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Level 2 Male

 51 yrs old
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Nov 21 2020 10:35PM
     Another reason to avoid NYC this winter
Fookin’ rats!

Giant fookin’ rats are being found leaving Central Park and infesting parts of New York City proper.
Big as bunnies and small dogs.
Terrorizing locals and attacking pets. In broad daylight.
They are grabbing them by the pussy.
Nesting in trees, breeding like crazy in trash rubble.

As of today over 12,000 complaints and hundreds of individual giant rats have been caught and destroyed.

And winter has barely begun. And they will spread.
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Winter is coming


Nov 21 2020 11:09AM
     Tucker Carlson vs Sidney Powell
Well, we knew this would happen.

The right wing nuts can no longer justify their ludicrous claims without facts or some veritable proof of foul play. Carlson asked Sidney to show proof of her claims, and now he’s getting hammered by his own people.

She didn’t, he called her out for it and now the loonies are turning on one of their own.

And time is running out on the recount. And pressure is on to show verifiable facts.

It’s so good to see them destroy themselves.
Pass the popcorn.

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These “civilized people” will eat each other


Nov 20 2020 02:16PM
     US Civil War , part 3
Just got word that one of the guys who works next door quit his job in safety and security and his other career (do my want to give him away) and is setting up a training school for coworkers for the coming Civil War.

Ugh, here we go.


Nov 17 2020 10:49PM
     $20,000 a day
Well, I am in the wrong business.

Looks like we know the price of Rudy Giuliano’s soul.
$20,000 a day.


“ Rudolph W. Giuliani, who has helped oversee a string of failed court challenges to President Trump’s defeat in the election, asked the president’s campaign to pay him $20,000 a day for his legal work, multiple people briefed on the matter said.

The request stirred opposition from some of Mr. Trump’s aides and advisers, who appear to have ruled out paying that much, and it is unclear how much Mr. Giuliani will ultimately be compensated.”

And if it’s true, there are a lot of lawyers who are fuming as they do the work and Rudy gets the payday.
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Shoveling shit for $20K a day


Nov 16 2020 10:14AM
     Sturgis part 3
Well, we knew this would happen.

South Dakota has a 75% increase in covid mortality.

“South Dakota is, by any measure, one of the epicenters of the coronavirus surge in the United States right now. The state has averaged more than 1,000 cases every day this month, according to The New York Times. Deaths from Covid-19 have surged 74% in just the last two weeks. Forbes just called South Dakota one of the 10 riskiest states in the country to visit.“

Congratulations, SD, for showing the world how not to be responsible adults.


Nov 15 2020 02:41PM
     Getting stuff done before the second lockdown
Hey everyone, are you doing what you need to before things get colder (and possibly worse due to covid lockdowns?)


Nov 15 2020 02:19PM
     New economic super group
For those of us who have business interests overseas, this is worrisome.

“ The signing of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) at a regional summit in Hanoi, is a further blow to the group pushed by former U.S. president Barack Obama, which his successor Trump exited in 2017.


RCEP groups the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), China, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand. It aims in coming years to progressively lower tariffs across many areas.

The deal was signed on the sidelines of an online ASEAN summit held as Asian leaders address tensions in the South China Sea and tackle plans for a post-pandemic economic recovery in a region where U.S.-China rivalry has been rising.”

I just got the word this morning that my business partners in Asia May be reassessing our agreements because of this, as they see they have more leverage.

So much for “so much winning.”
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Guess who isn’t a decision maker?


Nov 15 2020 10:56AM
     Trump concedes
It’s over.
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Soy, un perdidor. I’m a loser baaaabyyy....


Nov 10 2020 04:33PM
     Día de las GreasyAss
Any buttery yummy bitty pics to share?

Ladies, only.

None of scalawags


Nov 9 2020 10:30PM
     Veteran’s Day 2020
I may not get a chance to say it on Wednesday, but salute and respect to you veterans who served with honor.

1 comment

Nov 7 2020 11:38AM
     Election is over, what are drinking game are we playing now?
Or betting on?

Odds are good Trump and his cronies will do something illegal before The New Year.

No comments yet

Nov 6 2020 06:00AM
     Another So Cal fire
Yikes, just when you thought it was safe.

San Dimas hillsides are ablaze.
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