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 51 yrs old
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
Pomona, Inland Empire, CA Today!
Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Jan 3 2024 05:50AM
     Rent scams
Just a friendly reminder to all that rent scammers are out there.

I had a young couple show up to one of my properties while the current tenants are on holiday vacation, ready to move in. Somehow they had a working FOB to the community door, but the key they were given did not work. Of course it did not work, because it was not to the house.

Security called me when they asked for help and the person who was the “landlord” was not picking up the phone. As soon as I showed up they figured they had been conned. Too good to be true.

Always double check who the owner is. The guy had used a fake business card from the management company I bought this place from 9 years ago, and had spliced pics from the demo model of the home with pics when I bought it.


Dec 28 2023 07:36PM
     Everyone loves a parade

Looks like someone entrepreneurial is taking advantage of the coming Rose Bowl parade.

Lots of cold tourists, sitting around, waiting all night for a parade. Restless and horny.
In need of stress relief with money to spend.

There is a modified “video game/arcade” that will “shuttle” you around the Pasadena route, similar the “fun buses” in the Brazilian carnivale during Carnaval season in Rio de Janeiro.

Yes, the talent is Brazilian/South American.

Don’t know what the final “display”/marketing is, but the cover is video gaming, while the inside is anything but innocent.

I will keep you posted when I hear more.

My tech buddy did the crew’s sound system.


Dec 28 2023 07:15PM
     Trump has been removed from the ballot - Maine
Told ya so.

“ Secretary of State Shenna Bellows said Mr Trump was not eligible because of his actions leading up to the US Capitol riot in 2021.

Maine now joins Colorado as the two states to ban Mr Trump from the ballot.
The decisions increase pressure on the Supreme Court to weigh in.

Colorado votes reliably Democratic, however, Maine is more politically competitive and would be more significant for Mr Trump - the Republican frontrunner - to lose.”
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You’re fired.


Dec 25 2023 10:03PM
     Holiday gift cards exchange
Anyone have any luck “selling” their gift cards?

We wrapped up the cross-company party and a lot of people did not take their good bags back to their home country, and I have stuck with a lot of gifts cards of varying value.

I hear is a good site, but anyone else know of solid exchange places to get best value for the cards?


Dec 21 2023 08:37AM
     Trump campaign is over. Part 2 - The Reaming
California and New Nersey legislators are making moves to oust Trump from their ballots.


Dec 19 2023 11:54PM
     Sexy celebrity birthdays on Dec 19th.
Billie Eilish is 22 now, and damn she hides a fine ass body under her baggy clothes again.
And that she is into Sapphic love makes her so delicious.

And speaking of, Jennifer Beals is now 60, and she is rocking a bad ass body.

She’s kept me hard when Inwas loosing my hair and she came out in Flashdance.

My god, she is 60 and looks better than most women I meet up and down (-and up and down and up and down) across North America.

1 comment

Dec 19 2023 04:54PM
     The Trump campaign is over
Colorado just removed Trump from the ballot.

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Stick a knife in him


Dec 16 2023 10:22AM
     Today in science: hidden prehistoric lagoon discovered
For those of you who love ancient biology, this one’s for you.

“The environment was 'previously unknown to science', according to the University of Colorado Boulder, but once discovered was found to be home to a system of lagoons surrounded by salt plains.

The area is one of the driest environments on Earth, meaning few plants or animals can survive there, but new research has uncovered an entire lost world hidden inside the lagoons in Argentina.”
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Ancient life forms


Dec 15 2023 02:57PM
     Please welcome Judy Ruliani
The Mayor of NY has finally had his settlement judgement announced, and it’s a whopping 150 million that he needs to pay.

Rudy is now scrambling for money, willing to do anything to keep his out of debt.
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Fuck that guy


Dec 12 2023 06:58PM
     Andre Braugher has died
The two time Emmy winner has passed.

His Captain Holt on Brooklyn Nine Nine had me crying at times from laughter.
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A bright light has gone out


Dec 8 2023 02:30PM
     White party attire
Ok, consider this my humble request, as Inwoud. Rather ask then look like a clown.

I am too old now to know what to wear to a “white party” and need guidance.
My crew and I look cool as aged Euro trash, but I got a nice invite for New Years, and as the young people say these days, I wanna “shown up.”

Got to be a step above Casino night fancy.

Where do YOU go and who do YOU talk to?


Dec 8 2023 09:12AM
     Today in gay: bound and gagged
CNN has released pics of Palestinian men captured and put into the elements, heads bagged and in their u ser wear out in th desert during winter.

Longwalker was quoted as “look at all those smelly hairy men that need to get their cocks sucked.
The best sex is desperate prison sex.Sign me up, semen is on the menu.”
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