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 51 yrs old
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
Pomona, Inland Empire, CA Today!
Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Mar 13 2020 06:19AM
     So let’s say 45 gets covid19
What happens if and when he gets it?

It’s only a matter of time....

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Mar 12 2020 06:31AM
     Billie Eilish takes off her clothes
Something to distract from all the dark news.

She took time at her Miami concert to undress in a pre-recorded clip.
Mmmm...not bad.

Your thoughts?k
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Bad guy


Mar 8 2020 08:58AM
     Corona virus just hit DC.
First case identified at the Capital.

Elections just became more interesting.
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Bug in the House


Mar 7 2020 04:24AM
     Life on Mars
Scientists are excited about finding a possible molecule in a mud pit on Mars. Signs of life beyond our own humble planet.

Expectations were soon shattered when Dr. Dick Cumstain pointed out the “used” tissue also stuck in the mud not too far away.
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Orgasmic- er, organic


Mar 4 2020 06:00AM
This is a buried lead that may have big consequences in the future.

FDA official Timothy Stenzel went to the CDC on Feb.22, and was made to wait *overnight* as CDC got their act together.

On the 23rd he was allowed onto the campus, where he noted there were various instances of contamination and poor quality control at the center. This led to corona virus tests being delayed, but also reclassified how to tests should be applied. This led to higher tests results.

In short, CDC lab was not getting accurate results for corona testing due to poor quality control. Imagine if this was one of the deadlier bugs that was kept there?


Mar 1 2020 05:57PM
     Buttigieg drops out
Well, fuck, there was someone I would have paid good money to see debate Trump for Presidency.
Looks like Pete is aiming for the VP part of the ticket.

Oh, and Speaking of VP, Michelle Obama is being pushed hard after the South Carolina win.


Mar 1 2020 05:45PM
     Stockpiling for Corona virus
Good lord. Costco was a nightmare all this weekend. Most Costco cashier honey told me she was called back to work OT and couldn’t even give me a quickie behind the dumpster because people are practically hoarding supplies and maxing out their Cc preparing for the virus.

Four locations ran out of bottled water on Friday/Saturday.

They have not seen action like this since Christmas when the economy was surging.

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Feb 29 2020 10:40AM
     First US corona virus death
It’s official, first fatality on US soil from the covid-19 virus.

Happened in Washington state.


Feb 29 2020 06:22AM
     Bitch got sick
A dog has tested positive for a mild case of the Corona Covina virus in Hong Kong.

Looks like it’s jumping species.

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Dog gone


Feb 21 2020 08:07PM
     Exit plan, revisited
A few years ago I posted about having a back up plan for leaving densely populated Southern California for elsewhere when a natural disaster happens, and I was asking if you all had one in place.

I am revisiting the topic, as COVID-19 seems to be barely under control in Asia. Maybe not this year, but by next year we may see “wildfire” conditions here in the US.

Example, they tracked 47 cases of the infection to a carrier who stopped in a hotel lobby in South Korea and only spent the night between connecting flights back home.

Back to my point, there are few survival ranches out at the CA /Idaho border starting to make $$$ preparing for evacuees by building and supplying spartan ranches.

Me: I’m headed to Havasu Falls if the shit hits the fan.


Feb 6 2020 05:23AM
     Predicting and tracking outbreaks
For those of you who are watching and are concerned about Wuhan coronavirus, and other bugs, this may be of interest.

An AI successfully predicted the spread of the disease and where it may go. It doesn’t stop the virus or say how it started, who is a carrier, but the software includes airline info to see how it may spread, and has been accurate so far with its predictions.

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See the “wildfire” burn

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Feb 3 2020 08:42PM
     Iowa cock-ass fracas
Oh for fuck’s sake.

The Dem’s just handed Trump the next election.

The level of incompetence of getting Iowa caucus results delivered on time makes them look like fools, if not worse.

Impeachment closing earlier today, State of the Union tomorrow and the final impeachment vote on Wednesday and you would expect that they would have their act together with all of the world watching.


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