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Level 2 Male

 51 yrs old
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Nov 6 2020 05:52AM
     What’s on your playlist right now?
This one is for the Trump Tourette’s.
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Sing it if you know it


Nov 4 2020 01:21AM
     Thanksgiving plans
Ok, so who has plans for Thanksgiving?

More importantly, the day after?

(Besides not getting COVID and being hit by protestors.)

1 comment

Nov 3 2020 11:03PM
     Where are the riots?
And where de white women at?

I could have sworn by all the social media posts about people misbehaving that most of the country would be on fire by now.


Nov 3 2020 10:22AM
     Vote for
Ok, let’s have some fun.
Blow off some steam.

If you were running for Pres, what is your tag line to earn the vote?
And for more fun, what would you say to have someone vote someone here who has opposing views.
Nothing negative, just funny.

I’ll start:

Vote for Sherkahn, I deal with hard truths and get the hard things done. Because I have an the Big Hard One.

Vote for Crane_op, right or wrong, it’s USA all the way.

Honorable mention: Goddess Euphoria, vote for a goddess.Her blessing is ecstasy.

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Nov 2 2020 11:33AM
     Trump has rallied the lawyers
What ever the results he has already said that he is going into swing states with his legal team.

Yeah, that’s not a good sign.
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Sue sue sue


Nov 2 2020 07:18AM
     Second civil War, part three
Well, we have another “first skirmish”.

“Richmond police said the mobile "Trump Train" demonstration entered the city on Sunday afternoon after originating in Henrico County, with participants driving to the Robert E. Lee statue at Monument and Allen avenues.

Confrontations with individuals at the circle ensued, police added in a statement, while some of the vehicles left the roads and crossed grassy medians near the area.

One female who was in the area reported she was pepper-sprayed by an unknown individual from a vehicle. The alleged attack took place shortly before 4:20 p.m. No other injuries were reported, police said.”
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Train attack


Nov 1 2020 10:53AM
     The second American Civil War, part 2
See, it’s that “righteous” conservative attitude that will lead to spilled American blood.

Some updates from my part of town:

Good news: a security truck and well dressed guys in suits are placing flyers asking if we need private security on the street.

Bad news: neighbors are planning updated neighborhood watches , as a landlord they want me to help pony up some cash for supplies.

Ugly news: same neighbors just realized some are conservatives, some are liberal.
That was pleasant.


Oct 30 2020 06:58AM
     mandalorian season 2
Ah, a refreshing change of pace from the current media onslaught.

That was a fun episode.


Oct 28 2020 09:39PM
     Our only hope and savior fumbled the ball
Help, us Tucker Carlson, you are our only hope.

Truth is stranger than fiction, except with ludicrous bullshit like this:

“Tucker Carlson Reports He Lost Only Copy of Documents That Nail Biden“
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Oct 28 2020 07:13AM
     Apophis is coming
Well, new calculations show that the asteroid Apophis has a good chance of hitting Earth
In 2068. While not a planet killer, it can do damage.

And you learn something new every day.

“The Yarkovsky effect is a subtle, net force on a small, rotating body caused by asymmetric heating. Tholen and his colleagues have now measured the strength of this effect on Apophis by making extremely precise positional observations using the Japanese 8.3-meter Subaru telescope on Mauna Kea, Hawai‘i. Their results indicate that the semi-major axis of the asteroid’s orbit is decreasing by 170 meters per year – in very good agreement with Vokrouhlický’s prediction.“
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Out in the void.


Oct 27 2020 10:47PM
     The Trump White House got hacked
Not that this will change minds at the last minute, but it will be fun to see Trump play defense and spin doctor to the latest hack.

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Who can you trust to keep you safe if they cant


Oct 24 2020 09:52AM
     Scranton Joe is in trouble part 2, or not
So what was all the Tony Bobulinski about? He had hardware and other physical evidence, and people were going to be arrested the morning after the debate?

And he was going to be a hero?

And what happened? None of the evidence proved to be of any value by the FBI

“ Fox News has reviewed emails from Bobulinski related to the venture — and they don't show that the elder Biden had business dealings with SinoHawk Holdings, or took any payments from them or the Chinese. ”

This was the Geraldo Rivera finds Capone vault of inflated bullshit that went know where. Like Trump facts.

And Biden’s is reaping the benefits by ignoring the story and giving it legs to run.

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