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Level 2 Male

 51 yrs old
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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May 12 2020 09:52PM
     Is there a God?
Guess some people in Chino Hills are about to find out the hard way.

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Prayer vs biology


May 9 2020 02:38PM
     Deep inside Judy
Attention! Attention!

Get to know the person currently leading the lemmings over the cliff!

Science magazine has shared a lot about Dr. Mikovitz, and sure enough she’s a hot mess of abusing science to promote incorrect facts. She had further had to submit written retractions of her findings as



when her peers went over reviews of her work.

You lemmings are promoting a hack, a fraud, a well versed and smart scientist who peddles poop and calls it gold.
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Fails to pass peer review


May 8 2020 04:04AM
     Just because you’re cured doesn’t mean your clear
Ruh-roh , shaggy!


Be careful before busting a nut on someone, peeps.

"We found that SARS-CoV-2 can be present in the semen of patients with COVID-19, and SARS-CoV-2 may still be detected in the semen of recovering patients," Diangeng Li of Chinese People's Liberation Army General Hospital in Beijing and colleagues wrote.

"Even if the virus cannot replicate in the male reproductive system, it may persist, possibly resulting from the privileged immunity of testes," the team added. Privileged immunity means the immune system cannot fully reach the region to attack viral invaders.
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Special magic goo


May 5 2020 08:02AM
     Lucky Deville Lounge
Drive through strip and eat?

Why don’t we have that here?


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Dinner and a show


May 2 2020 04:57PM
     Communism/socialism in the Contemporary US.
Carrying that topic to this thread...

The US has always had a unique thing, with unique social triggers that make and keep change.there must be leaders, there must be motivation and there must be a need for change. It depends on who is leading and why they are taking power. We will not get another Stalin.
We will not get our own Mussilini (although i have argued that Trump was going that route when he was a candidate). Too many factors in our nation that would stop us from giving up power or a regime to take power.

Let me put it to in other terms. When the Founding Father’s first put the country together, did they plan for Obama? Or Trump? Would they have been terrified that such leaders came to power through a coup or through elections?


May 2 2020 03:51PM
     What have you discovered about yourself during COVID stay at home order
Time for some self reflection and introspection?
Found new talents?

I’ll start:

I’m not as big as asshole as I thought. Been motivated to attend and help at these community events more than I had anticipated. Sucks seeing people I know in line waiting for food or help.

My fantasy about banging Norah Jones is back. Something about her right now, like an ex you can fuck on a per need basis.

And although I hate country music, it looks like I’m a decent singer when drunk.


May 1 2020 08:09AM
     Wag the Dog, part XXXVII
Well, here we go again.

Trump is looking to turn away attention from his lies and fuck ups, and wants to rally his base around a boogeyman, big bad China.

“ U.S. officials crafting retaliatory actions against China over coronavirus as President Trump fumes”

Trump even broke the first rule of Fight Club. He talked about what he knows.and then backed it up Saying he knows things without proof.

“When a reporter asked him if he had seen "anything that gives you a high degree of confidence" that the coronavirus originated in this lab, Trump said: "Yes I have," but added he's "not allowed to tell" anyone about the intelligence.”

However, looks like the big bad gun is blank, as his own experts contradict Trump’s claims.

"What we know is it's naturally occurring," a second anonymous intelligence official added. "We know that it came from Wuhan. There's been speculation: Did it come from a market? Did it come from a lab? We just don't know."

And when asked about the contradiction, Trump fumbled as he wanted to know the name of the source that contradicted him hours earlier.

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China’s fault, not Trump!
Intelligence contradicts Trump’s mule-headedness


Apr 30 2020 01:19PM
     May Day
Good afternoon, everyone.

Good afternoon to all the new ladies. We know that May 1st is coming up and some of you are new here and to the culture.

Be safe, be smart and be strong!


Apr 29 2020 08:09PM
     How much for that cock?
Is anyone seeing the price of chicken, beef, lamb and pork going up?

One of the fast food clients I am associated with is starting to be hurt even more as the price of poultry goes up.


Apr 29 2020 07:57PM
     So with covid keeping things quiet
So with covid keeping things quiet, are you finding ladies here more eager to return your messages, or still being shut out from starting a conversation?

1 comment

Apr 25 2020 05:14PM
     2020 Darwin Award winners. Told you so- disinfectant edition
Well, we knew it would happen.

Trump said something stupid and harmful, and the faithful sycophants sucked it up.

This just in. News reports that the poison hotlines as people decide to treat themselves with disinfectants, after Trump’s disastrous press conference.

Here is what Trump said during the briefing:

“And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that. So that, you’re going to have to use medical doctors with. But it sounds – it sounds interesting to me.”

Reports from around the country quickly emerged of people ingesting cleaning substances in hopes of curing the virus. Poison control officials in New York City said that calls for bleach and Lysol-related issues doubled after the president’s comments.

Doctor’s cited several examples of what residents have reported doing in recent days, including use of a detergent solution for a sinus rinse and gargling with a mixture of bleach and mouthwash.
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Stupid is as stupid does, thank you Trump


Apr 25 2020 03:50PM
Looks like being infected with COVID doesn’t mean you won’t get it again.

“ The WHO said it’s reviewing the scientific evidence on antibody responses to coronavirus, but as yet no study has evaluated whether the presence of antibodies “confers immunity to subsequent infection by this virus in humans.” And while many countries are currently testing for antibodies, these studies aren’t designed to determine whether people recovered from the disease acquire immunity, the World Health Organization said.”
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Deathy death-death for deathy people who


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