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 51 yrs old
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
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Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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May 26 2020 05:16AM
     Time to get a new career part 2
Well, who knew?

Time to get into the bootlegger business.
Canada is running out of condoms.

“A report last week by Statistics Canada said sales of “family planning products” such as condoms, contraceptives and lubricants soared by 30 percent in the second week of March and by 41 percent in the third week, compared to the same periods last year— right as Canadians were asked to stay home.

The surge was temporary, however. By the fourth week of March, sales slowed back to normal levels.

The Canadian federal data-gathering agency noted the drop off coincided with news reports that pandemic-driven factory shutdowns in Malaysia could limit global condom production, which fueled speculation of a possible shortage.”
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Running on empty


May 24 2020 08:09PM
     Time to get into a new career
After looking at all the crowds, I think it’s time to get into the funeral business or probate real estate.

Besides the disease, I’ve heard of people in my social circle getting into physical confrontations with people of other political views.


May 24 2020 10:14AM
     Space war
File this under strange buried leads.

Battle over the skies of Brazil led to a UFO crash. They are still recovering the wreckage.

I’m always a skeptic about this stuff, and I love the cheesy fake videos people make, but this looks GOOD and genuine.
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Brazilian UFO crash


May 23 2020 12:29PM
     Blast your ass from far away
The US Navy has successfully tested a ship based laser weapon that can destroy enemy aircraft in mid flight.

Oh yeah!

Bring on the future.
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Pew pew pew


May 22 2020 09:18PM
     Manipulative bitch, part 2
The law form that represents her dropped her as a client.

But they worked for #MeToo, Bill O Reilly and Harvey Weinstein.

Quote: “ look, we’ve represented the worst that society has to offer. True human cess pools that barely qualify as civilized people. But even we can’t be part of Ms. Reade’s efforts. She makes blood sucking lawyers look bad.”
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Dropped like a dookie down the pooper


May 20 2020 04:14AM
     Hate to say “told ya so”
But some people have to learn the hard way.

“ Two churches in Georgia and Texas that reopened recently amid the novel coronavirus pandemic have since closed their doors again after churchgoers and religious leaders tested positive for the virus, according to multiple media reports.”

God gave you a sign. Hell, He even forwarded what was coming, and the message was missed.

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The price of arrogance


May 16 2020 09:25PM
     Class of ‘20
I know a few of you are here and completing a part of your education right now.

Congratulations, Class of 2020. May new doors open up for you with rewards as you cross over to a new future.


May 16 2020 08:39PM
     More problems for the USS Theodore Roosevelt
Looks like the Captain made the right call.

Can you imagine what the conditions of the ship was still out to sea?

Thirteen sailors aboard the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt have tested positive again for Covid-19 after recovering from the disease and returning to the ship, which has been stranded in Guam since late March after an outbreak of the virus, according to two U.S. defense officials.”

“ In addition to the outbreak, the Roosevelt now has a new medical problem. One sailor has been diagnosed with tuberculosis and has been removed from the ship, Vasquez said.

Tuberculosis, or TB, is a bacterial infection that affects the lungs and carries symptoms similar to Covid-19 such as coughing, fever and difficulty breathing. TB kills 1.5 million people per year worldwide — more than any other infectious disease.”
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May 16 2020 06:13PM
     Manipulative bitch
No, not someone here.

Tara Reade, person putting in complaint for Biden.

She’s nice until things don’t start going her way, then she is vindictive and spiteful and not afraid to throw dirt on people who are down.

“Wrye’s distressing experience with Reade wasn’t an isolated case. Over the past decade, Reade has left a trail of aggrieved acquaintances in California’s Central Coast region who say they remember two things about her — she spoke favorably about her time working for Biden, and she left them feeling duped.”
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Character self destruction


May 16 2020 06:08PM
     Which President would be better handling a national crisis Obama or Trump? Round 3
Well shit, someone decided to get a black man angry.

The gloves are off and Obama is coming for Trump. And hell is coming with him.

First salvo went out tonight during the college commencement held online, calling out leaders for not even pretending to be in charge.

“More than anything, this pandemic has fully, finally torn back the curtain on the idea that so many of the folks in charge know what they’re doing. A lot of them aren’t even pretending to be in charge,” he said. “If the world is going to get better, it’s going to be up to you.” - Barack Obama.

He was further quoted:

“ Hey... knock a self a pro, Slick! That gray matter backlot perform us DOWN, I take TCB-in', man!”
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That’s called shade.


May 14 2020 06:12PM
     So yeah, grab them by the pussy
“We have the best testing in the world. Could be that testing is, frankly, overrated. Maybe it is overrated.“ overheard today.

The idiot in chief is seriously asking to be infected.


May 13 2020 11:42AM
     Do people really hate California that much?
Just joined a real estate investment group, and I am part of their social media feed.

Holy shit, and I though people here had bile and vitriol oozing out of their orifice.

COVID really has people upset!

Are other parts of the country that envious of what we have? Are the disenchanted ready to burn everything to the ground, salt the earth, and flock to a state with their kindred spirits?

I see and read a lot on social media, but noooooothing like this.


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