just fit the moment.

1 comment

Dec 25 2020 10:22AM
     Nashville attack on Christmas morning
This hits home, as my old office is blocks always. Crazy to see the trees along the quad in ashes.

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Nashville attack


Dec 24 2020 03:41PM
     Looking for a few good men
My good buddy in law enforcement in any has passed in the word that everyone has been told to enjoy the holidays and keep a squeaky clean record. There will be select officers ready to arrest Trump on state charges once he is out and these officers need to have immaculate records.


Dec 22 2020 08:57PM
     Trump about to Veto the covid relief
Trump put out a 4 minute video of him sucking on Putin’s dick and telling American’s to stock up on lube for anal fucking.

Well, he did not do that but his 4 minute video did complain what a disgrace “shameful” and “wasteful” the new relief package was. While he did not say the words veto, he came as close as he could, even though the bills passed with veto proof majorities in both houses.

Instead of getting things moving for hurting Americans, he wants to upend the process.

Ladies and gentlemen, the asshole in charge.
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This is what happens when you put a fool in charge


Dec 22 2020 06:00PM
     For those of you that stream thru less than credible ways
Looks like it’s not the Kraken, but cracking down hard... on illegal streaming.
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There goes my entertainment


Dec 21 2020 12:04PM
     It Came from My Underpants. The Horror.
Nope, not a monster movie, but (pun intended) a tale of espionage and failed assasination.

Russian opposition leader Navalny himself found out who the person was who poisoned him and got him to confess over the phone.

“How Navalny did it

Navalny, who is still recovering at a secret location in Germany, posed as a senior official from Russia's National Security Council tasked with carrying out an analysis of the poisoning operation. His phone number was disguised as that of the headquarters of the FSB, according to Navalny's team and a recording of the call later.


After Kudryavtsev confirmed his identity, Navalny said he'd been tasked with getting "a brief understanding from the team members: what went wrong, why was there a complete failure in Tomsk with Navalny?"


Most dramatically Kudryavtsev provided a detailed account of how the nerve agent was applied to a pair of Navalny's underpants.
Navalny asked: "What item of clothing was the emphasis on? What is the most risky piece of clothing?"
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Make your dick wet and see what happens


Dec 20 2020 09:44PM
     VUI-202012/01 fall
Looks like there is another mutation to COVID-19 called: VUI-202012/01 , and it is coming out of the UK.

Highly contagious and with more damage to the body than earlier versions.

From the BBC ( not to be confused with big black cock):

“ Why is this variant causing concern?

Three things are coming together that mean it is attracting attention:

It is rapidly replacing other versions of the virus
It has mutations that affect part of the virus likely to be important
Some of those mutations have already been shown in the lab to increase the ability of the virus to infect cells
All of these come together to build a case for a virus that can spread more easily.

However, we do not have absolute certainty. New strains can become more common simply by being in the right place at the right time - such as London, which had only tier two restrictions until recently.”

One last thing. The US military is really going out of its way to see if the new strain is resistant to the vaccines.

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2020 has one more Christmas present for us


Dec 19 2020 04:58PM
     Eating themselves alive, part 2
What’s on the menu tonight? More Trumptard bullshit, fresh and hot.

“ President Donald Trump convened a heated meeting in the Oval Office on Friday, including lawyer Sidney Powell and her client, former national security adviser Michael Flynn, two people familiar with the matter said, describing a session that began as an impromptu gathering but devolved and eventually broke out into screaming matches at certain points as some of Trump's aides pushed back on Powell and Flynn's more outrageous suggestions about overturning the election.”

Ah, i love it when they tear into one another.

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Chew on this


Dec 17 2020 03:25PM
     Stock tips 2021
Just a heads up for you stock holders who own tech.

As you know, chips for the new smart devices, especially cars, at going to be hit hard, and production may be low. What ever company breaks the low stock will come out a winner.
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Economic forecast - tech


Dec 14 2020 06:49PM
     And now for something new - a predator that glows in the dark.
I love science.

“ A conservation technician recently discovered that the zoo's Tasmanian Devils are biofluorescent.

That's when animals absorb high-energy light and re-emit it. It's believed to be the first documented case of the evolutionary phenomenon in Tasmanian Devils.

Jake Schoen, the technician, told the Toledo Blade, he made the discovery using a special camera, which revealed glowing blue eyes, ears and snout.”
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Shining night eyes


Dec 14 2020 02:56PM
     William Barr is out of the DOJ
He is stepping down.

And he knows “where the bodies” are buried.

This will be fun.
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So long, schmuck

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