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Released Mar 20 2008

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Jun 30 2020 07:20AM
     So what is on the July calendar, Doom guy?
Just when you thought it was safe to hope for a better tomorrow.

From the BBC (no, not big black cock... minds out of the gutter.)

“ How worried should we be?

The virus, which the researchers call mAKE MURIKa GR8.....correction, G4 EA H1N1, can grow and multiply in the cells that line the human airways.

They found evidence of recent infection in people who worked in abattoirs and the swine industry in China when they looked at data from 2011 to 2018.

Current flu vaccines do not appear to protect against it, although they could be adapted to do so if needed.

Prof Kin-Chow Chang, who works at Nottingham University in the UK, told the BBC: "Right now we are distracted with coronavirus and rightly so. But we must not lose sight of potentially dangerous new viruses."

While this new virus is not an immediate problem, he says: "We should not ignore it."

In theory, a flu pandemic could occur at any time, but they are still rare events. Pandemics happen if a new strain emerges that can easily spread from person to person.”

In related developments, Trump has requested to import pigs from China. Asked why, he gave the following answers.

“The only way to stop the bullshit about me is to remove the cows in America.”
“I’ve always wanted to see a pig fly. It will save the airline industry.”
“Pork. This is what I meant by ‘White Power’, the other white meat.”
“I buy pork at a discount from China, they help me with the votes. Everybody wins.”
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They are calling the new Swine Flu TrumpDisease


Jun 29 2020 08:37PM
     Wait, tell me if you have heard this one before
So a Russian spy walks into an Afghan hut with two heavy cases and sits down.
The Afghans Walk over and open up the cases. One is full of weapons, the other is full of money.

The Russian says “we will pay you a bounty for every US soldier.”
Before the Afghans even say yes there is a small heavy set orange man that appears behind the cases full of money and asks.

“How much for a bulk delivery? I line ‘me up, you take them down.”
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Selling out Us soldiers


Jun 28 2020 09:59PM
     Misinformation sniffers have been unleashed.
New measures and techniques are being used to root out online misinformation.

Article from RAND.

“ Our study found that online communities are increasingly being exposed to junk news, cyber bullying activity, terrorist propaganda, and political reputation boosting or smearing campaigns. These activities are undertaken by synthetic accounts and human users, including online trolls, political leaders, crane_op, far-left or far-right individuals, national adversaries and extremist groups. In support of government efforts to detect and counter these activities, the research team successfully developed and applied a machine learning model in a Russian troll database to identify differences between authentic political supporters and Russian trolls shaping online debates regarding the 2016 US presidential election. To trial the model's portability, a promising next step could be to test the model in a new context such as the online Brexit debate.”

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Sniffing out trollls


Jun 28 2020 08:03PM
     The outlook for the election at the end of June 2020
Trump knows he is going to lose.

He can’t keep a clear and consistent message and for every well planned step forward he does something stupid to set himself back.

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His insiders are abandoning ship.


Jun 26 2020 07:06AM
     Taping that money
The State of California is tapping into the rainy day fund to help pay for the draining funds due to the covid and economic conditions.

Pretty sure this is going to be abused.


Jun 22 2020 05:08PM
     So a buffoon hold an event, part douche
Pun intended.

2 more staffers who attended Saturday’s event are COVID positive.

Local Oklahoma hospitals report a rise in covid cases, with 218 new as Monday. And yes, some of them attended the rally. And this is just 36 hours after.

Stupid is as stupid does.
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Trump says no, safety experts say yes to testing


Jun 22 2020 12:47PM
     Excerpts from Bolton’s book
Chapter 5. That’s Not A Big Toe.

Bolton - 3 am. Kim Jong-Un has just sent over a request for with the SaudiA that Trump needed to be aware of. I was still drinking my coffee and still fixing my shirt. Nothing makes my day better than seeing the Iranian’s get screwed, but not by N Korea.

I was on my way to “Oral Room” to update the President. I also brought the crayons that he liked and a cheeseburger from McDonald’s. The office manager was still waking up and barely recognized that I was walking in. The secret service agent on duty was throwing up in the trash can, so I knew what that meant.

I girded my resolve, and told myself this was for the nation. I summoned my strength and walked in.

No matter how many times one sees this, it’s as painful to watch. The disgust is as fresh as ever.

On a big screen, Vladimir Putin was speaking in Russian and showing the latest charts of disinformation that his people were handling for Trump. Melania was standing nearby, translating for the Russian President. On the floor was the 45th President of the United States, dresses as a dirty Russian ballerina. A massive dildo was glued to the big screen where Putin’s cock would be, and Trump was taking it in as deep into his mouth as much as he could. Again.

With the amount of fake, dried up cum stains on his shirt. The stains on the bottom part of the outfit show how much Trump was enjoying himself. The “talk” was nearing completion. Trump pulled back and with a gasp he demanded “more caviar flavor.” And went back to sucking.

An aide went to the mix machine in the back and added a dark juice to the milky blend. The smell was disgusting, and it will take years to get out of this hallowed hall.

trump finally noticed that I had entered the room and lifted a finger indiciating for me to wait. He took his mouth off the dildo and asked Melania.

“Are you sure he can’t see me?”

“He can’t.”


Then went back to sucking. Melania winked at the camera at the top of the large TV. Putin winked back.


Jun 20 2020 06:09PM
     So a buffoon holds an event...
And even before the event begins, 6 of the working the show get the ‘rona.

I think we have this year’s premiere Darwin Award winners.

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Mother Nature always wins


Jun 18 2020 08:11PM
     Seeing a dentist
Are you all making time to see the dentist?

I interviewed someone today, and whoa nelly that person obviously needs to see a dentist. But because of covid, they would not go.

Are you all being more patient with stink breathe?


Jun 18 2020 07:24AM
     One more victory for Obama, one more defeat for Trump
How’s that winning?

Supreme Court just upheld DACA. Trump can’t do shit and he waisted our time and dollars to change it.

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Override denied


Jun 16 2020 07:52AM
     Buried lead - China Vs. India
This is not being talked about but it could blow up fast and take inflame the world.

China and India are having skirmishes at their shared border over territory.
No guns yet, but there are dead soldiers on both sides. Neither is backing down, and once guns go off this will escalate.
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Biggest populations about to rumble


Jun 15 2020 03:44AM
The virus has mutated
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More contagious
New cases in China


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