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 51 yrs old
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Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Jun 14 2020 07:13PM
     Trump’s birthday was today
Flotillas of Trump supporters floated down the water ways of Florida.

It was actually impressive.

This was highlighted with a replay of his limp walk down the ramp at West Pointe the day before and and a return to DC to an ongoing protest as questions of his health and blood pressure loom.


Jun 11 2020 10:30AM
     They elected this idiot as a Senator?
Bye Steve!

Fucking idiot says stuff like this. The guys wants riots on his streets.
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Stupid things people say


Jun 6 2020 03:47PM
     Is today a bad day for hopeful libs? Part 2
No, it’s not a bad day.

It’s an excellent day to once again recognize that the Trump administration is fudging the numbers and selling shit painted gold. Like Trump beef and Trump university.

The “employed” have been mislabeled. Whether it was incompetence or malice remains to be seen.
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That’s pretty fresh and fragrant bullshit.

1 comment

Jun 5 2020 02:33PM
     Asteroid hurtling to earth
Oh look, for all of you who don’t think it’s Doom time!


Fire from the sky!!!
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What else is missing?


Jun 4 2020 01:27PM
     For all you hypocritical mother fuckers
For all of you holier-than-thou religious nut jobs who are not getting it.

Imagine you were in the crowd and saw law enforcement apply lethal force to a person.
“But he’s a criminal!” You would say.

Imagine that the guardians of the community that were good people stood by and watched as something bad happened to a good person at the hands of other guardians.

Imagine, would you voice a protest? Speak up and take action? Walk unarmed at the potential of certain bodily harm to protect an innocent? Even if that individual was attempting to overturn social norms?

“Two thousand years ago Jesus ended the debate about which lives matter. He died for all of us!”

Our Lord and Savior died at the hands of law enforcement.
Never forget that.


Jun 2 2020 08:11PM
     Trump posing with a Bible Part 2
3 days length?

You must not go to church that often.

Even the pro church people who support trump are calling for excommunication or worse, as the priest in attendance at St. John was kicked out for the photo op.

The Episcopal Bishop of Washington, the Right Reverend Mariann Budde, said: "The president just used a Bible, the most sacred text of the Judeo-Christian tradition, and one of the churches of my diocese, without permission, as a backdrop for a message antithetical to the teachings of Jesus."

James Martin, a Jesuit priest and consultant to the Vatican's communications department, tweeted: "Let me be clear. This is revolting. The Bible is not a prop. A church is not a photo op. Religion is not a political tool. God is not your plaything."

Rabbi Jack Moline, President of the Interfaith Alliance, said: "Seeing President Trump standing in front of St John's Episcopal Church while holding a Bible in response to calls for racial justice - right after using military force to clear peaceful protesters - is one of the most flagrant misuses of religion that I have ever seen."

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This is the house of God, that was its servant


May 31 2020 11:20PM
     Going to be a long night
I thought those were coyotes outside my window down the street.


Looters planning mayhem.

The proper authorities have been notified.


May 31 2020 07:58PM
     How to de-escalate a conflict.
This is how it’s done. It’s not them, I’d not your side, it’s not my side.

It’s us. Moving and working together.
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Genesee County Sheriff Chris Swanson


May 31 2020 04:19AM
     National outrage part 2

You didn’t read what I said. You just skipped to what ever tooted your horn.

The LE social media posts that I was referring to to everyone out in the street showing social protest.
From the “prayer turds” (their words, not mine) who peacefully sit before the police lines, to the “drama queens” with megaphones and protest signs, up to the vandals. Hell, the few I was reading about have no tolerance or respect for the people standing in front of the cops and protecting them either.

God is on our side.
Law is on our side.
We will quiet the mad dogs on the street and clear all of the trash.
Good people stay at home.
People who are on the street in any way are asking for it, and we will give it to them.

These are the posts from a few people from earlier this evening before they went on duty and held the line.

By no means am I coming down on all law enforcement. I know good people who represent their community and honor the badge. But the human trash pretending to be cops are eager to be let loose upon all the protestors - the law abiding and the destructive.


May 30 2020 08:19AM
     National outrage
Well, the National Guard has been mobilized.

Three dead from the civil conflicts, and conditions escalating.


May 27 2020 03:37PM
     If strip clubs open back up
Will you go?


May 27 2020 05:18AM
     Congrats! You have been labeled a liar!
Looks like Trump’s favorite communication platform just neutered him.

“Twitter Refutes Inaccuracies in Trump’s Tweets About Mail-In Voting.

Twitter added information to refute the inaccuracies in President Trump’s tweets for the first time on Tuesday, after years of pressure over its inaction on his false and threatening posts.

The social media company added links late Tuesday to two of Mr. Trump’s tweets in which he had posted about mail-in ballots and falsely claimed that they would cause the November presidential election to be “rigged.”

The links — which were in blue lettering at the bottom of the posts and punctuated by an exclamation mark — urged people to “get the facts” about voting by mail. Clicking on the links led to a CNN story that said Mr. Trump’s claims were unsubstantiated and to a list of bullet points that Twitter had compiled rebutting the inaccuracies.“

In short, Twitter has labeled Trumps tweets as bullshit. And will continue to do so as long as the orangutan 🦧 continues to ramble.

And they have no plans to back down.
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