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 51 yrs old
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Oct 17 2019 09:00PM
     NBA looses money
Wow, this Chinese issue is really hurting players where it hurts. Their pocket books.

Some rough (very rough) economic numbers are coming out of the debacle of the HK Support by Houston team owner, and it looks like $500 million dollars may or may not appear for the NBA. And that's just the actual teams, not the endorsement deals for individual players with contracts in the China market.

And BILLIONS with a "B" may be lost.
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decades worth of work down the drain


Oct 17 2019 08:30PM
     Dutch family waits for the End of Days
This one slipped through the cracks of the news feeds here.

"A community in the Netherlands has been left stunned after authorities found a man and six family members living in a hidden basement for nearly a decade allegedly in preparation for the world to end."

After something happened at the house, the eldest son went to a local bar and got help.

Then the family was rescued by local authorities.

They had been off the grid for over 9 years. I wonder what they must think of current events.
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wait, what happened?

1 comment

Oct 17 2019 06:41PM
     Sonoma County
Just saw a that a few people are headed up there. Just a heads up from my own experience.

Try to keep your nose clean up there.

The local "community standards" are high, locals are not that tolerant of nonsense close the the wineries that make them tons of $$$$$.

Like going to Santorini or other tourist towns... walk around, behave and have a good time, spend some money. Get out of line, and you won't have to worry about elected leaders figuring out what to do with you, the locals will do it for you.


Oct 17 2019 02:55PM
     They just don't give a crap anymore
Two classic Trump administration moments happened today.

Normally they just tend to wait for one crises to start fading away before starting up another one, but I guess they sense that time is running out for mayhem and mischief.

1. The June 2020 Summit will be at Mar-A-Lago in FL. AS soon as this was announced there were immediate calls of protest, as local and national leaders complained that Trump was lining up his pockets with world leader money (since it's his resort).

Mulvaney said: "And?"

2. Speaking of Mulvaney, he just announced that there WAS pro quo with Ukraine for the money that was set aside for them (but held up) in exchange for their help with investigating Biden.
Not only did he confirm, he said that "we do that all the time with foreign policy."

And it's on tape now.

And, as some of you may have guessed, Republicans in the Senate are no longer drinking the kool-aide and sucking the dick. Already there have been responses that these Senators WILL look forward to impeaching Trump after todays announcements.

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Yeah, we did it


Oct 17 2019 12:23PM
     720 sexes
You read that right. Not 720 sexual partners, but 720 "sexes".

Meet the Blob, an organism right out of science fiction. Not plant, not animal, not a true fungus, but with remarkable properties.

It heals itself perfectly when cut.
It solves basic problems.
It moves at 4 cm an hour (not sea urchin speed, but still).
It can split itself off and come back together. And it's a billion years old.

And of course this thing came out of Texas.
And it had an account here.
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Oct 16 2019 04:13PM
     Where to start - Bitch in the house
So, Trump was at a meeting with Congressional Leaders when someone in the room yelled:


And Trump answered: "Yes, what do you want?"

Now that I got your attention, the actual facts were that Trump had a near meltdown with his "talks" with the Congressional leaders, especially going after Pelosi and others. This was so venomous that the Dems walked out.

What is the buried headline (under all the sound bites on both sides) is that people have brought up that this amount of stress is affecting Trump's health and mental stability.

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Blood orange.


Oct 16 2019 04:05PM
     Where to start today. The Three Amigos
Looks like there Ukraine drama unfolds, as the shadow government that made policy gets some light shed on them.

Special Envoy to Ukraine Kurt Volker
Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland
Energy Secretary Rick Perry

These guys were handling the operations behind the scenes, doing "unofficial" activities, bypassing a lot of the government oversight to move Ukraine leaders towards their directions.

What makes this significant was their interactions with Trump's PERSONAL lawyer, and not official government leaders.

More to come....
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1 comment

Oct 13 2019 07:27AM
     The 950
Remember that number.

They will make many forms of entertainment out of it.

The movie trailer: “in a world where their enemies are storming the land and their enemies are killing each other, a band of misfits must come together to retake control in the name of God. Out manned, out gunned but never out-willing to sacrifice all for their their chance to reclaim home. They wre the 950”

The tv show commercial: “trapped by foreign forces, held under hellish conditions, these desperate men and women have been given a chance by the biggest Prison Break in the world to throw off the shackles of the non-believers. If you have a foreigner problem you cannot solve, and have said all of your prayers, then you can bring the 950 to the fight.”

The album clip: “let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor!!!! Aaaaaaaaahahhh!

Don’t want no fotys!
Don’t want to party!
On the blood and bodies!
Our enemies who kill each other!
And then!
We take those foty’s
use ‘em for target practice!”

The 950. 950 ISIS fighters (and support people) who have escaped Kurdish prison due to Trump betrayal of them to the Turks, and are scattered and about to cause mayhem across the Middle East, and out Americans on their cross hairs again for the rematch.

Thanks Trump.


Oct 12 2019 11:00PM
     Trump plans to sue
Hold on, this came over my newsfeed and I had to laugh before I shared it, because I am shitfaced drjnk.

Trump finally threatens to sue Schiff and Pelosi because.... reasons.
And his comments are falsehoods (can’t impeach a Congress person).

He is getting desperate and thrashing like a fish out of water and his handlers can’t keep him in check.
Hello obstruction of justice, hullo mental incompetence, bye Trump.


Oct 11 2019 08:18PM
     Stuff for your Man cave - October 2019 edition
So, new entertainment came out this week.

El Camino - A Breaking Bad story is out today, and it good to be back. Yeah, bitch!
Discover it yourself.

Primal - the Adult Swim cartoon by Genndy Tartovsky (sp?) came out this week , and it is not for the meek or innocent. But damn is it awesome to watch, with no dialogue. And no mercy.

For those of you bold and brave, there is a new patch/addition to your Tesla, that you can upgrade. It so that it leaves what ever nearby parking spot you left it at and the car will drive itself tonyou, or a designated spot you pre programmed. Take that, KITT!

And Sport Ilkustrated has been lettig go of their professional roster of writers and getting more freelancers to work for them. If you thought you could write and make money on sports, SI is hiring.
(sorry, no, you do not go to the swimsuit issue photo shoots)


Oct 11 2019 07:49PM
     Turkey shot
This just in.

Turkish troops almost killed American’s soldiers near the Kurdish/Turkish combat area in Syria.

u.S special forces were ready to fire back as the shelling landed within 100 of feet from their operation set up, but did not hit them. The troops showed restraint and pushed further back.

No troops were hurt or killed.


Turkish media stations are reporting that the U.S. troops are running away like cowards.

Well done.
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Shoot like storm troopers.


Oct 10 2019 11:19PM
     Three men walk into a bar...
Tell me of you have heard this one before.

Three men walk into a bar, and order the Vienna special.

The waiter asks “what’s the Vienna special?”

Rudy Guilani answers: “Me, Parnas and Fruman are getting the biggest hot dogs you have so when we get to Vienna, we get FUCKED with kosher dongs by Trump.”

Them there Ukrainian good ol’ boys planning mischief, laundering money and trying to find evidence for Guliani (and Trump) got busted on their one way trip today.Guilani was supposed to meet them there tomorrow.

Trump is throwing them under the bus as more evidence of maaaaany crimes are being discovered.
And if the coos had arrested the men one hour earlier, they would have been arresting Guliani, too.

And despite the many photographs the boys have with Trump, he does not “know” who they are.


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