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 51 yrs old
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
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Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Aug 9 2020 04:11PM
     Perseid meteor shower
For those of you who are not drinking yourselves to death at night or ruttting til you can’t rut no more, Perseid meteor shower is the middle of this week. Always a joy for star gazers who enjoy feeling the scope of our universe.


Aug 9 2020 11:42AM
     Tail between his legs
Trump got corrected during yesterday’s News conference and cut it short when someone called him on his bullshit.

Punk ass bitch.
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Caught bullshitting


Aug 8 2020 06:32AM
     Sturgis Bike Rally
This should be good... let’s see what happens on day 9.


Aug 6 2020 09:45AM
     It’s happening! Run for the Hills
De government is coming for your guns!

Piss you-selves in fear! Run to your compounds.

“New York's attorney general has announced a lawsuit aimed at dissolving the powerful National Rifle Association over alleged financial mismanagement.

Letitia James said the NRA had diverted millions of dollars to leaders including its head, Wayne LaPierre, for their personal use.

"For these years of misconduct we are seeking an order to dissolve the NRA entirely," she said.

Ms James said that the four named defendants - Mr LaPierre, Wilson Phillips, Joshua Powell and John Frazer "instituted a culture of self-dealing, mismanagement and negligent oversight at the NRA that was illegal, oppressive and fraudulent".

The attorney general outlined a litany of charges against the defendants, but accused Mr LaPierre, long the face of the powerful gun lobby group, of being the "central figure" behind the organisation's wrongdoings.

One example of misconduct alleged in the lawsuit states that Mr LaPierre visited the Bahamas more than eight times by private plane using funds intended for the NRA, for a total cost of $500,000 (£380,225).

The corruption "is so broad", Ms James said, that total dissolution of the organisation is necessary.“
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How they got Al Capone


Aug 3 2020 06:05PM
     The ship is sinking
Conservatives who want to survive the fall of Trump (and the leadership) are positioning themselves to come to power after the fall out. Trump loyalists vs. true GOP conservatives that have been pinching their nose for the past 3 years.

“ The maneuvering for power in a possible post-Trump world has already broken out among House Republicans — a worrisome preview for the GOP of potentially chaotic leadership fights this fall.

The party’s long-simmering divides were largely papered over after Donald Trump won the White House in 2016. But members expect the truce among the GOP’s warring factions to crumble if Trump’s presidency ends, and the current leadership could face the fallout.
The early feuding that has already erupted inside the House GOP is being fueled by Trump’s dismal poll numbers and growing fears that Republicans could sink even further into the House minority, underscoring the anxiety in the GOP conference just three months before the election.”
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Only so many life vests available.


Aug 3 2020 12:25PM
     August 2020 catastrophe - it has been here all along
We have been preparing for the next major threat to the American way of life, unaware that the threat has been with us for so long.

Beware.... of fatal farts. Death farts.

“ When a baby Lomamyia latipennis gets hungry, it stuns a termite with a "vapor-phase toxicant" released from its anus. That's a fancy way of saying it farts on it. In fact, their farts are powerful enough to immobilize six of its prey with one ‘blow.’

This is how you wield a Death Fart, if you are a small predatory neuropteran.

A larva repeatedly approached and retreated until the tip of its abdomen was directed at the prey’s head. The apex of the abdomen was lifted and waved past the face, without contact. Unaware of a threat, the tiny bugs are not repelled, as it made no obvious effort to escape. Prey does not flee until it is too late. One to three minutes later it was incapacitated, lying supine, with its legs moving irregularly.

Once the larva delivers its toxic toot, it can leisurely scuttle over and chow down. If a few extra victims are caught in the backdraft, that's just extra food.”

This latipennis bug is not to be confused with some of you guys with stinky cheese penis.

And the threat is carried on.... termites.

Yup. With the heat, the termites are mating and flying, and spreading the threat where ever they go.

So BEWARE!!!! (If you are a termite. Termite is the preferred food.)
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Aug 3 2020 11:48AM
     Put him through the wringer
No, not a sex term.

It’s what NY DA is about to do to Trump and his ilk as they request 8 years of tax records, as last months success at blocking bullshit “ immunity” has opened up the flood gates.

And the judge in the case wants no more delays.
Let the blood letting begin!
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Aug 2 2020 12:06PM
     Fox News is a brain eating disease?
Well, that’s one way to think about it. Another is that it makes you stupider.

New data sets in psychology and social sciences are coming in with new results. Here is the latest result from an exam that began in 2016:

For the study, Licari analyzed nationally representative data from 2016 wave of the American National Election Studies. The surveys asked respondents to report their use of online news media sources, including ABC News, BuzzFeed, CNN, Fox News, The Huffington Post, NBC News, The Washington Post, and other outlets.

After controlling for age, gender, race, education, political ideology and other factors, Licari found that using Fox’s website as a news source was associated with lower levels of some types of political knowledge, but not others.

“For some kinds of knowledge, there’s little reason to suspect an association between getting one’s news from and less knowledge (what I term ‘process-oriented knowledge’ in the paper — or facts about the political system and how things are run).”

Process-oriented knowledge included things like knowing which party currently had the most members in the U.S. House of Representatives, how many years a United States Senator is elected for, and the political office held by John Roberts.

“But, for other kinds of knowledge (what I call ‘society-oriented knowledge’ comprising important facts about society and things affecting society), the evidence does point to a possible association between visiting the site and lower levels of knowledge,” Licari explained.

Examples of society-oriented knowledge included whether unemployment had gotten better or worse over the past year, whether Barack Obama was a Muslim, and whether the world’s temperature had been slowly increasing over the past 100 years.

“Taking-in additional online sources other than diminished the negative effect, but the models suggest that, for the vast majority of people, the society-oriented knowledge gap between visitors and non-visitors is pretty durable. That association is statistically and — I feel — substantively significant,” Licari said.

In short, Fox makes you stupider.


Jul 27 2020 12:21PM
     Shaving contest -manly covid beards
Any experts know how to safely and quickly shave off a Bigfoot beard?

I’m in a contest to shave my covid beard online with a few others, live. First super smooth clean face wins a new skiff boat with trailer.

Rules: no electric shavers. Beard must qualify for length and cannot be a fake/glued on. And shave safely.


Jul 26 2020 11:35PM
     So Trump said I can get it up, and Hanna blowed him away
The wall in Texas , that is.

Back in March “Dump” bragged about having indestructible border wall. Tropical Storm Hanna just proved him wrong at the cost of 11 millions dollars as it made landfall in TX.


Jul 25 2020 05:41AM
     War with China
Embassies being closed. Breaking into another embassy. Aircraft carriers conducting war games....

And Trump needs to posture to look strong after getting humbled by the virus.

What say you?


Jul 22 2020 01:11PM
     Canned premixed alcoholic drinks
Has your inability to go to bars made you appreciate premixed cocktails more? Just got gifted a case of booze from a friend/client for helping them troubleshoot an issue on their network.

The Vodka mixers are bad, the tequila margarita a waste, but the Moscow mule and Bourbon root beer are surprisingly good.

Have you made any covid discoveries?


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