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Level 2 Male

 51 yrs old
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Dec 14 2020 10:28AM
     Electoral college meets now
The unfucking of America begins.

Final nails into the Trump era are being hammered in with every electoral vote.
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You’re fired.


Dec 9 2020 04:28PM
     Breaking up is hard to do
Facebook has been hauled up to Washington and towards breaking up the near monopoly.

This is going to fuck up a lot of online marketing for people.

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Dec 8 2020 07:42PM
     Lou Dobbs vs. Stephen Miller
The jackals are eating each other.

Jesus Christ this will be fun!
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Who sucks Trump’s cock better?


Dec 7 2020 05:05AM
     I was wondering when the December surprise would come
New illness appears in Eluru, India.

300 people ill, with no known cause.

Possible something in the water.

But we don’t know.
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Over the horizon


Dec 6 2020 04:21PM
     Giuliani has COVID-19
Well, that’s how he is gonna go out.

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Reality hurts


Dec 6 2020 04:45AM
     The Devil went down to Georgia
Sing it if you know it:

“The Orange Bad Man went down to Georgia
He was lookin' for an election to steal
He was in a bind 'cause he was way behind
And he was pushing to make a deal…

When he came across old man Kemp
Workin' on a run-off and things were gettin’ hot
And the Orange Bad Man jumped upon a hickory stump
And said,

"Boy, let me tell you what
I’m the Prez of these United States
And I will tell you what’s what.
By hook and crook I have tried to swindle me
And election that puts me back in power
Past 2023.

Now if you overturn your election votes
With your Governor powers true
I’ll sing a song filled with notes
Of how you made Dems blue.
But if you cross this man
By not selling your soul and breaking Georgia rule
I’ll go on high to the mountain top
And tell everyone you’re a fool.”

Now Kemp may be a politician
And wheels and deals anyway he can
But even he knew better than to believe
The bullshit from Bad Orange Man.

That Governor told the POTUS man
To check himself and rewind
He don’t deal with whiny losers
Who will feel prison love in the behind.

Georgia law has stated
What I can do and what must be done
You ain’t tempting me to betray my office
You cheap son of a gun.

And PA and Vss4 and crane_op wept
As the “red wave” was a mere shit show
All of their expected revelations or overturns
To nowhere did they go.

Trump raged and wailed and squealed
during his rally under a tent
Was to cause more Trumptards to attend
a super spreader event.

Now Kemp did his state proud
By sticking to the rule
By delivering to Trump and his fanatics
A turd to chew on this Christmas Yule.


Dec 1 2020 06:37PM
Okay, just creating a blog for this lovely.

Ayiiiii mami!

Amazing pics. No


Dec 1 2020 03:45PM
     Bribes for presidential pardons? You don’t say
Looks like Trump can’t help trying to get swindle the government for bucks.

Bribery for pardons?
You bet!

He is so fucked!
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Nov 28 2020 11:33AM
     New lockdown starting Dec 1st
Oh boy, looks like I calls will be having issues, as the new lockdown goes I go affect Monday.

Anyone at the hotels know what this means for hotel guests?
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Stay at home order


Nov 25 2020 02:55PM
     Tenant protection expiring
Well, most of the government programs that helped people who are really hurt by Covid and the economic shutdowns will be coming to en and at the end of the year.

For those of you being affected, how are you handling this?


Nov 23 2020 06:12PM
     If you are over 45 and get laid often, you need to read this
A recent study determined that people over 45 years old are at greater risk “than ever before” of contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs) due to stigma surrounding middle-aged and older individuals having sex.

The University of Chichester, along with researchers from the U.K., Belgium and the Netherlands, found that negative views toward discussing sexual health and a general lack of knowledge contribute to some older people being unaware of the risks of unprotected sex.

“OVER-45s are at a higher risk of contracting STIs than ever before because of society’s unwillingness to talk about middle-aged and older people having sex, a new report has found,” the study concluded, according to the release.

This study is not to be confused with the one from the University of Jizzster, where some of you are faculty and in emeritus.


Nov 22 2020 05:27PM
     MAGA va MAGA - Guiliani vs Powell
So much for a team effort.

“ The Trump campaign on Sunday sought to distance itself from attorney Sidney Powell following a series of media appearances during which she made baseless allegations of widespread nationwide election fraud.

Powell, who also represents former national security adviser Michael Flynn, had appeared with campaign lawyers at press events as recently as last week.

In a brief statement released Sunday afternoon, President Trump's lead attorney Rudy Giuliani and senior legal adviser Jenna Ellis said that Powell "is not a member of the Trump Legal Team." “

Damn, that’s cold.

Let’s see how she takes the. Red, and what secrets both sides will spill when they eventually get petty.
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Setting up a sacrifice


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