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 51 yrs old
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
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Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Dec 6 2023 03:18PM
     What fucking year is this?
I heard new Guns & Roses, and it’s decent.

We had new Beatles and new Rolling Stones.

I’m pulling my car over and expect George Bush Sr. to be President and my pubes not to be old man white.


Dec 1 2023 06:08AM
     Godzilla Minus One
Believe the hype.

Best seen on IMAX.


Nov 30 2023 10:45AM
     Henry Kissinger has died
For those of us in my generation, there have been few consistent king makers and power brokers in the world like Kissinger.

From hero to villain and everything in between, there is no denying that there was a time in the world before Henry and a time after, and tectonic political shifts of power across the globe were because of this man.

Kissinger was smart and politically savvy, and wrote the playbook many follow to this day in regards to dealing with world powers. At times as arrogant ass, but the fucker deserved it because he was competent and brought genuine will power to his efforts.

Few of the current leaders on both sides right now would measure up to him. He could make you a king, or screw you over and make you say "thank you" in public for him screwing you over.


An era has ended.


Nov 30 2023 08:31AM
     Night school.
Well, just when you think you have heard everything.

There is a bar in Durham NC where they serve higher education and drinks at the same time.
Educators teach what they want to teach, and get a cut of the profit from the drinks ordered by the students.

I would have attended all of my classes and gotten a valedictorian degree if this was available for me back then.
I wonder if we opened up a bar/school like that here, where would it be and what would you teach.

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Night school


Nov 28 2023 10:58PM
     Nikki Haley
Looks like the bug money donors of the GOP are backing Darling Nicki over DeSantis.



Nov 25 2023 11:48AM
     Today in science: Messages from Beyond
Two articles of interest for those of us who enjoy what lies up in the heavens above.

1. ‘What the heck is going on?’ Extremely high-energy particle detected falling to Earth

Utah has detected a high energy cosmic particle landing, coming from a direction in deep space where there is nothing. Nothing at all. And in order to create this kind of particle, you need massive interstellar interaction power beyond what is inside our own galaxy.

"Astronomers have detected a rare and extremely high-energy particle falling to Earth that is causing bafflement because it is coming from an apparently empty region of space.

The particle, named Amaterasu after the sun goddess in Japanese mythology, is one of the highest-energy cosmic rays ever detected.

Only the most powerful cosmic events, on scales far exceeding the explosion of a star, are thought to be capable of producing such energetic particles. But Amaterasu appears to have emerged from the Local Void, an empty area of space bordering the Milky Way galaxy."

"It's like Luo Goo broke the condom, shot out into space, and landed on the other side of the planet." - noted astrophysicist Dr. Rosie Palmer.

2. Deep space messages

NASA has successfully completed the "First Light" communication with a Martian probe, sending coded laser beams back and forth.

This is a huge step forward in planetary communication. It looks like nothing right now, but in the future it will mean a lot towards manned space exploration.
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Blowing a wad from deep space
Beam me up


Nov 17 2023 08:32AM
     Today in gloom: cutting it off
Another signs that the End Times are here.

No, it’s not heaven opening up and angels flying down and the horn of archangels blows.
It’s not massive volcanoes nor extinction level asteroids on their way.
It’s not yellow making out with roadrunner on top of a yacht down in Long Beach Marina, finally cumming out of the closets..

It’s Snoop vowing to stop self medicating.

Nostradamus even had an apocalyptic quatrain about this sign of the Apocalypse.

“And the stars will dim with no one to light up.
The dog will stop sniffing the grass
The herb that once cured will work no more.
An elevated icon will fall from the heavens and walk as a mere mortal.
And all shall line up to “tap dat ass” one final fo shizzle.”
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Up in smoke no mo’


Nov 11 2023 09:43PM
     Today in gloom:
What’s with all the frowns?

Not getting laid?
Not getting paid?

Cheer up, it will all be over soon, so go out with a smile.

1. vampires are here:

Vampire viruses have been found in the US. They piggy back on top of other viruses and override their need to infect cells with their own need.

2. As the Earth turns and burns:

Mega volcanic pools are acting up in Italy and Iceland. Dormant volcanoes not seen active the ice age are firing up and will cause environmental damage beyond what humans have seen in recorded history.

3. escalation

Normal enemies Iran and Saudi Arabia are uniting to plan to fund and arm Palestinians, and support engagements, as Israel has continued to assault and wreck horrors in their revenge for October.
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London bridge
Let her rip
Blow your wad


Nov 9 2023 04:57AM
     3rd Republican debate
Wow, the claws were out and out for blood.

Haley looked good, scott had a limp dick, Christie looked liked he belonged to another party and desantis looked comfortable and confident.
Oh, and Ramaseamy was an ass.


Nov 1 2023 11:54PM
     Another one gone - Knight out
Legendary Bobby Knight, of Indiana, has passed.

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Firebrand finally out


Oct 27 2023 09:54PM
     RIP Richard Moll
The actor who played the towering bailiff from the TV show night court has passed.


Oct 25 2023 11:19AM
     Speaker of the House
Let’s welcome Mike “lil’ j” Johnson to the Speaker of the House.

Little Mike is a MAGA sycophant, a known traitor, and works as a fluffer at gay home made porn shoots in Louisiana.

Mike prefers people to carry big guns and shoot big loads, and that is not weapon talk, is sexual innuendo for how he likes his gay.

Welcome to the circus, Mike.
There goes your career.


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