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Level 2 Male

 51 yrs old
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Nov 5 2019 02:31PM
     Guiliani's goons have been arrested part 2
Looks like Les Parnas is about to flip, and give up all of the documents and contact between him and Giuliani.

Word is he wants to stay here in the US if he does go to jail, because he is afraid of what will happen to him if he goes to Ukraine and sits in their jails.
Attached Links
Parnas opens wide


Nov 1 2019 08:58PM
     I just took a bullet for you all
Just came back from being at one of those industry movie preview parties for bloggers/influencers/non big media reporters.

I had to leave “early” because i wasn’t “feeling” well. Yeah, the movie is that bad.
have you seen the TV commercials? Did any of the writing or acting feel fun or exciting? Now imagine 90+ minutes.

For example, what the fuck is the camera supposed to be focused on? And you just got through a big action sequence without sweat or breathing hard?


Go see a dentist. You will feel better.


Nov 1 2019 02:14PM
     Let me tell you about
... how I stole your car, ran over your dog while i was drunk off of beer after banging your wife.
And its your fault.

The genius that is Trump has actually considered reading the entire transcript of the Ukraine call to the nation in a fireside chat.

I shit you not.

Across the board, everyone thinks that this is a bad idea.

Someone please let Trump read the entire transcript....
Attached Links
Fireside chat


Oct 31 2019 07:40AM
     House begins formal Impeachment
And the Republicans are bringing the clowns.

Lordy, this is embarrassing. I do miss the days when principles were argued by the GOP.


Oct 28 2019 05:15AM
     Fist full of dollars
So, let me get this straight....

Two rival factions are in the same community, and a “bad ass” goes into town and kills the leader of one of the groups. The other group thanks the interloper for the aide by beating him bloody and killing his friends.

Sound familiar?

Was it a Clint Eastwood movie, or someone playing the “short game” over the “long game” in Idlib?


Oct 23 2019 07:19PM
     About two dozen men enter a room with anticipation...
No, not a bukkakee, but definitely a violation of secure spaces.

GOPiece of shit congressmen entered the secure congressional testimony rooms in order to “demand more transparency i to the testimony of the impeachment of Trump and his cronies. They had to be escorted out by capital police. Some of them even took cell phones into the secure area, in clear violation of the rules of secure areas.

Can’t wait to see them stripped of their privileges and held accountable tomorrow.
Attached Links
Who let the dogs out?


Oct 22 2019 03:11AM
     Star wars rise if skywalker - final trailer
Tickets went on sale for opening night.
Attached Links
Work that pole


Oct 21 2019 04:37PM
     First Flu death of the year in California
Just a heads up, this year's flu strain has already taken a life, and its not even cold yet.
Get your shots.

I may not like some of you, but I need you around to complain to.
And definitely keep the ladies sexy and healthy.
Attached Links
Shots! shots! shots! shot shot-shots! everybody!


Oct 21 2019 11:54AM
     Haley's comet 019
In other news, in case some of you are interested, Haley's comet and the meteors will light up the sky this evening, as it Haleuy's cosmic spunk sprinkles the skies tonight.

Make sure you don't get any in your eye.

No, seriously. The actual comet will not be close by, but the planet Earth is going to pass through some of the debris this evening.

After midnight.

Attached Links
Orionid shower

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Oct 21 2019 03:28AM
     Composing a decent photo shoot
Just (another) refresher about taking pics. We don’t want to see the tile you are kneeling on, nor the texture on the wall. If you got a body, flaunt it! Show off that charisma and confidence. That’s sexy.

And here is a link to a style of artwork that will “raise” attention.
Attached Links
Its all in the curves.


Oct 20 2019 08:15PM
     Crisis on Infinite Earths
Is it me or is it getting shittier out there?

Barcelona, Hong Kong, Lebanon, and I am pretty fucking sure the UK will not be so united and neighborly by the end of the month will start having very uncivil behavior. And that’s just the places without armed conflict.

Why do I bring it up? Is World Police USA going to step up, or will we retreat to our own borders and not attempt to influence soft diplomacy, or will we wait for the fires to near our doorstep.


Oct 18 2019 01:53AM
     In other news. El Chapos son causes mayhem
With all the shit going on its hard to forget other news is happeneing.

News flash: mexican security forces capture El Chapos son in bloody battle in Mexico. But they seem to have unleashed hell, as the criminals sent out a better armed attack force as retaliation. The cops had no choice but to release the leader, as reinforcements were not coming, and they could not trust their own not to turn on their colleagues due to the rescue $$$$ being offered.

They released him back to the bad guys.



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