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 51 yrs old
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Apr 15 2020 10:49AM
     I got your stimulus right here.
For those of you who are expecting a STIMULUS check, guess what?

It’s been delayed for a few days, as President “Dump on America” decided it was good idea to put his name on the fucking memo.

I shit you not.

This was a last minute request, and it has delayed the deployment of the payments by a few days.
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Fed officials contradict themselves about checks
Might as well write “fuck you” on the check


Apr 13 2020 07:15PM
     Unfit for doodie
Well, it happened.

Trump went full Cartman today.

“Respect my authoritariah!!!”

Or something like it.

When criticized over his handling of the COVID response, and that the governors have final say on when people can venture out in their community.

“When somebody is the president of the United States, the authority is total,” Mr Trump said at the daily White House coronavirus briefing.

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Mr Trump’s comments came as several states announced they would band together in regional groupings in order to agree timeframes for lifting the orders that have effectively shuttered the US economy.

The president’s assertion that he could dictate to governors was a dramatic challenge to the US constitution’s system of federalism. Under the 10th amendment of the constitution, all powers not expressly delegated to the federal government are left to the states, and the people.

Someone change the baby’s diaper, please.
Attached Links
Trump looses it


Apr 12 2020 10:24PM
     Famine in the US
Is anyone getting concerned about who is out in the fields harvesting, fishing, slaughtering and packing our food? There seems to be warning signs that the next sector to start showing damage will be our ability to feed the nation.


Apr 10 2020 05:05PM
     We are so fucked
President Donald Trump pointed to his own head when asked on Friday what metrics he would consider when it came to a decision on reopening parts of the country following the coronavirus pandemic.

“The metrics right here, that’s my metrics,” Trump said. “That’s all I can do. I can listen to 35 people. At the end, I’ve got to make a decision.”

Holy shit.

No consulting with experts, no looking at numbers, no consulting with local leaders who know their backyards better than he does. Juuuuuuust him and his orange noggin’.

We are so fucked.

Today will come back to haunt him.
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And I don’t have tiny hands.


Apr 9 2020 09:10PM
     Newsom declares California a Nation State
Here we go.

California has stopped playing nice with the Dump administration.

They have stopped waiting for Trump to get essentials to the state to help the people.
The 5th largest economy *may* split off from the rest.
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Nation state


Apr 7 2020 12:01PM
     I Knew it!
Trump�s trying to get rich off of the Covid scare.

He has a stake in the French manufacturer of the drug.

“ The financial news site MarketWatch and The Washington Post later estimated Trump�s stake to be worth between about $100 and $1,500, though the Post noted his trusts may have amassed other investments since his most recent disclosure.
“He does look to have more than that modest sum invested in Sanofi, because, unmentioned in the Times report, his trusts also hold broader European stock-market index funds,” MarketWatch pointed out.”
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Rich as people get sick


Apr 7 2020 11:16AM
     Destroy all Inspector Generals
Trump has just removed the COVID response inspector general who was watching where the money and supplies go.

This stinks to high heaven of the set up of embezzlement on unprecedented scale.
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Who watches the watchers?


Apr 7 2020 07:26AM
     Pussy Galore
Actress Honor Blackman who played Pussy Galore in the James Bond classic “Goldfinger” has passed.
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Dream come true.


Apr 6 2020 03:14AM
     Captain Crozier
Hero Navy Captain who raised red flag. About coronavirus in his carrier has tested positive for the virus.
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Bad to worse


Apr 5 2020 02:01PM
     Up in the sky
I posted this on the conspiracy blog, but thought I would share.

UFO sightings are up.

South Africa, Belgium, Mexico, Philippines and here, the sightings of strange sky phenomenon has gone up.

Strange lights seen at the beach. I’ve seen them too when I lived in Marina Del Rey.

And among them smoke rings in Disneyland that were seen later in San Diego.

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Tom delonge chases a UFO
Black rings

1 comment

Apr 5 2020 12:08AM
     Bank to seize assets
So get this... there is this person who owes the bank a lot of money.
He has defaulted on his loan before and has terrible credit.
He was given loans on a personal guarantee that if anything would happen, the bank would not go for business assets, but personal. It’s in writing.

And now coronavirus has shut down this person’s income, and the bank has to either collect on the debts, or let this person ride free and upset the regulators and hurt the bank.


Apr 4 2020 10:53PM
     Pandemic in the country, supplies run low and economy in ruins and you want to
Today, with all the stuff that is going on in the world and the country, Trump took time to talk to sports commissioners about the PGA, NBA and NFL for the year.

No, I am serious.

He wanted to let them know they things would be back to some semblance of normal.
Are you FUCKING kidding me? People are dying and losing their livelihood, and this is his priority?
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Because sports

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