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 51 yrs old
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
Pomona, Inland Empire, CA Today!
Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Feb 2 2020 09:05PM
     Halftime sexiness - J. Lo vs. Shakira
Ayiii Mami....!

Can they sing and dance? Yes. Different styles?

Both turned me on?


Which one did you prefer firing up the half time show?


Jan 29 2020 08:04PM
     Couldn’t dodge the draft

Is the epitome of Trump America.

A house of cards.

“Portions of the California border wall erected to keep illegals out fell o er into Mexico... due to a draft of wind. Mexico claims the salvage.”
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Well blow me down


Jan 26 2020 09:04PM
     BOLTON goes for the juggular
Breaking News: President Trump said he wanted to keep aid to Ukraine frozen until its officials helped him with investigations into Democrats, John Bolton wrote in an unpublished manuscript of a new book.

He’s got Trump by the BALLS! Notes, audio, transactions....


Jan 25 2020 10:04AM
     Wuhan virus, part 2 - how bad is it in China
Normally I would post this on the conspiracy blog, but since there have been a few scares, paranoia may not be a bad thing.

Now, of course, take it all with a grain of salt, but social media leaks that get out of China are scary bad. Not just how bad the virus is (contagion worse than being reported), but what the government is doing to people.

But it is SCARY as shit.

- It's not 1,300 cases, it's 20,000+.

- The number of cases of infection and death by infection are SERIOUSLY being under reported, in order for the Chinese government to report that they have control of the epidemic. Doctors are being forced to adjust the cause of recent deaths to anything except the virus. Some are having their families threatened.

- Medical staff are fleeing hospitals in the outskirts, leaving patients to die on their own, rather than risk exposure.

- The doctor's that do stay often do not to autopsies on the dead for fear of contamination. And medical supplies are being CUT, as people track where sanitary masks, medical gloves and other medicines are being shipped to, in order to get an idea where the virus is being reported on next.
Here's the logic: In short, if this town is not getting/requesting supplies, they are not infected.

- Local governments who in their roles due to cronyism and not properly prepared are fumbling and causing more problems for local medical efforts. And of course foreign medical aide is being outlawed in order to preserve face.

- A few incidents of local police looting the military supplies as the Chinese army/navy arrive, as the armed forces wear better protection gear than the piss poor local cops.

- If you ever wanted to see how fast a totalitarian government can hunt you down, look no further. Social media posts that show contrary information to what the Chinese government is saying are being actively hunted and disrupted in less than an hour. Chinese internet police is on over drive. to keep the lid on the problem.
Worse than the House of the Mouse.

- There is no vaccine for the new Wuhan virus.

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Info crackdown
What's worse, the virus or the police


Jan 22 2020 07:24PM
     Man died by cock

A man’s cock attacked him and slayed the bitch.

No, serious.

INDIA, 01/22/2020: Indian man dies when his cockfighting rooster attack him on the way to schedule fight.

A 55-year-old man lost his life after a rooster with razors tied to its limbs broke free during a cockfight in India.

Saripalli Venkateswara Rao was watching the match on Friday in the village of Pragadavaram, Andhra Pradesh state, when the bird left him bleeding to death.

Despite being illegal across the country, the practice is still popular in parts of the country and involves a large amount of betting.

As an organiser held up a rooster to drop it into the arena, it broke free and started kicking, fatally slicing Venkateswara Rao in the abdomen.
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Death by cock


Jan 21 2020 07:21PM
     Wuhan virus in So Cal
Word is that there is a case of the notorious Wuhan virus fro China now i irvine. Be careful out there.


Jan 5 2020 05:27PM
     One of the top new tech trends at CES 2020 will be
Sex toys.

After last year’s debacle where the winner of an innovation award was a vibrator (who then was stripped of the award, then re-issued it after protest) the sex industry (technology) is showing up in force at Vegas this week. They will be sharinf the floor with the big companies like Apple, Google and Amazon.

Get ready for sex-citing news about performance and pleasure.

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Vegas baby!


Jan 5 2020 02:27PM
3 US soldiers killed in an attack in Kenya.
While not a direct consequence of the Iran attack, the militants are now emboldened to attack.

Looks like World War 3 is on the menu.0
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Battle stations


Jan 3 2020 01:08PM
     Is Trump trying to start a war with Iran, part 2
Blood of a political leader has been spilled, so I don’t see how this will not escalate to warfare.

For those of who who serve or have served, how do we match now against Iran and their proxy forces?

We underestimated Afghanistan, and Iran is better equipped and has more resources.


Jan 3 2020 01:02PM
     The new “them”
Well, I was afraid if this.

American’s of Iranian decent are being harassed already by the MAGA people. My doctor’s office has already had a few incidents where patients and others are making scenes demanding them to go back to their country. Even my favorite Lebanese restaurant has had issues today due to the uneducated people with hate to vent.


Welcome to Trump America 2020.


Jan 3 2020 06:42AM
     How do you feel about refugees?

Many Aussies are camped out at beaches to avoid the fire and smoke burning the bush away Down Under.


Dec 21 2019 07:02AM
     Space force
No, not another Star Wars movie, but the real deal.

There is a new branch to the military , and its no longer hypothetical.

Where to start on this one....
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And beyond


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